• 长期要求废除死刑

    He long urged the abolition of capital punishment.


  • 全职泥浆工程师长期要求,在取得充分的经验,由承包商公司一致同意。

    Long term requirement for a full time mud engineer will be mutually agreed between CONTRACTOR and COMPANY after sufficient experience is gained.


  • 新手机操作系统是3.0版本的,首次问世是三月份,3.0版本所有程序中增添剪切复制粘贴功能苹果手机用户长期要求增加这项功能

    The new iPhone OS 3.0, which was first unveiled in March, will have cut, copy and paste capabilities for all applications, which iPhone users have long demanded.


  • 短期投资者要求公司获得高额季度利润这会阻碍公司投资长期研究建立客户忠诚度

    Transient investors, who demand high quarterly profits from companies, can hinder a firm's efforts to invest in long-term research or to build up customer loyalty.


  • 长期以来,生物学一直争论鸟类生物学是否具有很高的成本有的理论认为产蛋对能量或营养要求很高

    Biologists have long debated about whether egg production in birds is biologically highly costly, some theorizing that egg production is energetically or nutritionally demanding.


  • 美国希望建立长期军事基地但阿富汗这些要求使美阿两国的战略合作协议无法达成

    Afghan demands are holding up the conclusion of a strategic-partnership deal in which the United States hopes to secure long-term bases.


  • 通用汽车克莱斯勒预计立即利用这些资金避免破产要求实施新的紧缩举措,表明长期生存能力

    General Motors and Chrysler were expected to draw on the funds immediately to avert bankruptcy, and will be required to implement new belt-tightening moves and demonstrate their long-term viability.


  • 规定要求长期看护单位疗养院必需临终医疗单位达成书面协议,列明双方的角色承担的责任

    The regulation would require long-term care facilities, such as nursing homes, to have a written agreement with hospice organizations that spells out the roles and duties of each provider.


  • 这种要求长期以来一直澳大利亚种族不满的爆发点。

    That demand has long been a flashpoint for Australia's racial grievances.


  • 它们章程经常要求保持长期收支平衡,而这使它们危机中占据优势

    Often, their charteris simply to break even in the long run, which should give them an edgein times of crisis.


  • 美元来说令人担忧原因在于,如果发生贬值,将促使外国投资者们长期国债回报率有一个更高要求,以作为他们风险补偿

    As for the dollar, the reason to worry would be if a falling currency prompted foreign investors to demand higher yields on American Treasury bonds to compensate them for the risk.


  • 如果他们补偿股票回购分红上面,则可以要求他们支付长期资本收益税金。

    And if they want to spend it on compensation or stock buybacks or dividends, let them pay the long-term capital gains rate.


  • 允许投资者使用土地包括长达70长期契约根据要求可再续约。

    Use of land shall be permitted to investors, including long-term leases of up to a period of 70 years, renewable upon request.


  • 这些要素满足共和党方面一些长期要求

    Those elements would satisfy several long-standing Republican demands.


  • 危机进程中间监管者要求银行加快建立处理衍生产品交易清算所的计划,这是长期的任务。

    In the midst of the turmoil, regulators ordered Banks to speed up plans - long in the making - to set up a clearinghouse to handle derivatives trading.


  • 一旦工人们开始关注物价上涨购买力影响并且长期不是短期影响,此时他们便开始要求增加工资

    If workers begin to focus on the effect of higher commodity prices on their spending power, and regard the effect as permanent rather than temporary, then they may push up their wage demands.


  • 除了简单地要求更多休假时间外,很多协商争取获得长期缺席休假(受薪与否,视情况而定)。

    Short of simply asking for more vacation time, many people negotiate long-term leaves of absence or sabbaticals (paid or unpaid, depending upon the situation) to enable travel.


  • 所有奥运申办方要求展示奥运会如何带来长期受益

    All Olympic bids are required to show how the Games will provide lasting benefits.


  • 整个年代最低长期利率,对达不到固定承保要求不会筹备贬值财产的民众来说作用不大

    The lowest long-term rates in a generation are of little help to homeowners who cannot meet toughened underwriting criteria or refinance a depreciated property.


  • 卫组织遵循世界卫生大会决议要求,制定了保护健康不受气候变化影响积极长期规划

    WHO has an active and long-standing programme on protecting health from climate change, guided by a World Health Assembly resolution.


  • 虽然有些学校提供卫生纸质量出了名的差长期以来一直遭人耻笑,但要求学生自带手纸的做法还是让家长们很生气。

    The notoriously poor quality of some school toilet paper has long been the butt of many jokes, but the move angered parents.


  • 人民已经受够军事统治要求要么恢复长期国会要么重新选出新的国会。

    People had had enough of military rule, and were calling either for the reinstatement of the Long Parliament or fresh elections for a new Parliament.


  • 而且,法律长期存在一个这样的要求同等职位女性男性提前5退休这样就会减少女性的收入退休金

    The law also sticks to the longstanding requirement that women retire five years earlier than men at the same jobs, thereby reducing earnings and pensions.


  • 阿拉伯人民自己大街上要求获得长期拒绝的尊严,在这一过程中所表现出来勇气非凡的。

    The courage of Arabs in their streets claiming a long-denied dignity has been remarkable.


  • 红衫一个4月放逐领导人运动不会停止现在在准备进行长期斗争:“很多我们盟友都没有按我的要求行动。”

    But it would not stop the movement, says Jakrapob Penkair, a red-shirt leader who fled into exile in April and is digging in for a long war: “A lot of our allies out there are not dancing to his tune.


  • 慕克吉文件中包含印度长期以来要求巴基斯坦引渡大约20个人名字

    Pranab Mukherjee says the document contains the names of about 20 individuals India has long wanted extradited from Pakistan.


  • 慕克吉文件中包含印度长期以来要求巴基斯坦引渡大约20个人名字

    Pranab Mukherjee says the document contains the names of about 20 individuals India has long wanted extradited from Pakistan.


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