• 克莱阿利曾是组委会成员。

    Claire and Alita were on the organizing committee.


  • 文·艾美国舞蹈形成20世纪50年代很快树立自己激进舞蹈艺术现代舞蹈最主要的典范。

    The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre was formed in the 1950s and quickly established itself as a leading exponent of progressive choreography and contemporary dance.


  • 购买已故弗雷德·史蒂茲的件重要作品支付的费用相比这些价格就变得微不足道了。

    These prices pale into insignificance when compared with what was paid for two major works by the late Alfred Stieglitz.


  • 制造平板玻璃浮法工艺阿利斯泰·金顿发明的。

    The float process for making flat glass was invented by Alistair Pilkington.


  • 阿利·胡莱特的音乐在这里演奏

    Alistair Hulett's music is played here.


  • 影子大臣乔治·斯本2月2日坚持表示如果保守党获胜接替阿利斯泰·达林的职位,一些措施今年开始实施

    His shadow chancellor, George Osborne, insisted on February 2nd that some measures would start to take effect this year if the Tories win and he takes over from Alistair Darling.


  • 然而,要·很快放弃埃及土地似乎也不大可能

    It seems unlikely, however, that Alwaleed would so quickly give up the land in Egypt.


  • 许多科学家反应则诸如此类科幻故事深感悲哀,认为不是玛丽·雪莱以及杜斯·赫自己的想象付诸文字,哪里这些麻烦。

    The reaction of many scientists is to lament these "science fiction" stories, to imagine that if Mary Shelley and Aldous Huxley had never committed their imaginings to paper all would have been well.


  • 立即送给附近村民皮卡·亚·什维家中纪念他们年前意外身亡儿子考。

    The ball was brought immediately to the nearby Pirckaliashvili home in memory of their son Ako, who died unexpectedly the year before.


  • 摩根·斯坦约翰·认为采用夏令时日本经济来说意味着新的黎明

    John Alkire of Morgan Stanley believes that adopting DST would mean a new dawn for the Japanese economy.


  • 研究犹太人对于的解析则·拉姆以及洛温格的著作,近期则可参考心理分析说。

    The interpretation of dreams among the Jews has been studied by Amoli, Amram, and Lowinger, and recently, with reference to the psycho - analytic standpoint, by Lauer.


  • 2011年排名中最末尾的是一些德国大型零售商,艾的卡,他们拒绝回答任何有关他们棕榈油采购政策问题

    At the bottom of the 2011 list are big retailers like Aldi, Lidl and Edeka from Germany, who refused to answer any questions about their palm oil policies.


  • 科索沃内部被敌对的·巴亚人包围着,24位僧侣生活刚刚好转。

    Deep in Kosovo, surrounded by often-hostile ethnic Albanians, the 24 monks just get on with life.


  • 保罗·真蒂耶——保罗。律师之一,原始文档正在一个安全地方

    Paul Argentieri, one of Ceglia's lawyers, says the original document is in a safe place.


  • 1987年例行探险中,一群海洋学家南加州海岸外,通过潜水器潜入海底,为卡塔盆地描绘典型贫瘠、荒芜的海底地貌。

    On a routine expedition in 1987, oceanographers in the submersible Alvin were mapping the typically barren, nutrient-poor seafloor in the Santa Catalina Basin, off the shore of southern California.


  • 内森俱乐部位置最近首席执行官肯扬离职俱乐部内部提升接替中得到了加强

    Arnesen's position at the club was recently strengthened by Peter Kenyon's departure as chief executive, with Ron Gourlay stepping up from within the club to replace him.


  • 吉号的设计师·沃警报系统没有工作船员开心

    Alinghi's principal designer, Rolf Volijk, said there was one day when the alarm did not work, and the crew was very happy.


  • 无论是首相戈登·布朗或是财政大臣阿利斯··达林(见下图)不是受欢迎人物选民来说经济主要担忧点

    Neither Gordon Brown, the prime minister, nor Alistair Darling, the chancellor (finance minister, pictured) are popular figures and the economy is the main concern for voters.


  • 虽然英国金融服务监管局不阿利斯··达愿望本月解除禁令监管机构仍然规定如果投机(资)者自己仓位投变化,一定公开承认

    While the FSA lifted the ban this month, in defiance of Alistair Darling's wishes, the regulator still requires speculators to admit if they are changing their positions.


  • 由于2002年世界杯出色表现,伯明翰阿利·西塞买了下来这位塞内加中场球员安德鲁斯球场仅亮相了赛季状态就彻底下滑了。

    Birmingham bought Aliou cisse in the wake of the 2002 World Cup, but the Senegal midfield player's form dipped after his first season at st Andrew's.


  • 英国财政大臣阿利斯·太·达已经将个税的最高税率等级提高50%,而且石油酒精香烟

    The chancellor, Alistair Darling, raised the top income-tax rate to 50% and also increased duties on fuel, alcohol and tobacco.


  • 瓦·卡塞雷斯冰川退缩影响维亚巴斯·这些大城市的电力供应

    The retreat of the glaciers also affects the electricity supplies of major cities such as la Paz and el Alto in Bolivia which depend on hydro power, says Bolivar Caceres.


  • 墨西哥州的伯纳·包括·伯克基在内,六月份对涂鸦抱怨事件4月份的84起跃升到了300起。

    In Bernalillo County, N.M., which includes Albuquerque, graffiti complaints in June jumped to 300, from 84 in April.


  • 另外一个重要当代艺术团体的领头人伟大的摄影师弗雷德·斯蒂格

    Another important group of modern artists was led by the great photographer Alfred Stieglitz.


  • 报道由CNN克里斯汀·西奥多罗尼沙·班达列克斯·菲顿提供。

    CNN's Christine Theodorou, Anisha Bhandari and Alex Felton contributed to this report.


  • 这次集锦包括生活杂志摄影记者弗雷德·艾森·斯塔德、高加•米尼娜·恩的所有作品

    The collection includes the entire works of Life photographers Alfred Eisenstaedt, Gjon Mili and Nina Leen.


  • 可能达不到索托马约当年68会超过阿利托所获58

    She's expected to fall short of Sotomayor's 68-vote haul but surpass Alito's 58 votes.


  • 芭芭拉·霍弗美国明德学院心理学教授,她盖比··合著了《:请与大学内外成长中的孩子们一起》。

    is a professor of psychology at Middlebury College and co-author, with Abigail Sullivan Moore, of "The iConnected Parent: Staying Close to Your Kids in College (and Beyond) While Letting Them Grow Up.


  • 芭芭拉·霍弗美国明德学院心理学教授,她盖比··合著了《:请与大学内外成长中的孩子们一起》。

    is a professor of psychology at Middlebury College and co-author, with Abigail Sullivan Moore, of "The iConnected Parent: Staying Close to Your Kids in College (and Beyond) While Letting Them Grow Up.


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