• 要求学生掌握专业英语基本词汇提高阅读翻译英文文献能力

    It expects students to basically command English terms in their field of study, and improve their reading and translating capabilities in dealing with relevant English literature.


  • 比方说,阅读国外文献英语阅读翻译能力成为必备技能

    Again for example, the reading overseas literature, English reading and translation ability have become the necessary skill.


  • 为了防止拼写错误避免歧义讹用正确阅读翻译英语文献,对形近的进一步的探讨其必要性实用价值。

    It is necessary to discuss similar words so as to prevent spelling mistakes, avoid wrong word and read and translate English materials correctly.


  • 言的口号发现翻译阅读母语互联网精华”。

    "Discover, translate and read the Internet beyond your language" is Yeeyan's slogan.


  • 发现翻译阅读母语互联网精华

    Discover, Translate and Read the Internet Beyond Your language.


  • 食物日记需要营养标签需要阅读评判翻译蛋白质脂肪碳水化合物你必须增加

    The food diaries you need to write; the nutrition labels you need to read and pronounce and translate; the protein, fat, and carbohydrate grams you have to add up.


  • 如果这样做,你就可以英语阅读思考不用翻译成中文而且可以建立自信,从而提高自己的水平

    If you do this, you will read and think in English without having to translate into Chinese and you will build up your confidence to a point where you can proceed to a higher level.


  • 中国上世纪20年代就开始大量翻译介绍西方文学科学书籍,现在力度更大,翻译作品有着广泛的阅读群体

    Chinese translation of Western literature and science has grown in strength since the 1920s and is still very strong and are widely read.


  • 直接不经过翻译正规学习语法程序,而是通过外语谈话讨论阅读手段教授语言方法。

    Direct method is a method of teaching a language through conversation, discussion, and reading in the language itself without translation and without the formal study of grammar.


  • 除了完形填空正式“退出历史舞台”外,以下三个方面“大变脸”,听力理解阅读理解翻译

    Apart from taking out the cloze test, changes have been made in the following three aspects, namely, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and translation.


  • 昨天把<经济学家>的翻译文章发布到书,一个流行阅读写作网站

    Yesterday I posted a translated article from the Economist to Jianshu, a popular reading and writing website.


  • 通常上午计划8点钟吃早餐,然后认真阅读部长报告15份国内报纸一系列翻译国外媒体材料

    His regular morning schedule was breakfast at 8am, followed by assiduous reading of ministerial reports, 15 domestic newspapers and a range of (translated) foreign press materials.


  • 如果这样做,你就可以英语阅读思考不用翻译成中文而且可以建立自信,从而提高自己的水平

    If you do this you will read and think in English without having to translate into Chinese and you will build up your confidence to a point where you can proceed to a higher level.


  • 熟练英语阅读写作能力使用计算机进行翻译工作。

    Have good command of English reading and writing and able to translate documents by means of computer.


  • 国际航运中广泛使用英语缩略语,国际航运英语缩略语的阅读、缩写翻译具有一定难度

    English abbreviations are widely utilized in international shipping, which often render great difficulties in reading, writing and translating.


  • 阅读不同文字的反向思维是不同的。一些人紧贴着纸面文字有些人想象中超越文字地翻译批判分析研究

    Different people converse with the text differently. Some stay very close to the words on the page , others take off imaginatively from the words, interpreting, criticizing, analyzing and examining.


  • 款手表应用还可以支持语言比如西班牙语简体中文翻译的内容阅读出来

    Thee watch app can read out your translations in supported languages, such as Spanish and Simplified Chinese.


  • 这个期间,阅读并且翻译大量Iyengar瑜伽书籍资料,并且希望能够将这些收获带给更多热爱瑜伽的人们

    Meanwhile, I read and translate a lot of books and Materials about Iyengar yoga which were published by YOG. From my heart, I hope these knowledge can give those people who love yoga more gains.


  • 作者认为除了测试翻译研究生专业英语测试还包括阅读听力口语写作

    The author holds the view that a postgraduate specialized English test should include listening, speaking, reading, writing as well.


  • 学生自己阅读段文章,然后让学生依次翻译一句,并重要的句子短语划出

    Great! Now open your book at the page 21. I'll ask one student to read it to the class.


  • 等效翻译看来,完美翻译达到译文读者原文读者在阅读感受上的高度统一效果。

    According to the equivalent translation theory, ideal translation should make both target-language and source-language readers reach a high-degree identity of their impressions in reading.


  • 为了帮助人们阅读原著我们弟子规》翻译白话文英语网站刊登

    Therefore, to help with accessing the original, we've translated Di Zi Gui into plain vernacular (modern day spoken) Chinese and English on this website.


  • 英文阅读英汉翻译中 ,有些人往往由于对英语中的双重否定现象不甚了解而不能正确理解原文含义

    The paper analyzed three functions of double negative in English, they are, to strengthen the affirmatives, affirm euphemism and strengthen the negative meaning.


  • 英文阅读英汉翻译中 ,有些人往往由于对英语中的双重否定现象不甚了解而不能正确理解原文含义

    The paper analyzed three functions of double negative in English, they are, to strengthen the affirmatives, affirm euphemism and strengthen the negative meaning.


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