• 然而一旦它们开始生长这些植物似乎就无法阻止新陈代谢能力

    Yet once they start growing, such plants seem not to retain the ability to hit the pause button on metabolism in their stems or leaves.


  • 它们缺乏储水结构,而且它们长岩石表面,这阻止它们利用地下水所以它们反而形成改变新陈代谢能力

    They lack water-storing structures, and their existence on rock faces prevents them from tapping groundwater, so they have instead developed the ability to change their metabolism.


  • 他们柔韧性提高了阻止敌人进攻能力

    Their litheness trait improves abilities that can stop an enemy from attacking.


  • 字面上讲是指不同组织共存能力严格地讲是指所有移植蛋白的一致性,阻止移植器官排斥需要

    Literally, the ability of different tissues to "get along"; strictly, identity in all of the transplantation proteins, which is a requirement for the prevention of graft or organ rejection.


  • 两个人撤退一个角落使他们感到表达最基本依恋需求越来越阻止了渴望彼此使安心能力

    Each person retreats into a corner, making it harder and harder for the two to express their fundamental attachment needs, foreclosing the ability to gain reassurance from each other.


  • 现在有些科学家就争论老年痴呆症(阿尔兹·海默)是否也存在类似的情况,是不是通过修复细胞排除废物能力废物造成伤害之前阻止老年痴呆症的发生。

    Now some are arguing that a similar process takes place in Alzheimer's disease and that by repairing the cells' ability to discard waste the disease can be stopped before it can cause damage.


  • 这种多米诺效应会让很难动力精力完成其他事情,你感觉自己生活正走向下坡路,而自己却没有能力阻止

    This domino effect makes it hard to find the motivation and energy to get anything done and you can find your life spiraling downward and feeling powerless to stop it.


  • 阻止消灭疾病发生一个重要方面迅速评估疾病发生范围能力

    An essential component of containment and eradication is the ability to quickly assess the scope of an outbreak.


  • 其实具有许多能力如果自己相信它们,那你永远也不会去发挥它们,惧怕失败,担心别人排斥阻止前进

    You really have many abilities, but if you don't believe you have them, you'll never use them. And your fear of tailing or being rejected by people can stop you from moving ahead in life.


  • 但是身体自然抵抗能力通常很强大足以阻止活跃病症

    But the body's natural defenses are usually strong enough to prevent an active case.


  • 与此同时,对这些虚拟实例加以监控(阻止)组织提供了所需使用分析能力从而使其能够动态评估和利用基础架构成本

    At the same time monitoring (and stopping) these virtual instances provided the usage analysis capabilities required for the organization to dynamically assess and leverage infrastructure costs.


  • 这些工具可以帮助操作者阻止破坏计算机的行为给予技术人员能力远程计算机上解决恶意软件

    These tools can help block malicious software from disrupting a computer or give a technician the ability to fix a computer from a remote location.


  • 当然归根到底如果一个国家赤字持续攀升,即便是小心翼翼债务管理也无法阻止偿付能力发生问题

    Ultimately, of course, the most careful debt management cannot stop a country's solvency coming into question if its deficits keep rising.


  • 对付阻止使用自己能力限制信念

    It deals with your limiting beliefs which try to keep you from using your abilities.


  • 其中的某些条款对那些真正让人厌恶做法起到了限制作用例如已付差额收取利息其余条款阻止银行根据消费者风险变化而设定相应利率能力

    Some provisions restrain genuinely odious practices, such as charging interest on already-paid balances, but others prevent Banks from tailoring interest rates to customers' changing risks.


  • 保镖要有能力通过三拳脚就阻止袭击者”,北京VSS保安咨询公司总裁迈克尔-翟说。

    Bodyguards can use one or two blows to stop an attacker.


  • 当然,世界卫生组织一些流行病学家,他们飞往疾病暴发地区他们能力阻止杀人细菌

    Of course, who still has its epidemiologists who fly to outbreaks and do what they can to stop murderous microbes.


  • 可能阻止全球变暖使本来长期得不到生长森林生长,使本来受限制的树木吸收二氧化碳能力通过生长得到了释放。

    This may put a check on global warming by removing what would otherwise be a long-term constraint on the forest's ability to suck up carbon dioxide as it grows.


  • 我们必须阻止这些组织任何地方密谋能力或者阻止他们征募训练采取行动,包括欧洲北美境内。

    We must deny these groups theability to conduct operational plotting from any locale, or to recruit, train, and position operatives, including those from Europe and North America.


  • 拉什大学医疗中心的一研究表明,频繁社交活动可以阻止延缓老年认知能力下降

    According to research conducted at Rush University Medical Center, frequent social activity may help to prevent or delay cognitive decline in old age.


  • 虽然经历了一些恐慌时刻,但提供清偿能力意愿已经阻止金融市场全面崩溃

    Their willingness to provide liquidity has prevented financial markets from melting down completely, despite some hairy moments.


  • 热固性材料受热通常分解易燃气体,受形成具有一定阻止火焰传播能力炭化,炭化程度取决于配方

    Thermosetting materials in when heated usually decomposition out flammable gas, formed by the fire has certain prevent flame spreading ability carbonized layers, the carbonized depends on formula.


  • 非洲可以开发他们需要用来阻止未来冲突能力需要我们提供支持

    Africa can develop the capacity it needs to prevent future conflict - but it needs our support.


  • 如果有多个类型怪物在一起彼此相当能力使他们更加难以阻止

    If several monster types are walking together, their mutual abilities make them considerably more difficult to stop.


  • 虽然现在没有什么阻止人口激增90亿,但如果穷的20亿人中儿童存活率得到改善能力购买自行车手机人口增长停止

    While nothing now can stop the surge to 9 billion, if the poorest 2 billion get improved child survival and the ability to buy bicycles and mobile phones, population growth will stop.


  • 阀门密封性能是指阀门密封部位阻止介质泄漏能力阀门重要技术性能指标。

    Sealing performance of the valve means of the sealed parts of the valve to prevent leakage of the ability of media, it is the most important technology valve performance.


  • 迄今为止,欧洲官员们投入2,700亿美元维持希腊正常运转,这意味着他们可能会不惜一切代价来阻止一个丧失偿债能力国家宣布破产

    Europe's officials have now spent nearly $270 billion to keep Greece going, signaling that they will spend whatever it takes to keep an insolvent country from declaring the equivalent of bankruptcy.


  • 对于准确评价泥岩阻止扩散天然气能力估算天然气扩散具有重要意义。

    Thus it is of great significance to both evaluating the mud ability to stop gas in diffusion phase and estimating the gas diffusion amount.


  • 对于准确评价泥岩阻止扩散天然气能力估算天然气扩散具有重要意义。

    Thus it is of great significance to both evaluating the mud ability to stop gas in diffusion phase and estimating the gas diffusion amount.


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