• 不带阴影登录模块主动地处理令牌,而带阴影登录模块如果存在)则不会

    A non-shaded login modules actively handles tokens, a shaded login module (if there is one) does not.


  • 一个极其难以理解教训就是所有关于胡德山阴影精神恐惧上帝已经悲伤中显示了自己存在

    One of the profoundly difficult lessons is that amid all the spiritual consternation in the shadow of Mount Hood, God has manifested himself in my grief.


  • 我们冷静明智时,我们会感到只有伟大的有价值东西才能永恒绝对地存在,而那些微不足道恐惧欢乐仅仅现实阴影而已

    When we are unhurried and wise, we perceive that only great and worthy things have any permanent and absolute existence, — that petty fears and petty pleasure are but the shadow of reality.


  • 这项研究可能证明遮蔽阴影中的月球坑中还有存在“月球上可能原本就有水存在”,否定了月球水来自彗星的说法。

    Their study could support evidence that water persists in shadowed craters on the moon's surface - and that the water could be native to the moon and not carried there by comets.


  • 探讨过我们同时存在生活湖底深海热泉以及沙漠洞穴恶劣环境中的“异态生命”或是阴影生命”。

    He has talked about "weird" or "shadow" life that exists in tandem with our own but in hostile environments such as at the bottom of lakes, or in deep sea vents and deserts and caves.


  • 去年四川地震心里留下的阴影现在还存在

    Last year's earthquake in Sichuan still casts its shadow on me.


  • 现在阴影不复存在,“历经30压迫之后,记者早已杯弓蛇影。”

    Those threats are now gone. “But after 30 years of oppression, journalists are afraid of their own shadows.


  • 艘NASA无人驾驶飞船于1998年17发射使命围绕月球飞行并月球两极永远阴影中的火山口里寻找以及其它物质存在迹象

    This NASA unmanned spacecraft launched Jan. 7, 1998 on a mission to orbit the moon in search of signs of water ice and other minerals in permanently shaded craters at the lunar poles.


  • 不幸是,第一生物技术产品医学上所带来诸多益处被笼罩上了一层阴影,因为生物技术第二波在农业上的应用可能存在风险

    The many benefits of the first wave of biotech products, in medicine, have unfortunately been overshadowed by the supposed risks of biotech's second wave, in agriculture.


  • LCROSS探测器,对月球环形山观测传感卫星上周推出,也任务目标确认接近月球阴影中的环形山的存在缺乏

    LCROSS, the lunar crater Observation and Sensor Satellite, launched last week, has a mission objective to confirm the presence or absence of water ice in a Shadowed crater near a lunar pole.


  • 我们作为普通人存在照亮愚昧怀疑阴影

    Our presence as common people shines light on the shadows of ignorance and suspicion.


  • 北面夏洛日托中心通过自己投射大街建筑阴影体量来表示自己存在

    To the north, on the rue du Charolais, the daycare center signifies its presence with its volume projected out onto the street.


  • 曼茨教授冷战时期,毁灭阴影导致人心惶惶,僵尸也顺应时势地不会思考变成危险存在

    Professor Mantz says zombies changed from mindless ghouls into something more sinister during the Cold War when everyone had nuclear annihilation on the mind.


  • 下层阶级我们现代生活方式中不可言及又永远存在阴影

    The underclass is the unspoken but ever-present shadow of our modern lifestyle.


  • 路面图像常常存在车辆树木建筑物阴影图像的特征抽取识别带来极大的干扰。

    There are sometimes shadows, such as cars, trees and buildings, on road surface images, which make it difficult to abstract and recognize the features.


  • 火山区存在群活动、部分台站观测到的S阴影以及地表的缓慢抬升等,指示火山区存在一个岩浆系统

    The existing of earthquake swarm, S wave shadow in some seismic stations and gradually uplifting of surface suggest a magma system beneath these volcanoes.


  • 第一次广岛1967年阴影步骤仍然存在

    When I first went to Hiroshima in 1967, the shadow on the steps was still there.


  • 航空影像中的阴影区域提供了高大物体存在证据物体识别带来了困难。

    The shadow regions in aerial image provide not only obvious evidences of objects higher than the surrounding background, but also obstructions for objects recognition.


  • 固定反射系统存在缺陷,不能循导太阳光使其得到充分利用,并且有时会转移亮光路线产生阴影

    Fixed-mirror systems have drawbacks, however, they cannot track the sun to optimize performance and sometimes distracting patterns of lines of bright light and dark shade are formed.


  • 黑色进行不同探索——它不是作为纯粹色彩而是作为阴影一种存在

    I explore the black color differently, not as a pure color, but as the existence of shadow.


  • 恐惧消逝,那存在阴影

    And when your fears subside and shadows still remain.


  • 为此,本文非线性分段色彩变换方法对光照造成的高光阴影影响进行消除部分解决人脸图象存在高光和阴影影响问题。

    Nonlinear color transformation is used to eliminate the influence of highlight and shadow so that the highlight and shadow of face image are resolved partly.


  • 无意识的、秘密召唤一切面貌提出要求,这些都是胜利必不可少对立面应付代价存在阴影太阳而且必须认识黑夜

    Unconscious, secret calls, invitations from all the faces, they are the necessary reverse and price of victory. there is no sun without shadow, and it is essential to know the night.


  • 瞧,阴影光亮布满人物大部分有些地方依然存在不足,需要更多的细节

    Step 13And voilà, the shadows and the lights has been added onmost of the character's parts. But there're still some parts that deserve moredetails.


  • 教授冷战时期,毁灭阴影导致人心惶惶,僵尸也顺应时势地不会思考变成危险存在

    Professor Mantz says zombies changed from mindless ghouls into something more 13 sinister during the Cold War when everyone had nuclear 14 annihilation on the mind.


  • 教授冷战时期,毁灭阴影导致人心惶惶,僵尸也顺应时势地不会思考变成危险存在

    Professor Mantz says zombies changed from mindless ghouls into something more 13 sinister during the Cold War when everyone had nuclear 14 annihilation on the mind.


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