• 我们继续模型一个阶段之前满足之前阶段等级所有需求

    All requirements for the previous stage level must be satisfied before we proceed to the next stage of the model.


  • 优化阶段修复它们可以获得需要性能等级

    Fixing those during an optimization phase will get you the required levels of performance.


  • CMMI五个成熟度阶段等级初始过程、可管理的过程、可定义的过程、量化管理过程优化的过程。

    CMMI has five maturity stages or levels: initial process, managed process, defined process, quantitatively managed process and optimized process.


  • 儿童自控力在人生命第一阶段主要通过35岁时失控行为的观察测评等级来衡量的;

    Children's self-control during their first decade of life was measured using observational ratings of children's lack of control at ages 3 and 5;


  • 2模型阶段表述涉及到所达到每一等级一系列过程目标等级建立基础

    Staged representations of the model involve a set of process area goals whereby each level you attain establishes a foundation for the next level.


  • 第五章之前的讨论合并关于“等级(levels)”的讨论中——阶段式成熟度等级连续式能力等级

    Chapter Five: Brings previous discussions together into a discussion of "levels" — staged maturity levels and continuous capability levels.2.


  • 第五章:之前的讨论合并关于“等级(levels)”的讨论中——阶段成熟度等级连续式能力等级

    Chapter Five: Brings previous discussions together into a discussion of "levels" — staged maturity levels and continuous capability levels. 2.


  • 新的体制包括2个阶段大学阶段研究生阶段多个不同等级学位

    The new system comprises two stages: undergraduate and graduate, with several degree levels.


  • 度量(Measure):阶段建立了治理策略过程(例如,服务等级约定(Service Level Agreements,SLAs)、复用等级变更策略)。

    Measure: In this phase governance policies and processes (e.g., Service level Agreements (SLAs), reuse levels, or change policies) are established.


  • 评审茶叶等级中,评审颜色阶段

    Here's the tea being graded and judged for its appearance and color.


  • 阶段具有千分尺等级螺钉以及0.5毫米脚间距的特点,微型直线轴承非接触式限位开关带有一步进机直流伺服电机编码器选择

    Stage features micrometer grade screw with lead pitch 0.5 mm, miniature linear bearing and non-contact limit switches with a choice of either stepper or DC servo motor with encoder.


  • 同时,还阶段郑州市不同道路等级典型路面结构面层基层、底基层、下封层补强配比设计作了详细的介绍。

    Also introduced here are the mixture ratio and design of pavement, base, sub-base, sub-seal and old road strengthening for typical pavement structure of different road classes in Zhengzhou.


  • 本文在对等级公路勘察设计阶段应注意的高等级公路建设环境影响评价进行分析同时提出解决措施

    This paper analyses the evaluation of the environment affection by the construction on the phase of highway reconnaissance and design, at the same time, points out the solution.


  • 完成12阶段学习时,您训练参加雅思考试。的学习里程进入一个新的等级

    You will be trained to take the IELTS test when you completed 12 stages. Then your learning will go to the next level.


  • 第二部分按字母顺序展示过程考虑其它阶段式成熟度等级或者连续式能力等级

    Section Two presents the process areas alphabetically, without regard to either staged maturity level or continuous capability level.


  • 数字电视进入实用化阶段,不同等级数字电视业务(如hdtvSDTV)长期共存

    Digital TV techniques have already entered practical stage. Applications of HighDefinition TV (HDTV) and Standard Definition TV (SDTV) will existent together fora long time.


  • 更新迎来在下阶段等级上限增加以及上半年什么承诺一个令人兴奋结论特派团的史诗女神翅膀

    This update will usher in the next stage of the level cap increase, as well as the first half of what promises to be a thrilling conclusion to the epic Wings of the Goddess missions.


  • 我国阶段商业银行开展业务主要贷款业务。信用等级识别度量控制贷款的信用风险重要参数。

    Loan is the major business of commercial Banks in China and credit rating is the most important way to identify, measure and control the credit risk of loan in commercial Banks.


  • 荣誉等级即使他们从未告诉过阶段学生其实喜欢严厉的纪律要求

    Even though they may never tell you, students who function at this level do not appreciate assertive discipline.


  • 《语音篇》基础阶段辅助教材,其余篇主干教材依次按基础、初级、中级三个等级设置。

    The Phonetics book is a supplementary one at the starter's level, while the other three are designed for learners at starter's, elementary and intermediate levels respectively.


  • 他们分为两个等级阶段称做“龙卷风警戒”,表示天气状况形成龙卷风的最佳状态。

    They have two stages here. This is what is called a "tornado watch." that means that the weather conditions are perfect for a tornado.


  • 我国等级公路城市交通建设项目。全部采用阶段预测运输需求绝大部分铁路建设项目采用阶段预测法。

    Our nation's first-class highway and the municipal transportation projects have all used four stages predict method to forecast transport demand; majorities of railroad project also use this method.


  • 其次综合运用“层次分析法”模糊综合评价川东北矿区油气钻井钻前风险钻进风险和完井风险进行系统评价得出钻前、钻进和完井阶段的风险等级状况

    Secondly, to conduct a systematic assessment on the risks of the three stages with the integrated AHP and fuzzy evaluation method to obtained their respective degrees of risk status.


  • 阶段铁路路网干线旅客列车垃圾投放基本根据客运站等级确定的。

    At the present stage, the layout of dumping stations for passenger trains on trunk lines of the railway system is determined generally on the basis of the grades of passenger stations.


  • 根据输出变量不同误差等级进行分级模糊控制稳态值输出切换,以便在直线电机位置控制中的不同阶段采取不同的控制模式。

    According to the deferent error hierarchy of the output variables, the hierarchical fuzzy control and the steady state output is switched over.


  • 模型试验表明随着试验荷载等级提高,各测点应力线性增长,结构的受力处于线弹性阶段

    According to the test results, as the load levels increased, the stress of the measuring points increases linearly. The structure worked in elastic behavior.


  • 应用基于AHP的模糊综合评判广西34个龙眼品种(单株)8个果实性状进行综合评价,并进行基于阶段聚类法的品种等级划分

    A comprehensive evaluation on 8 fruit characteristics in 34 Guangxi longan varieties was conducted with AHP-FUZZY methods. The varieties were also classified according to the two-step cluster methods.


  • 应用基于AHP的模糊综合评判广西34个龙眼品种(单株)8个果实性状进行综合评价,并进行基于阶段聚类法的品种等级划分

    A comprehensive evaluation on 8 fruit characteristics in 34 Guangxi longan varieties was conducted with AHP-FUZZY methods. The varieties were also classified according to the two-step cluster methods.


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