• 模型进行受力分析后,文章接着通过显式积分求解出质点一时位置速度

    After accomplishing model forces analyses, Explicit Integration is implemented to calculate positions and velocities of all particles in the next time step.


  • 我们紧密关注谢普预测什么时候大小便,然后赶紧洗浴,这样他就不会弄脏他的尿

    We pay close attention to Shep to determine when he's about to pee or poop, and then race to the shower.


  • “精彩表演”盛宴中的位明星,“水电击”公司(译者注:一家提供艺术美食设计及个性美食定制等服务食品公司;未来主义者们曾用“电击”的方式烹饪食物)的美食设计师之一,伦敦咖啡馆里会见,并在一台笔记本电脑上向我展示他们工作的一些幻灯

    One of the Spectacular's stars, food designers Blanch and Shock, meet me in a London cafe and show me slides of their work on a laptop.


  • 仿佛突然销售者处于黑暗之中,不得不不确定气氛磋商价格

    Suddenly the salesperson is in the dark and has to negotiate price in an atmosphere of uncertainty.


  • 房子进深许多没人住的空屋子兽穴大路隔离开来,它唯一窗户又正着一被围砖墙和木栅栏里的大荒地。

    The whole thickness of a house and a multitude of uninhabited rooms separated this den from the boulevard, and the only window that existed opened on waste lands enclosed with walls and palisades.


  • 世卫组织正在采办迅速诊断测试机构腹泻工具包紧急用品传播关于病例管理技术准则

    WHO is procuring emergency supplies such as chlorine tablets, rapid diagnostic tests and interagency diarrhoeal diseases kits, as well as disseminating technical guidelines on case management.


  • 近日一部电视纪录曝出英国前任首相布莱尔夫人丽的求婚史,据说当时意大利度假的切丽正在打扫卫生

    Former British prime minister Tony Blair proposed to his now wife Cherie while she was cleaning the toilet during a holiday in Italy, according to a new television documentary.


  • 那些希望悲观中寻求鼓舞的人们一点,回想一下达沃斯近来一个无疑应验的预言

    But those looking for cheer amid the gloom should take a moment to cast their minds back to one recent Davos prediction that has undoubtedly come true.


  • 灵魂苦苦哀求毫不在意,只在辗转腾挪头野山般步履稳健如飞,终于来到平坦大地,一黄色海岸边

    And his Soul besought him piteously, but he heeded it not, but leapt from crag to crag, being sure-footed as a wild goat, and at last he reached the level ground and the yellow shore of the sea.


  • 克莱斯勒加拿大总部2002年热闹喧嚣成立,如今已是半空,冷冷清清地矗立河边空地上,展示玻璃窗上贴着“出租”的标识

    On the riverside promenade the headquarters of Chrysler Canada, opened with much hoopla in 2002, stands partly empty, a “For Rentsign on the plate-glass window of its showroom.


  • 在一只够站着的房里,人们正在期待解决幻灯上滑动问题赤脚跑步增加还是减少骨骼伤害风险

    "a standing-room-only crowd waited expectantly as a slide flashed up posing this question: Does barefoot running increase or decrease skeletal injury risk?"


  • 猎犬荨麻窥视过去,看到采掘场中心四个人影他们正坐在所有秘密据点必不可少道具——一个牛奶箱上

    The hound peered through a clump of nettles, and spotted four figures sitting in the center of the quarry on that indispensable prop to good secret dens everywhere, the common milk crate.


  • 许多英国人压根就没听说过这个地方:在他们历史课本上,从1066一直都铎王朝开始400年是一空白。

    Many Britons have never heard of it: school history tends to skip the 400-or-so years between 1066 and the start of the Tudor era.


  • 自然地势植被景观筑成了一道500长的“飘带”,提供采光座位诠释环境,标明路径

    In natural terrain and vegetation, the landscape architect placed a 500-meter "red ribbon" integrating lighting, seating, environmental interpretation, and way -? Nding.


  • 天气突然,转眼树叶变成一绚丽红黄色色调如此鲜丽,以致看到树木就觉得眼睛

    The weather suddenly grew cooler, and almost at once the leaves turned garish shades of yellow and red, so bold that the mere sight of trees hurt my eyes.


  • 外婆小屋,去外婆家穿过一树林

    Grandmother lived in a hut. The way to the hut was through the forest.


  • 一般电容中,分离电荷距离不会小于金属的距离。

    But in a capacitor, the separated charges can get no closer than the distance between the two metal plates.


  • 昨天晚上数千游戏死忠们守候牛津等待第一时购买《魔兽世界》游戏最新资料

    Last night thousands of online gamers descended on Oxford Street to purchase World of Warcraft's latest expansion pack.


  • 说话来到了开阔地这里英尺房子

    As she said this, she came suddenly upon an open place, with a little house in it about four feet high.


  • 危险地区破烂公寓里,邮局台阶上,到头来一无所获

    I was in a very rinky-dink apartment in a dangerous area, and I ended up with nothing, sleeping on the steps of a post office.


  • 知道吗?大雨400英尺12英尺的玉米地冲开了一个英尺的使玉米地与附近牧场区相交。

    On one of my corn strips, only 12 feet wide and about 400 feet long, there is, half way down one strip, a six inch gully created by a rain so heavy it melted a salt block in the pasture nearby.


  • 要理顺规模荷兰银行者机构结构件复杂之事:如何分配客户雇员IT系统联盟成员有序理论化部门引起一混乱。

    Unravelling institutions of the scale of ABN is complex: customers, employees and it systems will bleed messily across the neat theoretical divisions between consortium members.


  • 记得就同一等候,妈妈坐在一起等待X光结果.

    She remembered sitting with her mother in this same room, waiting for the results of her mammogram.


  • 泥石流5000500米的区域为平地,300房屋被毁

    Landslides levelled an area about 5km long and 500 metres wide, officials said, and more than 300 houses collapsed.


  • 办公区域就是脏兮兮的格子,一个子儿也没装修公共会议

    Their facilities are dirt-smeared cube farms without a dime spent on decor or common meeting areas


  • 12月报告出台后,维尔萨克鼓励农业团体进一步讨论这份报告,一时各派是一忙乱

    A frenzy of activity has followed December's report, with Mr Vilsack encouraging further discussion among farm groups.


  • Rosen实验室地下铜线DIY了他自己MRI。

    Working in his lab's basement, Rosen built his MRI from copper wire and sheets of aluminum.


  • Rosen实验室地下铜线DIY了他自己MRI。

    Working in his lab's basement, Rosen built his MRI from copper wire and sheets of aluminum.


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