• 发明公开阳极制备方法应用

    The invention further discloses a preparation method and application of the photo anode.


  • 在此基础上,研究基于阳极氧化冷却装置模型制备工艺

    Furthermore, the preparation process of the cooling device basing on aluminum anodic oxidation process is presented.


  • 这些具有多级有序结构的纤维可以非常方便表面活性剂作为结构导向阳极氧化铝作为硬模板制备

    These fibers with hierarchical organization can easily be prepared using surfactants as structure-directing agent and anodic aluminium oxide (AAO) membranes as hard template.


  • 实验结果分析表明烟煤焦炭制备阳极可行并且具有好的市场前景

    The experimental result analysis indicated that, preparation anode with the coke of soft coals is feasible, and has the very good prospect of market.


  • 介绍一种使用钛合金阳极电解中加入悬浮颗粒(CMDEMD)制备二氧化锰有效方法

    An effective method of manganese dioxide preparation using the manganese titanium alloy as anode and adding suspension pellet of CMD or EMD in the electrolyte was introduced.


  • 结果表明二次阳极氧化氧化铝模板均匀有序性较好,作为下一步制作量子、量子线模板

    The results show that AAO templates prepared by the method are uniform and ordering, and can be used as the template for preparation of quantum wires and quantum dots.


  • 采用二次阳极氧化技术,制备高度有序的铝阳极氧化(AAO模板)。

    The highly ordered anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) film, was prepared with electrochemical anodization method.


  • 含有金属硫化物复合石墨阳极,在氢气氛围实施电弧放电制备双壁纳米碳管。

    Using the composite graphite rods with the sulphide of iron group metals as anode, the double-wall carbon nanotubes have been fabricated by arc discharging under hydrogen atmosphere.


  • 传统锌基或铝基牺牲阳极外面包基牺牲阳极制备成一比较新颖的牺牲阳极——复合牺牲阳极

    By covering a thin layer of Mg anode onto the surface of traditional Zn anode orAl anode, a new kind of sacrificial anode-composite sacrificial anode was developed.


  • 为了制备溶液使用流体处理设备设备包括至少7以及置于所述室(7)中的至 少一个阳极4一个阴极3)。

    To prepare the solution a fluid treatment device is used, which comprises at least one chamber (7) and at least one anode (4) and one cathode (3) arranged in the chamber (7).


  • 论文不使用膜板的条件下,在不同阳极片上采用一步法电化学聚合制备导电聚苯胺纳米结构

    This dissertation presents a simple method (free-template) that provides conducting polyaniline nanostructures on different anodes via one-step electropolymerization.


  • 酸性电解液中,二次阳极氧化制备得到了高度有序多孔阳极氧化铝模板

    Highly ordered porous anodic alumina template was prepared by twice anodic oxidation in acidulous electrolyte, and its morphology was observed by metallographic microscopy.


  • 阐述DSA 涂层钛阳极分类、性能特点及其应用制备工序简单的介绍。

    Classification, characteristics and application of dismensionally stable anode(DSA) were described. And its in-process was presented briefly.


  • 发明公开一种采用了阳极氧化管径沿变化的特殊形貌二氧化钛纳米管薄膜方法

    The invention discloses a method for preparing specially-shaped titanium dioxide nano-tube films with changeable pipe diameter along the axial direction by an anode oxidation method.


  • 本文采用电渗析槽,分别以电极钛基氧化铅极为阳极不锈钢阴极进行了电解法制备磷酸的实验研究。

    In this paper, Ti PbO 2 and Ti Ru used as anode and stainless steel used cathode in producing hypophosphorous acid by electrolytic process with four compartment electrodialytic cell was studied.


  • 介绍了DMFC阳极催化剂的几种制备方法,并这些方法进行了评述,对制备d MF C阳极催化剂具有很好的参考价值

    This article deals with the techniques for preparing the anode catalysts. It could be a reference for the preparation of anode catalysts used in the DMFC.


  • 分析了阴阳极间距制备电压以及草酸溶液浓度制备aao模板影响

    The effects of the voltage, solution concentration and anode-cathode distance on the ordered extent of as-prepared AAO templates were studied.


  • 利用阳极氧化酸性溶液制备了孔洞高度有序多孔氧化铝模板

    The main results and conclusions can be summarized as follows:AAO template with highly ordered pores was fabricated in acidic solution by using anodization method.


  • 通过阳极氧化法钛合金表面制备了多孔形貌的涂层

    Through the anodic oxidation, the porous coating on titanium materials has been achieved.


  • 阳极氧化方法制备阳极氧化铝,向制备镶嵌多孔膜。

    The porous aluminium coating inlaid with copper was obtained by implanting Cu into the pores of anodic oxidation aluminium coating prepared by electroplating.


  • 介绍了金属铝阳极氧化后形成氧化铝为载体,负载催化组分制成催化剂制备方法

    The preparation method of the catalyst prepared by anodic oxidation of aluminium, hydration treatment and impregnation of the catalytic active substance is introduced in this paper.


  • 多孔阳极氧化铝具有高温成本空洞分布均匀有序且大小可控优点,制备高度有序纳米材料理想模板

    Porous anodic alumina membrane is an ideal template for highly ordered nanomaterials because of its low cost, high temperature resistance, uniform pore arrays and controllable pores size.


  • 本文制备优化出了高性能镍-镓酸复合阳极体系,利用多种电化学技术电极氧化反应动力学进行了研究

    In this study, high performance Ni-doped LaGaO3 composite anodes were prepared and optimized, and multiple techniques were applied to study the kinetics of hydrogen oxidation over the electrodes.


  • 表明BP ANN硫酸阳极氧化制备多孔有序好的预测模型

    The result shows that BPANN is a good model to predict the hole ordering for PAA film in sulphuric acid.


  • 第三讨论了阳极电泳制备法,研究了电解质浓度荧光粉含量沉积速率的影响,给出荧光粉异丙醇的配比、沉积条件;

    Chapter 3 has prepared the anode with electrophoresis, and the influence of solution concentration and fluorence powder contents on the deposition process has been studied.


  • 一种属于材料技术领域具有阻挡阳极氧化铝薄膜制备方法

    A preparation method of anodic aluminum oxide film with thick barrier layer is provided, which belongs to the field of material technology.


  • 本文利用模板合成方法阳极氧化铝孔道限域性制备有序的介孔碳纳米纤维。

    Ordered mesoporous carbon nanofibers were prepared by combining the soft template synthesis method of mesoporous carbons with the confinement of channels of anode alumina membranes.


  • 阳极氧化铝具有独特多孔结构,可作为制备各种纳米功能材料的模板因而纳米功能材料制备中占有重要地位。

    Therefore, it is very important to investigate anodic aluminum oxide films. In this paper the structure and preparation methods of porous aluminum oxide templates as well as the synthesis an...


  • 前人研究表明不同合金组成、不同催化剂载体以及不同制备方法阳极催化剂的催化活性稳定性有着直接的影响。

    Recent studies show that the catalytic activity and stability of the anodic catalysts are influenced by the different contents, support and the prepared method of the catalysts.


  • 前人研究表明不同合金组成、不同催化剂载体以及不同制备方法阳极催化剂的催化活性稳定性有着直接的影响。

    Recent studies show that the catalytic activity and stability of the anodic catalysts are influenced by the different contents, support and the prepared method of the catalysts.


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