• 英国驻华使馆英国的一个组织通过被告人委托的律师提出毛·伊克进行精神病鉴定。

    The British Embassy in China and a British organization have suggested a psychiatric examination of Akmal Shaikh through his entrusted lawyer.


  • 例如乌鲁两个守护神——天空,是所有其他主宰娜娜,是战争女神还有其他不同城市守护神。

    Uruk, for instance, had two patron gods—Anu, the god of the sky and sovereign of all other gods, and Inanna, a goddess of love and war—and there were others, patrons of different cities.


  • 上赛季仅仅踢了正式比赛,随着到来,赛季格里留给这位边后卫的空间进一步压缩。

    He started just three games last term, and with the arrivals of Philippe Mexes and Taye Taiwo, space in Massimiliano Allegri's side had become further limited this season.


  • 上赛季仅仅踢了场正式比赛,而随着到来,赛季格里留给这位边后卫的空间进一步压缩。

    He started just three games last term and with the arrivals of Philippe Mexes and Taye Taiwo space in Massimiliano Allegri's side had become further limited this season.


  • 1969年,不可撼动的AC米兰所在斯踩在自己脚下(4:1)。

    In 1969, an unshakeable ac Milan brought Johan Cruyff's spectacular Ajax Amsterdam to their knees (4-1).


  • 当然,巴塞名出色的前锋佩德罗大卫.维拉中场哈维.埃尔南德斯涅斯塔塞尔吉奥.布斯兹和维斯能轻易比赛出色表现。

    In Pedro and David Villa, Barcelona has two top strikers, and midfielders Xavi Hernandez, Andres Iniesta, Sergio Busquets and Dani Alves are easily the top midfield in the game.


  • 公元453年,提拉迎娶年轻女孩尔迪Ildico)。

    In 453 AD, Attila married a young girl named Ildico.


  • 说,“因为太胖怎么能活动所以她喜欢冷静地在人行道边上趴着。”

    Because of obesity, she could not move much, so preferred calmly to lie on [the] sidewalk.


  • 名妇女发现男孩邻近托奥斯皮西奥大街上流浪,便带回了

    A woman found him wandering in the streets of Alto Hospicio, which neighbours Iquique, and took him home.


  • 星期日泰晤士报》富豪二十年来的编辑者·考表示预计尔的财富继续增长

    Ian Coxon, who has edited the Sunday Times Rich List for two decades, said he expected Adele's fortune to continue to grow.


  • 弗拉基米尔镇上住着名叫万·德米特里奇·肖诺夫年轻商人经营着家店铺还有自己的房子。

    In the town of Vladimir lived a young merchant named Ivan Dmitrich Aksionov. He had two shops and a house of his own.


  • 伽门农同意了但是转而憎恨喀琉斯要求带走喀琉斯的战利品布里·赛替代律塞斯。

    Agamemnon agreed, but then he turned to hate Achilles and asked that Achilles' battle prize Briseis should be brought to replace Chryseis.


  • 正是这种推理伟大犹太神秘主义者茨霍··列维拉比奎达可特赛马场上,连续五十二赌马赢翻倍到头来却救济生活。

    It was reasoning like this that led Rabbi Yitzhok Ben Levi, the great Jewish mystic, to hit the double at Aqueduct fifty-two days running and still wind up on relief.


  • 英国《卫报》报道摄影师沃利·帕卡站夏威夷哈雷卡拉火山口拍摄到了气象奇观“月亮彩虹”。

    Photographer Wally Pacholka took an exotic picture of a "moonbow" at the edge of Haleakala Crater on the island of Maui in the Hawaii archipelago, the Guardian reported.


  • 为了努森腾出职位来,亨利必须过去一直担任总裁·米勒解职。

    To make room for Knudsen, Henry had to get rid of Ajay Miller, who had been our president for the past five years.


  • 巴斯滕,丹尼斯博格坎普毕业青训营,所以这个荷甲劲旅将很希望卢卡库签约

    Johan Cruyff, Marco van Basten and Dennis Bergkamp all graduated from the Ajax academy and the Eredivisie club are keen to strike a deal with Lukaku.


  • 无法找到与他们相匹配队员了,隆索涅斯塔法布雷加斯席尔瓦布斯茨还有哈维世界上最好20名中场球员中的人。

    You cannot find a selection of players to match Alonso, Iniesta, Fabregas, Silva, Busquets and Xavi - six of the top 20 players in the world going for three positions.


  • 第二》和《第三集》一角分别史蒂文·尔和保罗·斯潘塞配音。

    In Episode II, Aak was played by Steven Boyle. In Episode III, Paul Spence played the role.


  • 格鲁斯于2010年三月开始的无镜计划那时她正在筹备自己和未婚夫婚礼

    Gruys launched her no-mirrors project in March 2010, while planning her wedding to then fiancé Michael Ackermann.


  • 因此我们必须总是把自己融化尔坦茹之中,这个物质世界,处在尔坦茹萨中处于安全状况

    We must therefore always merge in the transcendental mellow of kirtana-rasa, for kirtana-rasa is the safest situation within this material world.


  • 纽卡经理勒戴斯报道在追逐曼城中场巴顿。他是的代替者。

    Newcastle's new manager Sam Allardyce is reported to be eyeing out-of-favour Manchester City midfielder Joey Barton as a potential replacement for Parker.


  • ·沙·库马尔世界上衣着糟糕的

    Akshay Kumar: the world's worst-dressed man?


  • 弗拉基米尔镇上住着一位名叫·德米特里奇·肖诺夫的年轻商人

    In the town of Vladimir lived a young merchant named Ivan Dmitrich Aksionov.


  • 森纳队长现在成为了巴塞罗那三人组哈维涅斯塔以及布斯替补但是开始意识到需要他在西班牙的首发位置而进行战斗

    The Arsenal captain started on the bench behind Barcelona trio Xavi, Iniesta and Busquets, but is aware of the fight he has on his hands to make himself first choice for his country.


  • 去年12月,中国处决英国公民毛·沙伊克(akmalShaikh),尽管据称沙伊克患有精神疾病,而且英国首相戈登·布朗(Gordon Brown)请求中方宽大处理。

    China executed Akmal Shaikh, a British citizen, in December in spite of claims he was mentally ill and a plea for clemency from Gordon Brown, Britain's prime minister.


  • 迈锡尼国王特洛战争中的希腊联军统帅,特柔斯的儿子俄瑞斯忒斯特拉以及依菲琴尼亚的父亲

    The king of Mycenae and leader of the Greeks in the Trojan War, who was the son of Atreus and the father of Orestes, Electra, and Iphigenia; His wife Clytemnestra killed him upon his return from Troy.


  • 不过这可能真的:首先,拉瓦·没有同谋者;其次,即使万一同谋者也可能与1618年那场火灾毫无关系。

    To be sure, it is quite possible that Ravaillac had no accomplices, also that, even if he had, they were in no way accessory to the fire of 1618.


  • 不过这可能真的:首先,拉瓦·没有同谋者;其次,即使万一同谋者也可能与1618年那场火灾毫无关系。

    To be sure, it is quite possible that Ravaillac had no accomplices, also that, even if he had, they were in no way accessory to the fire of 1618.


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