• 当然儿童向的广告理性诉求有限的,因为大多数广告情感间接方法心理状态联想产生诉求。

    Certainly, rational appeals in advertising aimed at children are limited, as most advertisements use emotional and indirect appeals to psychological states or associations.


  • 通过增加销售收入广告间接品牌所有者创造利润

    Advertising indirectly generates revenues for brand owners through the increase in sales revenues that are thought to result from these ads.


  • 正因为这样,他们大范围的观众所接受,同时也间接增加发行量广告收入

    By appealing to a wider audience, they were able to increase their circulation and hence their advertising revenue.


  • 引导端口始终得到良好广告活动端口,并且始终返回间接IOR,其中包含安全和不安全的侦听器端口

    The bootstrap port is always an active, well-advertised port, and always returns an indirect IOR containing the secured and unsecured listener ports.


  • 价格可以分为三类-直接(常见),间接(成本消费者转移第三广告),两者兼而有之

    The price can fall into three categories - direct the most common, indirect where the cost is shifted from the consumer to a third party eg advertiser, or a combination of the two.


  • 李会昌电视广告许诺建立一个“纯净公正”的韩国提及那些不利于对手的传言。

    Television commercials for Lee Hoi-chang promise he will build a "clean and right" South Korea - an indirect reference to the allegations against his opponent.


  • 然后广告客户按照一个叫做CPM(千次展示费用)的费率付费换取他们广告短片间接受众暴光权利

    Advertisers then pay a rate, called CPM (cost per thousand), for the right to expose the implied audience to their spot.


  • 现在它依赖SantanderVodafoneLG等广告公司比赛间接营销自身很少花钱推动

    It relies on its big advertisers, such as Santander, Vodafone and LG, to market its RACES indirectly, spending little itself to promote the sport.


  • Google一样,Facebook间接进入传统网上广告模式(销售广告),建立一个植根于Facebook核心消费者群体衍生品

    Like Google, Facebook side-stepped a conventional online advertising model (such as selling display ads) to create one rooted in a derivative of Facebook's core consumer appeal.


  • 广告转向反讽间接营销手段因为它们变得战战兢兢。

    Advertisers are turning to this kind of ironic, indirect marketing approach because they are running scared.


  • 创意不仅直接决定广告宣传活动品位以及由此而形成市场吸引力而且间接影响着企业形象的塑造。

    It not only determines directly the taste of an advertising activity and the market attraction formed thereby, but also can influence indirectly the reputation of an enterprise.


  • 广告标题一般分为直接标题间接标题、复合性标题三种形式

    Headline divide into direct title, indirect title, title three forms of compounding ect. generally.


  • 同样批发商确保进入大型电子采购系统寻求进入广告行业协会间接产品供应商

    Likewise, e-distributors are securing admission to large e-procurement systems and also seeking admission to industry consortia ad suppliers of indirect goods.


  • 通常人们较为注重面向旅游者直接渠道旅游广告往往忽视旅游中间商旅游产品生产商之间间接渠道旅游广告

    People always pay much attention to advertising in the direct channel to the end user, but neglect advertising between tourism suppliers and intermediaries in the indirect marketing channel.


  • 悭吝玩家依然可以参与游戏里,但以凋谢自己广告投放的式样间接支付用度。

    Miserly players can still participate in the game and pay indirectly by being exposed to advertising.


  • 第三种按广告是否明确提及竞争者名称分为直接比较广告间接比较广告

    The third is direct comparative advertising and indirect comparative advertisingaccording to competitor mentioned or not.


  • 广告间接销售工具因为实际销售工作以后零售商店拜访顾主的销售员完成

    This type of advertising is an indirect selling tool, because the actual selling job is done later in a retail store or by a salesman who calls on the buyer.


  • 广告通过对合作原则公开有意地违反间接方式传递信息消费者能够越过话语表层意义推倒出会话含义。

    Advertisers impart information in an indirect way by openly and intentionally violating CP. Consumers can infer the conversational implicature on the basis of the literal meaning.


  • 但是很多广告常常直接表达所要传递的信息,而是通过间接方式来表达,双关语就是其中之一

    However certain advertisers do not always transfer their intents directly, but in some indirect ways, and one of them is pun.


  • 电影广告文案指电影海报文案,电影广告媒体作品的书面形式,也是直接间接引导受众购买行动文字。

    As an exotic genre, movie advertising placard is the written form of media in movie advertising. It is also the written form that can hopefully enact readers to purchase directly or indirectly.


  • 我们主要业务电视广告、电视频道品牌电影虚拟特效以及其他直接间接计算机图形动画相关的工作。

    We have mainly worked on TV commercials, TV channel branding, visual effects for movies and many other things that are directly or indirectly connected with computer graphics and animation.


  • 我们主要业务电视广告、电视频道品牌电影虚拟特效以及其他直接间接计算机图形动画相关的工作。

    We have mainly worked on TV commercials, TV channel branding, visual effects for movies and many other things that are directly or indirectly connected with computer graphics and animation.


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