• 荧光灯闪烁几下,然后房间刺眼

    Fluorescent lights flickered, and then the room was brilliantly, blindingly bright.


  • 剩下点点青铜色淡出了视野,星星开始闪烁了

    Remaining bits of bronze sank away from sight. A star or two began twinkling.


  • 轻弹了下墙上开关灯光闪烁了一阵恢复正常光亮

    As he flicked the wall switch, the light flickered, then flared into normal brilliance.


  • 到了午夜,农舍里灯光分成束光亮其中一束闪烁了

    Toward midnight, the light in the hut split into two lights, and one of the two blinked three times.


  • 开炉灶旋钮,茶壶下面升腾起蓝色火焰屋子闪烁些暗淡的光线。

    When he turned the knob on the stove, the blue flame that erupted under the teakettle gave a dim glow to the room.


  • 眼神闪烁了一下然后不再继续开口而是一把抓那位哥哥就要男子拉。

    Sung sang sleet see in the eyes to gleam because a when, then no longer proceeded to open mouth, yet a will go toward a male catching that elder sibling that to pluck.


  • 地平线黄色光线闪烁加深了外星上的感觉就像是个充满敌意的星球上的一个孤独定居点

    The sense of an extraterrestrial experience is heightened by a line of yellow lights twinkling on the horizon, like a lone settlement on a hostile planet.


  • 四周没有漂浮杂质微粒时,光线就会停止闪烁,然后就可以得到99.9%的纯净水了。

    When there are no longer particles floating around, the light stops blinking and you have 99.9 percent clean drinking water.


  • 黄昏时分精炼厂闪烁灯光似乎昭示了这一行业美好前景

    The twinkling lights of an oil refinery at dusk show the potential for beauty in industrial landscapes.


  • 界面元素光标菜单,都是绝佳颜色幻灯片淡出淡隐代替凸凹闪烁

    It's interface elements, from the cursor to menu items, make excellent use of color, and they slide and fade instead of popping and blinking.


  • 经常黑莓智能手机用户怨念的是盏小红灯,一旦开始闪烁,就意味着新的电子邮件到达了。

    Users of BlackBerry smartphones often curse the flashing red light telling them that another E-mail demands attention.


  • 警车抛锚了,闪烁灯光也远去了。让警车里惊奇不已。

    The flashing light dimmed into the distance as the police car rolled to a halt, much to the amazement of its occupants.


  • 研究者展示记录每个志愿者视觉皮层fMRI信号闪烁图像

    Researchers showed flickering images to each volunteer while fMRI signals were recorded from the visual cortex.


  • 例如正是由于Douglass这样善良公民,无数人们才得以发现智慧灯塔闪烁光芒就是教育的作用。

    Example: Because of the efforts of fine Americans like Frederick Douglass, countless others have seen the shining beacon of light that is education.


  • 这时屏幕闪烁,你截图保存iphoto资源库里了。

    The screen will flash and the screenshot will be saved to your iPhoto library.


  • Parachutes里面充满漂浮吉它声闪烁钢琴声玩式声音设置架构——这种声音在事专辑路线里变得有一点无味

    Parachutes was full of floating guitars and twinkling pianos that laid the framework for a Coldplay sound -a sound that got a little boring over the course of an album.


  • 逮捕行动给生活这些俄罗斯人附近邻居们带来了一定的影响,周日晚上,FBI工作人员搜查了间谍们的房屋车辆,警车闪烁着警灯拉着大批证据离开

    The arrests made a splash in neighborhoods around the country, as F.B.I. teams spent all Sunday night hunting through houses and cars, shining flashlights and carting away evidence.


  • 他犹豫了一会儿然后把眼镜扔出窗外,用闪烁的眼睛直视着:"现在看见我了没?

    wink and a smile and said, “Can you see me now?


  • 犹豫了一会儿然后眼镜窗外闪烁的眼睛直视着:“现在看见我了没?”

    Then he tossed the glasses out the window, looked at me with a wink and a smile and said, "Can you see me now?"


  • 犹豫了一会儿然后眼镜窗外,闪烁的眼睛直视着:“现在看见我了没?”

    He paused for a moment then he tossed the glasses out the window, looked at me with a wink and a smile and said, "Can you see me now?"


  • 是个简单明了动画显示行星小行星太阳运转,伴随着所发现电波星光闪烁

    It's a straightforward animation that shows planets and asteroids orbiting the sun, with waves of twinkles as discoveries are made.


  • 新办公室占据了大楼几个楼层,这栋闪烁着微光的大楼仿佛庞大白色积木玻璃搭建而成。

    It occupied several floors of a gleaming building that appeared as if it were made out of giant white Lego blocks and glass.


  • ,对”着,过头偷偷了一眼太阳,天空已变得清澈晴朗,太阳闪烁耀眼的的光芒。

    "Humph" she said, turning away to steal a glance at the sun, which did look rather bright.


  • 获知杰基了一首微风纯洁的卡洛收到则是关于闪烁肌肤上的幸运之光的时,她暴怒了。

    She was appalled when she found out that I had written Jackie a poem about innocent kisses blown her way in the breeze, and Carol a poem about the lucky sunshine that glistens off her skin.


  • 笔者是十月乘坐苏维埃时代水翼船进行趟旅行震颤20个小时,掠过了大片的荒野河岸两侧闪烁无边的白桦,偶尔出现捕鱼者的营地

    In early October the Soviet-era hydrofoil on this trip shudders for 20 hours through a wilderness, Banks of flaming birch broken only by the occasional fishing encampment.


  • 凯蒂·佩里宝宝公开的秘密但是全美音乐大奖上可没有闪烁其词回应了关于她已经怀孕谣言

    It's no secret that Katy Perry wants to have kids, but the singer didn't mince words at the American Music Awards as she shot down rumors that she is already pregnant.


  • 他们设计唯一城市过去相一致就是闪烁宝石色调鲜明广泛运用,就地方口音一样贯穿了整个酒店这是鉴于对源自这座城市的有名费伯奇彩蛋的敬意。

    The only debt their designs owe to the city's past are the bright pops of jewel tones as accents throughout the hotel, a nod to the famous Faberge Eggs produced in the city.


  • 随后,第一块给然后凳子上,眼里闪烁着幸福的泪花

    She hands me the first slice. Then she leans down, her smile full and warm, though she has tears in her eyes.


  • 火焰壁炉闪烁并且家具之前行程了奇异形状

    The flames flickered in the fireplace and fashioned fantastic forms among the furniture.


  • 火焰壁炉闪烁并且家具之前行程了奇异形状

    The flames flickered in the fireplace and fashioned fantastic forms among the furniture.


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