• 威奇托市年均日照225美国十大阳光城市之一

    With more than 225 days' sunshine a year, Wichita is one of the ten sunshine cities in America.


  • 耐恩先生古老文明中国,在“阳光城市攀枝花,在充满蓬勃朝气的攀枝花市二中生活愉快、幸福!

    Wish Mr. Ryan live a happy life in No. 2 Middle School, in sunshine city, Panzhihua, in ancient civilized China.


  • 明媚的时候,你可以在山顶上鸟瞰整个城市

    You can have a bird's-eye view of the whole city on a sunny day on the mountain top.


  • 传统摩天大楼不同,这个淡水加工厂不是城市而建设,而是为有着充足阳光气候有利生长条件西班牙阿尔梅里亚省而建设。

    Unlike a traditional skyscraper, the freshwater factory is proposed not for the city but for the Almeria province of Spain for its sunny weather and favorable growing conditions.


  • 我们到达勘察加的时候阳光灿烂第二天上午整个城市被浓雾笼罩我们接下来的直升飞机行程暂缓

    We had arrived in brilliant sunshine, but the following morning the city was wrapped in fog and our onward journey by helicopter hung in the balance.


  • 这主意看起来很酷:将全世界屋顶刷白反射更多阳光帮助城市地球降温

    Seemed like a cool idea: paint the world's roofs white to reflect more sunlight, and it could help cool down both cities and the planet.


  • 阳光看起来暑期阅读看起很认真佛罗里达州20唯一一三个城市的州。

    And the Sunshine state seems to take its summer reading seriously: Florida was the only state to have three cities in the top 20.


  • 屋顶路面了其中一半其阻止水分蒸发和吸收阳光导致城市温度上升

    Roofs and roads cover about half of that land, and help heat up urban areas by preventing evaporation of water and absorbing sunlight.


  • 排名前其他城市位于南方的阳光地带。

    All the other cities in the top ten were also in the sunbelt.


  • 监狱中世纪古堡楼顶,城市的制高点,也就是说,那儿一点都阴森闭塞,事实上,每天阳光最先造访便是监狱,最后离开的还是监狱。

    This meant that it did not look at all somber. Indeed, it was the first building to catch the rays of the sun and the last to lose them.


  • 公寓楼墙面上弹痕累累,城市里残存着烧焦楼宇。到处是墓地阳光墓碑上闪烁

    Bullet holes pockmarked the walls of flats, scorched buildings lurked amidst the cityscape and sunlight glinted on the headstones of overflowing cemeteries.


  • 城市东部很多建筑物渐渐衰败一些,一些被烧大楼破败墙壁仿佛阳光慢慢融化

    On the city’s east side buildings stand in various stages of decay, some boarded up, some burned, some with rotting walls that seem to melt slowly in the sun.


  • 十大悲伤城市三个来自阳光”(即佛罗里达)。

    Three of the saddest 10 cities hailed from the "Sunshine State"。


  • 适合于安装沙漠城市边缘阳光充足地区,而不适合安装在面积有限的屋顶。

    Better for deserts, or sunny lots on the edge of town, than for roofs where the area available is limited.


  • 当日,山西省运城市过天晴,在运城平陆黄河湿地越冬数千只白天鹅或结群嬉戏,或振翅飞翔,尽享阳光

    Thousands of swans which flied here to get through the winter enjoy sunshine after snowfall.


  • 一个阳光明媚白天夏天夜晚,在城市走着走着,美丽的景色,使自己的心情越来越好。

    On a sunny day or summer night, long hikes through the city can be as beautiful as long hikes through the mountains.


  • 坦桑尼亚散漫铺陈港口城市达累斯萨拉姆,炎热潮湿阳光照耀下午火车进站时,车站里几乎是大难临头气氛

    It was a hot, humid, sun-flushed afternoon in Dar es Salaam, the sprawling Tanzanian port city, and there was an atmosphere of near crisis as the train pulled in.


  • 城市街道上房顶上绿色植物更多了,意味着随着水分叶片上蒸发,会带来更多的清凉绿色部分可以涂成白色用以反射阳光

    More greenery in a city, spread through streets and over roofs, means more cooling as water evaporates from leaves; the bits which are not green can be painted white, to reflect sunlight.


  • 即使是美国城市拉斯维加斯,其发出的亮度也仅只及阳光这块区域反射亮度的万分之一。

    But even the brightest city in America, Las Vegas, emits only about a ten-thousandth as much light as the sun shines upon the same area.


  • 约翰霍普金斯大学城市环境健康中心主任迈克尔.查施博士塑料本身毒素线不能使塑料分解出毒素。

    Plastics do not contain dioxins, and the sun's rays are not strong enough to create them, says Michael Trush, PhD, deputy director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Urban Environmental Health.


  • 海洋因反射明亮阳光现金黄色,地平线上是次茅斯城市

    Reflecting a bright column of sunlight, the sea also appears golden, with the horizon marked by the city of Portsmouth.


  • 阳光落在陌生的城市未来爱情谁的怀抱

    Sunshine on a strange city, the future of love in whose arms.


  • 建筑使人们回忆起二战阳光灿烂日子飞驰在城市中的第一引擎强大银色流线型火车迷人观光汽车

    The building also recalls the first silver streamliners with their powerful engines and enticing viewing cars as they sliced through the city on a sunny post World War II day.


  • 美国东北部西海岸城市占有优势,超过了以前深受青睐的亚特兰大这类阳光地带的城市

    Northeastern and West Coast cities are ascendant, eclipsing former Sunbelt favorites such as Atlanta.


  • 教学工作室区域收集柔和南向光线需要复杂的阳光控制可以从中庭城市看到。

    Teaching and studio areas gather soft south light without the need for elaborate sun control and are readable both from the atrium and the city.


  • 教学工作室区域收集柔和南向光线需要复杂的阳光控制可以从中庭城市看到。

    Teaching and studio areas gather soft south light without the need for elaborate sun control and are readable both from the atrium and the city.


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