• 法国尼斯附近发现了一棚屋遗迹,上可追溯至民德冰期时期

    Evidence of a wooden hut found at Terra Amata, near Nice in France, was dated to the Mindel Glaciation.


  • 年前婚姻破裂,打以来吉尔四个孩子一直哥哥家中的单人内。 她哥哥的位于首都波哥达以北160公里处名叫萨卡的小镇中。

    Since the breakup of her marriage three years ago, Gil and her four children have lived in a single room in her brother's house on the outskirts of a small town, Samacá, about 160 kms north of Bogotá.


  • 究竟格利布对手长期僵持结束吗?

    Will the long stalemate between the Maghreb's two big rivals ever end?


  • ,亚维利自豪地展示了,虽然令人大为懊丧地,但他展示了我们崇高意向,实际所为之后果灰色地带。

    You might even say that Machiavelli takes delight in demonstrating, much to our chagrin, the space between our lofty intentions and the actual consequences of our deeds.


  • 法国尼斯附近发现了一棚屋遗迹,时上可追溯至民德冰期时期公元前450 000至380 000年。

    Evidence of a wooden hut found at Terra Amata, near Nice in France, was dated to the Mindel Glaciation, or between 450, 000 and 380, 000 BCE.


  • 沉默笼罩其他人目光赫克·游移。

    A silence hung in the room and the eyes of other men moved between Hekmat and me.


  • 丘·比丘位于鲁班巴河两千英尺之上银盘、神庙宫殿150多房子组成,这些都保存的十分完整

    Two thousand feet above the Urubamba river, these ruins consist of baths, temples, palaces and about 150 houses, all very well preserved.


  • 欧洲大陆火车旅行热中西班牙可谓一当先,上个月新开通了德里巴塞罗纳高速列车,全程只需35分钟,比原来整整缩短两个小时

    Spain, which is at the forefront of the rail boom, got high-speed service connecting Madrid and Barcelona last month.The journey was slashed by two hours: Now it takes just two hours, 35 minutes.


  • 实际上里•弗里克(1935年1939年任美国众议院议员)自造新词。

    But in reality it was created by Maury Maverick, who was a member of the House of Representatives from 1935 to 1939.


  • 那些六个至一年期采用母乳喂养补充道常见儿童传染疾病的概率会较同时过敏的概率也较低。 (库斯是个例外。)

    Those fed breast milk exclusively for six months to one year, he adds, have lower rates of common childhood infections, as well as lower rates of allergies (Markus’s experience notwithstanding).


  • 格罗索州牛场的牧童

    A vaquero on a cattle ranch in Mato Grosso.


  • 西纳号经营的30,同样案例之前发生

    He said the Mahina has only seen this type of case one other time in its 30 years of operation.


  • 另外一个nba球员库斯·费泽尔同一加盟这个球队。

    Another former NBA player, Marcus Fizer, also joined the Mets at the same time.


  • 以阿巴多为指挥细微的——眨眼便会错失——但是却极其精准菲欧娜-多克斯在其观察者》所撰写的评论中,敏锐地指出了这种简约主义

    In the case of Abbado, his directions were slight - blink and you'd miss them - but exquisitely precise; Fiona Maddocks highlights this minimalism in her perceptive review for the Observer.


  • 当天晚上,吕斯便住圣雅克门旅馆屋子里,挨着古费拉克的房

    And that very evening, Marius found himself installed in a chamber of the hotel DE la Porte-Saint-Jacques side by side with Courfeyrac.


  • 努诺·费尔南德斯米格尔·费雷拉、佩德罗·托斯凯文·墨菲近期开展的一项研究显示,2003年到2008年期美国CEO平均薪酬是其他国家CEO们的两倍

    Recent research by professors Nuno Fernandes, Miguel Ferreira, Pedro Matos, and Kevin Murphy finds that, on average, U.S. CEOs earned double their non-U.S. counterparts between 2003 and 2008.


  • 大豆这种机械化农业作物,从2001年到2004年托格罗索地区种植的面积超过130万公顷

    Mechanized agriculture for crops such as soy took over 1.3 million acres in Mato Grosso just between 2001 and 2004.


  • 上个星期,以色列内政部批准东耶路撒冷一个名为拉特•什洛莫的犹太郊区新建1600住房,这正是此次美危机的导火线

    The spark was last week’s approval by Israel’s interior ministry of 1,600 new homes in Ramat Shlomo, a Jewish suburb in East (Palestinian) Jerusalem.


  • 上个星期,以色列内政部批准东耶路撒冷一个名为拉特•什洛莫的犹太郊区新建1600住房,这正是此次美危机的导火线

    The spark was last week's approval by Israel's interior ministry of 1,600 new homes in Ramat Shlomo, a Jewish suburb in East (Palestinian) Jerusalem.


  • Poggenwisch发现的格德林式帐篷结构用于连接两个帐篷

    Magdalenian double tent from Poggenwisch. This structure was made by connecting two tents, each with its own hearth.


  • 斯威兹第一部引人注目电影《小教父》(1983),讲述少年帮派的事,其他主演包括当时还是新人汤姆克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)、罗伯(Rob Lowe)、狄龙(Matt Dillon)米里奥•埃丝泰威兹(EmilioEstevez)。

    His first notable film was “The Outsiders” (1983), a drama about teenage gangs that starred other newcomers like Tom Cruise, Rob Lowe, Matt Dillon and Emilio Estevez.


  • 重新跨上沿着选定道路继续前进,心里抱微薄的希望,但愿能找到茅屋在那儿求个栖身之所,弄到一饭吃。

    But he remounted his horse and continued along the road he had chosen, in the faint hope of finding some cottage where he might ask for shelter and a meal.


  • 晋江哥孛罗酒店拥有275客房22套房所有均按最高标准设计装修简洁而充满魅力极具地方特色。

    The luxurious Marco Polo Jinjiang boasts 275 rooms with 22 suites, all designed and furnished to the highest standard, offering simple charm and local elegance.


  • 晋江哥孛罗酒店拥有275客房22套房所有均按最高标准设计装修简洁而充满魅力极具地方特色。

    The luxurious Marco Polo Jinjiang boasts 275 rooms with 22 suites, all designed and furnished to the highest standard, offering simple charm and local elegance.


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