• 各种船舶轮机,去污清洁保养应急消防救火。

    Oil removal for kind of ship turbines, Clean and maintenance, Fire-fighting at emergency.


  • 这些密封平面一个较软,两平面泵送外,直接接触

    These seals consist of two flat faces, one extremely hard, the other softer, in direct contact except for a thin film of the oil being pumped.


  • 结果不同年龄组黄斑中心小凹、上、下方外区、黄斑体积P<0.05),其余部位差异显著性;

    Results There were no statistically significant differences between age groups except for the foveola, superior outer ring, inferior outer ring and total macular volume (P<0.05);


  • 英、汉两语言语音切分音音节结构相似性外,其实两种语言音调音高变化趋势方面一定的相似性。

    In a word, the similarities not only exist in syncopation and syllable structure, but also in the changing trend of inflection.


  • 近等基因系花瓣存在差异外,其它主要农艺性状基本一致NIL - PL 0 2NIL - APL0 2具有紫色叶片茎秆标记。

    The agronomic traits between the NILs were identical except the difference in petal, the NIL-PL02 and NIL-APL02 had the character of light purple leaf and stem.


  • 一个星期五同学班上自己之外其他同学名字写在,名字与名字空隙

    One Friday, I asked the students to list the names of the other students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between each name.


  • 伸缩性外,为了负载均衡虚拟化还能够在物理服务器迁移虚拟(VM)。

    In addition to scalability, virtualization introduces the ability to migrate virtual machines (VMs) between physical servers for the purposes of load balancing.


  • 为了确认医生是否遵守规定研究人员检查了2006年1月到2009年6美国1227所医院接受颤器植入111707记录

    To find out if doctors have been complying, researchers examined the records of 111, 707 people who received the implants at 1, 227 hospitals in the United States from January 2006 to June 2009.


  • 破屋用残砖剩起来,1845年,我们知道,一共是光秃秃的,墙外一无所有

    This hovel, built of old rubbish, which was still in existence in 1845, was composed, as the reader already knows, of three Chambers, all of which were utterly bare and had nothing beyond the walls.


  • 孟津桃花纳入伊洛河、沁河,在山东汇入大等少数几条支流外,再其它支流汇入。

    No other branches pour into the Yellow River except river Yiluo and river Qin from Mengjin to Peach blossom valley, and river Dawen in Shandong.


  • 孟津桃花纳进伊洛河、沁河,在山东河等少数几条支流外,再其它支流汇进。

    No other branches pour into the Yellow River except river Yiluo and river Qin from Mengjin to Peach blossom valley and river Dawen in Shandong.


  • 因此当我们知道亚当130塞思出生黄道210位置上,我们就可以210130测定有多长

    Since we know that Adam was 130 years old when Seth was born at 210 degrees of the zodiac, we can divide 210 by 130 in order to determine how long the length of a year is.


  • 七月八月期期望大都市纽约地区一回马哈

    During July and August I expect to be in the metropolitan New York area except for a trip or two back to Omaha.


  • 气体分子相互作用力,碰撞外可以忽略不计。

    The interactive force between particles, except collisions, is negligible.


  • 复合真空测量过程实现传感器智能切换外,还要能实现同一种传感器不同量程的智能切换。

    Compound vacuometer must be able to realize intelligent switching among sensors, and intelligent switching among different ranges of one sensor in the measuring progress.


  • 正常情况下同轴电缆联接探头之外,很多时候探头组合件电子元件需要根电缆联接。

    In all cases these require several cable connections between the probe assembly and the electronics unit, in addition to the normal coaxial cable connection to the probe.


  • 通过比较半固态加压试样在重熔前后高度变化,建立了增强颗粒粒径复合材料熔体表观粘度的关系。

    Comparing the height changes of composites before and after remelt which have been degassed with semisolid compression, the relation between apparent viscosity and reinforcement diameter was obtained.


  • 回归系数显著检验女性18 ~2526 ~45岁两无显著性差异外,其他各组差异均有高度显著性。

    There were significant differences between all of aged groups in regression coefficient significance tests, except between 18-25 and 26-45 aged group in female.


  • 工具轮齿工件脉冲放电使工件表面熔化甚至汽化从而达到加工金属的目的。

    It points out that the pulse discharging between tooth and work pieces on tool plate can make the surface to melt or even vaporize, thus to process the eclipse divided by metals.


  • 肌腱缺如型,第4、5掌骨隙均结合联系小指肌腱环指伸肌腱93.4%(54/60)。

    Most of the ulnar ship of extensor digitorum tendon to little finger and extensor digiti tendon have intertendinous connections 93.4%(54/60).


  • 此前,银行个人信贷征信系统全国联网外,房屋权属信息各城市并不联网,房屋权属信息采用属地管理原则

    Besides national network for home loan information, there has been no such nationwide system for property ownership as the data are managed in cities where the houses were bought or sold.


  • 蕺菜中,染色体数目为54细胞外,其余细胞型GS几乎均是染色体数目36的细胞最小。

    The GS value of almost all the cellular types of Houttuynia cordate are smaller than those with their chromosome number of 36 excepting the cellular types with chromosome number of 54.


  • 运动过程中,球体受到周围流体阻力外,亦受到球体交互作用所形成阻力

    During motion, the sphere may experience the fluid drag, as well as the resistance from the interation of the moving sphere and the channel bed.


  • 使用生产产生替代盐酸作为再生再生系统进行改造。

    The desalting regeneration system is revamped by using the magnesium tail water from the intermittent nitric acid production unit to replace hydrochloric acid as the cation bed regenerant.


  • 日内瓦本周二伊朗主要大国为期和谈告终商定下月伊斯坦布尔进一步会面磋商,基本没有其他进展

    GENEVA - When two days of talks between Iran and major powers ended here Tuesday, with few signs of progress except an agreement to meet again next month in Istanbul.


  • 在1995- 97年2004 -06年拉丁美洲和加勒比地区之外,所有地区饥饿人数均有所增加

    The number of hungry people increased between 1995-97 and 2004-06 in all regions except Latin America and the Caribbean.


  • 联蛋白一类重要细胞表面分子介导细胞胞外基质细胞粘附外,还对细胞的识别、生长和分化具有重要作用

    Integrins are an important cell surface molecules that contribute to a variety of biological functions, including mediate cell and extracellular matrix and cell-cell adhesion.


  • 遗传相关性分析表明褐斑病病情与产量、含呈负相关外,其余3个性状呈正相关。

    The analysis of genetic correlation indicated that there was a positive relation among the root yield, sugar content and sugar yield except Cercospora leaf spot resistance.


  • 遗传相关性分析表明褐斑病病情与产量、含呈负相关外,其余3个性状呈正相关。

    The analysis of genetic correlation indicated that there was a positive relation among the root yield, sugar content and sugar yield except Cercospora leaf spot resistance.


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