• 思维总是阶级关系所支配

    A man's thinking is necessarily always determined by his class affiliation.


  • 本文论证英国都王朝时期阶级关系发生变化

    The main ideas of the article are that, first, expounding the changes of classes in Tudor period;


  • 看来阶级关系社会关系社会整体层面上表现

    In his eyes, class relation is the representation of social relation on society level.


  • 这个寓言同时也是一种,阶级关系哲学,构建了莫里森赛义德的观点

    This is the fable, which at the same time is a philosophy of class relations that structures Morrison's argument and which, I think, also structures Said's.


  • 了解中产阶级个性,就必须研究他们处于不同阶级之间的夹缝的特性,阶级关系变化去认识他们的主观世界

    However, in order to understand the social character of the middle class, we must examine the in-betweeness of their class situation and how changing inter-class relations shape their mentality.


  • 工人阶级孩子更快乐独立抱怨更少家人关系更亲密

    Working-class children are happier, more independent, complain less and are closer with family members.


  • 应该这样的:厨房仆人准备的,有抱负中产阶级不想厨房有任何关系

    That was as it should be: kitchens were for servants, and the aspiring middle classes wanted nothing to do with them.


  • 遏制极端分子唯一希望就是他们社会隔绝,把他们孤立起来,这样他们就无法中产阶级其他什么阶层扯上关系,”萨默尔

    The only hope for stopping extremists is to isolate them from society so that they are separated, so they do not have a relationship with the bourgeoisie and the other classes,” Mr. Thamer said.


  • 农村关系中产生了新的阶级对立

    A new class hostility was introduced into rural relationships.


  • 但是不过富裕中产阶级选择生活方式而已,它是一种关于食物的美学现实问题毫无关系

    But these are merely lifestyle choices for the affluent middle-classes, a matter of aesthetics, and nothing to do with the real issues.


  • 需要勇气情绪从事方面工作幸运的这一质量没有关系阶级性别

    It takes emotional courage to engage in this kind of work, and fortunately this quality is not related to class or gender.


  • 我看来中产阶级具体收入金额数目关系不大,而是更多取决于一个人处理生活中涉及金钱方方面面的能力高低。

    To me, middle class has much less to do with the actual amount of income one earns, and more to do with the degree to which one can manage the various aspects of life that involve money.


  • 凯里在书中提出了许多有意思的问题包括诸如如何为人父母、阶级问题,还有嬉皮士世界虚伪美国与世界其他国家关系等等。

    Mr Carey raises interesting questions aboutparenting, class, the hypocrisy of hippiedom and America's relation to the rest ofthe world.


  • 这些事情应该引以为荣不过身份阶级毫无关系

    These are things to be proud of, but they have nothing to do with rank or class.


  • 批实反对这样描述但是阶级几乎没有显示出对农村工薪阶级利益关系同情

    Mr Abhisit would object to such a description, but his class betrays little sympathy or interest in the aspirations of rural and working-class voters.


  • 南部知道他们豪门显贵密切关系他们成为了南部邦联庞大贵族阶级中的一员。

    They were related to the This Family and the that Family, which, as every Southerner knew, entitled them to membership in that enormous peerage which largely populated the Confederacy.


  • 不过关系因为不是阶级的区别,它只是人口学上的分类。一切看上去非常优雅

    But that's OK because it's not class, it's demographics, which is very classy.


  • 生活美好,关系,换话说,有没有阶级结构社会体系都没有问题。

    Life is great. It doesn't matter, in other words, that there's a class structure, that there's a social system.


  • 所以女子保留娘家关系,有助于罗马上层阶级平衡不同户的规模地位

    By keeping women under the household of the men of their original family, the upper-class Romans tried to balance these different households in size and importance.


  • 也有优势,说,"事实上,这不仅仅关系到低收入人群,它还关系无缘问津助学金、普通美国中产阶级家庭。"

    The fact of the matter is, it's not just about the lowest-income people. It's the average American middle-class family who's being priced out of the market.


  • 他们决定生子的时候,他们中产阶级的单亲妈妈要更年轻,与男友的关系稳定,更没有做好应付将来生活的准备。

    And when they have babies outside marriage, they are typically younger than their middle-class counterparts, in less stable relationships and less prepared for what will follow.


  • 新的活泼女孩一个中产阶级家庭进入校园四个受欢迎最富裕男孩F4类4 ),尽快制定既爱又恨关系

    When a new, spirited girl from a middle-class family enters the campus, the four most popular and affluent boys, the F4 (Flower 4), soon develop a love-hate relationship with her.


  • 中产阶级不仅财产状况财产关系也是一种文化现象,不仅一个现实问题,也是一种历史现象。

    Middle class is a cultural phenomenon as well as a financial status and relationship, a historical phenomenon as well as a realistic issue.


  • 那些最先推举他们统帅乌戈。查韦斯执掌权利最下层的委内瑞拉民众习惯了西方式物质生活的不满中产阶级之间的关系变得紧张起来。

    The mood among the humblest Venezuelans, who put Comandante Hugo in power in the first place, and the disgruntled middle class, accustomed to Western-style consumerism, turns mean.


  • 论文维多利亚男性中产阶级人物研究目标,旨在探究人物的道德观与其所处社会地位之间关系

    Taking the male middle class characters in the Victorian novels as researching subjects, this thesis aims to find out the relationship between their moral values and their social conditions.


  • 社会作用指法具有维护有利于一定阶级社会关系社会秩序作用

    The social action of the law is fingering has the effect that upholds the human relations in society that is helpful for certain class and social order.


  • 第一个差别就是阶级其他斗争领域关系问题。

    The first of these involves the relation of class to other lines of political struggle.


  • 遏制极端分子唯一希望就是他们社会隔绝,把他们孤立起来,这样他们就无法中产阶级其他什么阶层扯上关系,”萨默尔

    "The only hope for stopping extremists is to isolate them from society so that they are separated, so they do not have a relationship with the bourgeoisie and the other classes, " Mr. Thamer said.


  • 遏制极端分子唯一希望就是他们社会隔绝,把他们孤立起来,这样他们就无法中产阶级其他什么阶层扯上关系,”萨默尔

    "The only hope for stopping extremists is to isolate them from society so that they are separated, so they do not have a relationship with the bourgeoisie and the other classes, " Mr. Thamer said.


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