• 索尔斯克亚表示曼联新赛季第一场-八月的比赛中,健康地出现球迷面前。

    Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has confirmed he will be fit for Manchester United's Premier League opener against Reading in August.


  • 外面苏克听到钥匙叮当声,狱警斯托尔特在巡逻

    Outside, Sucre hears the jingle of keys as C.O. Stolte makes his rounds.


  • 碰撞爆炸声伴着树木断裂和落叶的翻飞头公牛似的锤头兽身披纷纷降落的落叶出现在他的前面的空地上。

    There is a crash and an explosion of splintered wood and flying leaves.


  • 的对决,也是连败,无一胜迹

    He also lost four in a row to Andy Murray.


  • 不过尼迪特的家庭梦想再搁置因为今年晚些时候还要科林·菲斯一起出演约翰·勒卡的《锅匠,裁缝士兵,间谍》。

    The actor's family ambitions however, will have to be put on hold as he is set to star in John Le Carre's Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy with Colin Firth later this year.


  • 俱乐部开始赛季前训练时候只有11名球员最终点数时,只有16个

    Xerez: When the club began pre-season training they had only 11 players in the squad; at the last count it was still only 16.


  • 可以无端地惹满天,一杜鹃啼,可以斗急了一杜鹃花

    An innocent thunder could offend all the clouds to tear; a long cuckoo cries could irritate all the cuckoo flowers in the city to bloom.


  • 周六西比赛到来时,切尔西领军人物们——阿内尔卡德罗巴——仅仅在之前19联赛中攻入5或者可以说半个赛季的正式比赛才取得5球入账。

    Coming into Saturday's game against Swansea, Chelsea's leading menNicolas Anelka, Didier Drogba and Nando — had scored five goals in 19 league matches, or half a season's worth of matches.


  • 马拉多纳排出3-4-3看上去有点 悬,古铁(Jonas GUTIERREZ)身兼两职,尼日利亚控球时他要充当右后卫,而在阿根廷发起进攻时又要从侧翼包抄。

    Mr. Maradona's 3-4-3 formation, with Jonas Gutierrez doing double-duty as rightback, when Nigeria had possession, and winger, when Argentina was attacking, looked shaky.


  • 哈利里面一恶心。知道了:里尔·伯克,那个因为残暴而受雇佣,被允许穿死徒袍子人。

    Harry's stomach turned over. He knew who this was: Fenrir Greyback, the werewolf who was permitted to wear Death Eater robes in return for his hired savagery.


  • 今天早上新加坡挂起一菲尔德梦幻风,卡拉格星光闪现时,众多利物浦球迷引发竭斯底里欢呼和尖叫。

    Singapore was treated to a double dose of Anfield magic this morning when Fernando Torres and Jamie Carragher sparked scenes of mass hysteria among their devoted supporters.


  • 突然传来了一扭打,接着亚伯拉罕·葛一侧面颊刀伤冲了出来,像条狗听到哨声一般船长

    There was a sudden scuffle, a sound of blows, and out burst Abraham Gray with a knife cut on the side of the cheek, and came running to the captain like a dog to the whistle.


  • 不知如何度过,直到劈了这座庙宇剧痛刺穿

    I knew not how time passed till the thunderstone had struck the temple, and a pain stung me through the heart.


  • 这些报纸里间或记点笔记或是沉思,这种状况一直持续到我们经过为止。

    Among these he rummaged and read, with intervals of note-taking and of meditation, until we were past Reading.


  • 本文声纳俯仰角姿态伺服系统分别进行领域控制设计结构控制律的设计。

    The design of servo system for pitch attitudes of a mine hunting sonar array was made using frequency domain control and variable structure control respectively.


  • 水手舱突然骚动起来,接着便听到了扭打,然后亚怕拉-脸上带着一道刀伤跳了出来听到哨音一样奔船长跟前。

    There was a sudden scuffle, a sound of blows, and out burst Abraham Gray with a knife-cut on the side of the cheek, and came running to the captain, like a dog to the whistle .


  • 因为坚持贾的3-5-2,多纳·多尼成为了队员们意大利媒体众矢之的

    By persisting with Reja's 3-5-2 formation, Donadoni has left himself open to criticism from the players and the Italian Press.


  • 周六客场3 - 0狼队的比赛中梅开二度,赛季在英超联赛中的进球数改写9个自己贡献boss感到高兴

    Torres struck twice in Saturday's 3-0 victory over Wolves at Molineux to take his tally for the season so far to nine in the Barclays Premier League and leave the boss delighted with his contribution.


  • 从地上起来的里那斯,经受不了拳头轰炸,再次轰然倒下,旋即出局

    Linares got up but soon collapsed under a barrage of blows and the fight was stopped.


  • 可能卡利亚里时候一样塞萨尔首发

    I think that I will use the same formation that I would have used to face Cagliari, with Fiore and Cesar starting.


  • 我来说一个非常奇怪时刻,”德尚星期五比赛新闻发布会上说。

    "This is a very strange moment for me," said Deschamps on Friday in the Press conference preceding the match with Arezzo.


  • 随着阿玛受伤,为太阳赢得上赛季全联盟最佳战绩62胜的三个主力得分手已经不在中。

    With the Stoudemire injury, the Suns are now down three big-time offensive contributors from last season's league-leading 62-win team.


  • 随着阿玛受伤,为太阳赢得上赛季全联盟最佳战绩62胜的三个主力得分手已经不在中。

    With the Stoudemire injury, the Suns are now down three big-time offensive contributors from last season's league-leading 62-win team.


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