• 这样原因是因为这个论点已经炒烂了而且方面问题帖子删除

    This is a tired argument and the kind of thing that will get you banned. Yes, of course we care about players being happy.


  • 很多论坛上帖子都反映过这个问题,而且也得到浏览器开发者肯定。到现在为止还是对此无能为力啊。

    There are lots of threads by users about this problem which has been acknowledged by the developers but nothing has been done about it so far.


  • 如果哪他们修复网站所有问题他们计划功能运行良好我会写一篇新的帖子

    I will do a follow-up post once they fix their site issues and all of their planned functionality are up and running.


  • 继续谈论建筑方面话题伊斯贝尔上帝骰子网站发一个关于现实世界中哥尼斯堡桥梁问题最终结局帖子

    Continuing the architectural theme, Isabel at God Plays Dice has a post on the ultimate fate of the real world Königsberg bridge problem.


  • 撇开是否真的互联网甚传帖子,(一个未经证实的假设)问题男性更年期回事吗?

    Putting aside the question of whether he actually wrote the note circulating on the Internet, (and that's a big if,) is there a male menopause?


  • 不会深入探讨他们所用方法- - -很显然那个帖子更多的谈了这个- - -我倒想说他们遇到的问题

    I won't get into the exact methods they used - the post goes into detail on that, obviously - but I love the challenges they're meeting.


  • 发了题为“‘专业图书馆员是个自相矛盾的概念的十个理由”的帖子一个假想的辩争——或者说是自己设下的一个辩题检验自己关于这些问题信念

    My post " Ten Reasons Why 'Professional Librarian' is an Oxymoron" was an experiment in shadow boxing—an opportunity to challenge myself, and to put my own beliefs to the test.


  • 记得搜索的是偶看到叫做ubuntu forum”的东西,所以重启注册了ubuntuforums.org碰到的问题发了一个帖子

    I remembered seeing something called "ubuntu forums" in my research, so I rebooted to Windows and made an account with ubuntuforums.org and posted my question.


  • 博客先前帖子中,NickMalik首先提出SOA是否是JaBoWS问题

    In an earlier post on his blog Nick Malik first asked the question if your SOA is JaBoWS.


  • LanguageLog博客(参阅参考资料中的链接)最近一个帖子想到计算机询问许多问题

    A recent post in the Language log blog (see Resources for a link) got me thinking about the many questions computers ask us.


  • 论坛问题跟踪其他讨论论坛内的垃圾帖子

    Spam postings on forums, issue trackers, and other discussion sites.


  • 支持知识库以及developerWorksLotusNotes/Domino论坛中的帖子帮助了作者寻找本文所讨论许多问题

    The support knowledge base, along with the posts in the Notes/Domino forums on developerWorks: Lotus, helped the author cover many of the issues discussed in this article.


  • 博客Freakonomics提出问题:“现在为‘电子著作权侵害’改名时候吗?”对此,一条帖子回复道著作权侵犯行为称作偷窃愚蠢的。

    The blog Freakonomics asked the question "is it time to rename digital piracy?" to which one comment replied that theft was a crass term to call copyright infringement.


  • 这个帖子分享别人的答案邀请你分享你这个问题的看法。

    In this post, I share those answers and invite you to share how you would have responded to my question.


  • 如果想到关于主题其他重要问题欢迎帖子评论的形式发布出来,或者直接作者联系

    If you think there are other significant issues to discuss about this topic, readers are invited to post them as comments, or to contact the author directly.


  • 可以别人那里得到建议,可以别人一起探讨问题,你可以阅读论坛别人帖子激发你的灵感。

    You can get Suggestions from others, you can bounce ideas off people, you can read and be inspired by great ideas from people on the forums.


  • 这些帖子还不能判断问题普遍性

    It is unclear from the posts how widespread the problem is.


  • 可以2010年3月论坛帖子看到问题示例代码

    You can see examples of the problematic code in this forum post from March of 2010.


  • WindowsLive技术支持人员已经多个帖子表示Hotmail已经了解问题正在对此进行修复

    Windows Live support technicians have said in numerous threads that the Hotmail team is aware of the problem and working on a fix.


  • 10月15日个获得苹果授权的论坛上,发布了一个帖子专门讨论电池问题两个星期后帖子依然火爆——截止这周二,已累积了185评论

    A post on the Apple support forums, begun on October 15 to discuss battery problems, was still active Tuesdaytwo weeks and 185 pages worth of comments later.


  • 上一个关于这个主题帖子里,指出作弊在要求人们取得职业资格认证的任何行业普遍问题

    In my previous post on this topic I pointed out that cheating is a widespread problem in every industry that requires certification of professionals.


  • 用户或者系统管理员论坛发布帖子,说起贴有Vista标志的机器的一大堆问题时,分钟内,就会有一个“有用的”结论来解决它:“安装Linux !”

    A user or sysadmin posts about problems with a brand new Vista PC on a support forum. Within minutes, a "helpful" soul suggests a fix: "Install Linux!"


  • JPMorgenthal在这帖子评论说道问题在于企业架构原则在于企业架构(Enterprise Architecture)这个词本身

    Commenting Bloomberg's post, JP Morgenthal says that it is not the principles of Enterprise Architecture, but rather a terminology that creates a problem.


  • 最近一条帖子当中卡梅伦粉丝留下问题并承诺离开中国之前回答部分问题

    In one recent post, Cameron asked his followers to leave questions for him, saying he would answer some of them before he left China.


  • 不久之前写过帖子,题为《能力就足够了吗?》。一位读者提出了如下问题回应我。

    A short while ago, I had written a post titled 'Is Talent Enough?'. A reader wrote the following query in response.


  • 不久之前写过帖子,题为《能力就足够了吗?》。一位读者提出了如下问题回应我。

    A short while ago, I had written a post titled 'Is Talent Enough?'. A reader wrote the following query in response.


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进来说说原因吧 确定