• 威廉姆斯长期观点可能巴韦更为悲观

    Mr Williams' medium to long-term view is arguably more gloomy than that of Mr Baweja.


  • 开罗召开,把全球关注妇女健康活动份子长期观点规章化。

    The 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo codified views long advocated by women's health activists the world over.


  • 期权市场规模小,作为反映长期观点指标,因为市场的参与者往往现货市场投资者看得更长远

    While the options market is small, it serves as an indicator of longer-term views because its participants tend to look further into the future than those trading in the spot market.


  • 一位研究人员赞同格伦·舍伦贝格观点认为必要进行长期发展研究了解音乐训练效果

    One researcher shares Glenn Schellenberg's view that it is necessary to conduct long-term developmental studies to understand the effects of music training.


  • 最近证据支持了一个长期存在理论对立的观点理论认为,在1.1万至1.2万年前美洲白令海峡沿中大陆无冰走廊向南迁移殖民的。

    Recent evidence favors a rival to the long-standing theory that the Americas were colonized 11,000-12,000 years ago by people migrating south from Beringia along a midcontinental ice-free corridor.


  • 支持观点是,长期存在的顶极群落通常先锋群落复杂食物更多物种多样性

    Support for this idea came from the observation that long-lasting climax communities usually have more complex food webs and more species diversity than pioneer communities.


  • 人们长期以来关注谷物含糖量以及食品行业在赞成吃早餐的相关研究中的参与甚至学术界有一种观点认为早餐危险的”。

    There have been concerns around the sugar content of cereal and the food industry's involvement in pro-breakfast research—and even one claim from an academic that breakfast is "dangerous".


  • 主们长期使用这项技术佐证自己观点

    Bloggers have long used the technique to back up their views.


  • 段时间来,这种观点长期股票牛市似乎得到证实。

    For a while this view seemed to be borne out by the long bull market in equities.


  • 股东更多权力影响经理层(特别是美国)使实践这种权力,应该促使他们他们所雇用经理们采取一种长期观点

    Giving shareholders more power to influence management (especially in America) and encouraging them to use it should prompt them and the managers they employ to take a longer view.


  • 采取此一观点那么科技长期趋势怎样的?

    Now, I took that and said, ok, what are the long-term trends in technology?


  • 市场观点同样得到来自美国联邦储备委员会意见支持,就是可能会购买长期国债

    The market also has been supported by comments from the Federal Reserve that it, too, may buy long-term Treasuries.


  • 如果想看到深入长期、严格、经过讨论新闻观点博客依然举足轻重

    When it comes to more thought-out, long-form, researched, discussed news and opinion, blogs still matter.


  • 上述观点尽管存在分歧,但关于美国失业率长期居高不下原因看法基于劳动力市场一个类似概念性观点

    Divergent as they are, these opinions about America's persistently high unemployment rate are all based on a similar conceptual view of the Labour market.


  • 所有这些没有一点能够证明,曾对市场做出精确预测的舍这次的观点长期错误的。

    None of this proves that Mr Shilling, who has made some shrewd market calls in the past, will be proved wrong in the long run.


  • 考夫曼基金会(该慈善基金拜德研究提供经费支持)的罗伯特.立认为缺乏长期数据支持意味已经成为一个“类似神学观点争论”。

    The lack of long-term data means this has becomea quasi-theological dispute”, says Robert Litan of the Kauffman Foundation, a charity that provided some funding for Mr Bhidé’s work.


  • 长期以来生物学家,心理学家诗人音乐家爱情深度精神情感还是一种可能潜在生理痴迷这一观点产生分歧

    Biologists, psychologists, poets, and musicians have long been at odds over whether love is a deeply spiritual emotion, or perhaps a potentially harmful biological addiction.


  • 麦金利那位菲亚·格里夫妇律师那些发射塔本身表达类似的观点:“人们暴露各种各样的化学物下,短期长期的。”

    McKinley, the Feagleys' lawyer, expressed a similar sentiment about the towers themselves: "People are exposed to all sorts of chemicals short-term and long-term."


  • 人们长期以来就普遍认可这样观点,即不同人种反映了不同的气候作用

    It had long been widely held that the varieties of humankind reflected the action of different climates.


  • 股票市场不佳表现更强化了一种观点市场将陷于长期熊市如同我们在1929年至1949年1965年至1982年之间见到的情况一样。

    The faltering performance of stockmarkets added weight to the idea that they are stuck in a long-term bear phase, akin to that seen in 1929-49 or in 1965-82.


  • 计算信贷风险流动性风险的市场差价在2007年8月份之前被过分压缩了,尽管这个观点尚有争议现在的市场差价高于合理的长期水平

    Market spreads taking account of credit and liquidity risk had arguably become too compressed pre-August 2007, and are now wider than they should be long-term.


  • 看起来似乎詹姆斯·因霍夫(JamesInhofe)的观点形成了鲜明的对照,美国参议员,同时也是一个长期气候怀疑论者。 他上个月要求气候科学家进行刑事调查

    This appears to be a reference to James Inhofe, a US senator and long-standing climate sceptic, who last month called for a criminal investigation of climate scientists.


  • 孤独可以传染病一样传播观点建立观察基础之上:长期观察发现许多孤独感似乎扩散到了这网络边缘

    The idea that loneliness spreads like a contagion was based on the observation that, over time, scores of loneliness seemed to spread to the edge of a network.


  • 指望分歧在一夜之间消失也不相信长期存在观点冲突突然烟消云散

    I don't expect divisions to disappear overnight, nor do I believe that long-held views and conflicts will suddenly vanish.


  • 指望分歧在一夜之间消失也不相信长期存在观点冲突突然烟消云散

    I don't expect divisions to disappear overnight, nor do I believe that long-held views and conflicts will suddenly vanish.


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