• 晚上七点-世上最大港口之一闲庭信步

    7 p.m. - Take a stroll along one of the world's great harbor walks.


  • 这里人们不会闲庭信步他们这里击水三千。

    People don't come here to play it safe. They come here to swim in the deep end.


  • 真正感到自己课堂闲庭信步,挥洒自如,普通话培训之后

    I really feel that they can saunters along in the classroom, could he be after the Putonghua training.


  • 进球之后比赛几乎进入垃圾时间河海大学中场带球闲庭信步

    After the goal, the game almost into the garbage time, such as strolling in the midfield to Hohai University.


  • 但是这些你们其中闲庭信步房间无法无边、浩瀚之宇宙相比较

    But these small rooms in which you stride so confidently are nothing compared with the boundless expanses of the universe.


  • 今天下午阿尔波特公园的比赛就像闲庭信步一般;你来说今天完美了!

    Kimi, it looked like a walk in Albert Park this afternoon; what a fantastic day for you!


  • 江苏省南京市一位网友:“不管风吹浪打,CPI指数永远都胜似闲庭信步。”

    ", Nanjing city, Jiangsu Province, a friend said: "regardless of wind and waves hit, CPI index always.


  • 今天拉杆箱早已取代了扁担,在苏州火车站,通往站台段路途也变成了庭信步

    Today, rolling suitcases have replaced bamboo poles as the primary means of hauling loads, and the walk across Suzhou station's platforms is a leisurely stroll.


  • 营造不同生活场景生活形态营造理念信步可知当下舒适的生活形态。

    Build different life scene, build idea with life shape, stroll in the courtyard idly room can know comfortable life shape most instantly.


  • 逃离媒体每天呈现在我们眼前的灾难般的生活,这些时间闲庭信步、凝神冥想写写日记

    Instead, take a vacation from the misery we're exposed to every day via the media and use that time for a walk, a meditation session, or to write in your journal.


  • 觉得他美妙的运球小动作感应对劲,年夜而闲庭信步回到后场,可是并不教练许可

    He could have strolled back, pleased with himself for a nice little dribble, but coasting doesn't wash with this manager.


  • 的确闲庭信步的方式使战火纷飞阿富汗这个全球不友好市场成功经营移动通信业务

    Indeed, his easy-going approach has allowed him to build a successful mobile-phone business in one of the world's least hospitable markets, war-torn Afghanistan.


  • 他们尝试自己房子周围闲庭信步来使自己安心但是他们真的也很在意是否有女人在背后他们

    They try to reassure themselves by swaggering around the house, but they wonder if women aren't really laughing behind their backs.


  • 夏日炎炎,而这里依然清风阵阵,信步相伴舒缓音乐,好一番偷得浮生半日景象。

    Even in the scorching summer, refreshing breezes waft in from the lake and mountain. An idle stroll in the courtyard accompanied with soft and melodious music is a typical day of the hotel life.


  • 北京曾经有机成长混合了生活工作购物娱乐空间,如今它不再闲庭信步于小巷胡同间的城市

    Beijing is not a city of casual strolls through neighborhoods that have grown organically, mixing living, working, shopping and entertainment Spaces.


  • 每年都有数千名游客蜂拥西班牙公牛一起奔跑,不是公园里闲庭信步——实际上极其危险运动

    Thousands of tourists flock2 to Spain each year to run with the bulls, but it isn't exactly a walk in the park - it's actually an extremely dangerous sport!


  • 西班牙或许有些高估,从小组赛突围还是会像庭信步一般容易,六月二十一日智利对瑞士的场大战将是决定谁留的决定性战役。

    Spain may be overrated in some quarters but it should still find this group a stroll, which will leave the Chile-Switzerland clash on June 21 a decisive one.


  • 因为恐惧尝试因为总在“我讨厌鹰嘴豆”,闲庭信步去寻一本异域食谱,然后将其专研透彻,你可尝试多种不同风格的餐厅外出吃饭时。

    Get a cookbook full of exotic recipes and work your way through it. Make a point of going to different types of restaurants when you go out for dinner.


  • 闲庭信步阿姆斯特丹古老的运河边,两岸建筑在1541年至1603年之间的建筑,不难想象在17世纪这个城市是一个怎样的一派繁华

    STROLLING beside Amsterdam's oldest canals, where buildings carry dates like 1541 and 1603, it is easy to imagine the city's prosperity in the 17th century.


  • 无论你来自何方,这儿是适合旅行的去处没有4星级宾馆没有昂贵温泉浴场有的是海滩、码头上闲庭信步或者中溪流潺潺湲湲

    A getaway from everything, provided not by a 4-star hotel or expensive spa, but a simple stroll on a beach dock or babbling mountain stream.


  • 也许觉得球员需要教练自己脑袋里装有千万个的想法却依然在带队训练中闲庭信步,就像意大利队教练里皮在本届比赛中表现出的那样。

    Any player will tell you that you need to have a coach who can take every think that is thrown at him and still walk tall which the Italian coach has done throughout this tournament.


  • 也许觉得球员需要教练自己脑袋里装有千万个的想法却依然在带队训练中闲庭信步,就像意大利队教练里皮在本届比赛中表现出的那样。

    Any player will tell you that you need to have a coach who can take every think that is thrown at him and still walk tall which the Italian coach has done throughout this tournament.


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