• 不是他们长期参与失败六方会谈的延续

    But not a continuation of the failed six-party talks, in which they have long been a participant.


  • 奖励制度:奖励制度可以使员工长期参与计划

    Incentive: An incentive program goes a long way in getting people involved.


  • 陈坤长期参与社会公益慈善活动得到广泛认可

    Chen Kun has been widely recognized for his consistent support for social causes and philanthropy.


  • 非营利组织需要网络战略——把最初兴趣转变成真正长期参与

    Organizations need to have online strategies that follow-up initial interest with real engagement over the long term.


  • 中国现代文学思潮论争史上梁实秋提出一系列观点长期参与论争

    In the argument history of Chinese contemporary culture trend of thought, Liang Shiqiu had advanced a series of views which played an important role in the argument for a long time.


  • 如果Spoondate希望继续保持增长的话,需要进一步带动用户的长期参与

    If Spoondate hopes to grow, it's going to have to lead to more than a few long-term engagements.


  • 长期参与具体教育工作教育管理教学第一线,积累丰富的教育实践经验

    He had long engaged himself in concrete educational work, both educational administration and teaching, and thus gained a rich experience in educational practices.


  • 预计能毫不费力地达成和解,BP优势之一长期参与俄罗斯商业活动利润10%由此构成。

    He says he expects to come to a settlement quite easily, and that one of BP's strengths is its long history of involvement with Russia, which contributes about 10% of BP's profits.


  • 参与在家的开卷考试需要深思熟虑因为这种考试没有时间期限,所以可能导致长期压力

    Take-homes require thoughtful engagement which can lead to longer term stress as there is never a moment when the time is up.


  • 肯尼迪写道规则限制各州长期繁荣妨碍市场参与参与公平竞争”。

    Kennedy wrote that the rule "limited states' ability to seek long-term prosperity and has prevented market participants from competing on an even playing field".


  • 人们长期以来关注谷物含糖量以及食品行业在赞成吃早餐的相关研究中的参与甚至学术界有一种观点认为早餐危险的”。

    There have been concerns around the sugar content of cereal and the food industry's involvement in pro-breakfast research—and even one claim from an academic that breakfast is "dangerous".


  • 以此方式一个BPEL4S WS流程可以参与伙伴长期消息交互中

    This way a BPEL4SWS process can be involved in long-running multi message interactions with partners.


  • 采用参与行业标准使公司能够利用整个行业最佳实践从而减少语义互操作性长期成本

    Embracing and participating in industry standards allow individual companies to take advantage of industry-wide best practices and reduce the long-term cost of semantic interoperability.


  • 卢拉改变了巴西长期不干涉政策参与海地洪都拉斯富有争议的伊朗冲突

    Lula altered Brazil's long-standing policy of nonintervention and got involved in conflicts in Haiti, Honduras and most controversially Iran.


  • 195名志愿者参与了伊凡斯斯坎博格博士实验,他们也是伊凡斯纽约州展开长期社会医药研究的成员。

    Dr Evans's and Dr Schamberg's volunteers were 195 participants in a long-term sociological and medical study that Dr Evans is carrying out in New York state.


  • 一些国际性大公司看到中国良好长期潜力希望参与本土市场竞争

    Some international companies see great long-term potential in China and want to compete in the domestic market.


  • 他们参与以及他们指导研究项目以及根除疟疾目标的长期成功至关重要的。

    The engagement and mentoring of these scientists will be critical to the long-term success not only of the research agenda, but also of the eradication goal.


  • 长期寻找参与尽可能的有趣的活动

    In the long-term, search, register, and attend as many interesting events as possible (e.g. SXSW).


  • 微软工作长期岁月,伯克斯参与无数项目,包括让人津津乐道的Courier双屏平板电脑项目

    Among the numerous projects he worked on during his long stint was the much-talked about dual-screen Courier tablet project. (Seattle Times).


  • 来自英国和美国科学家检验了450名参与者的DNA长度通过长期的调研发现,在学校表现较差的人DNA端粒较短,表明他们可能会更快地衰老。

    The study, by researchers from University College London, examined the length oftelomeres’ from around 450 office workers.


  • 尽管美国正在实现经济复苏,且美联储政策开始正常化(54参与中有38预计今年年底关键联邦基金利率上调),长期问题继续存在

    But even as a recovery materializes and fed policy begins to normalize (38 of the 54 respondents expect the key federal-funds rate to increase by the end of the year), long-term problems will persist.


  • 那些去年参加伦纳·梅里聚会(爆料你们专栏作家一个长期并且欣赏力的社交聚会参与)的人有两个选择

    Those attending last year's Lennart Meri security shindig (disclosure: your columnist is a regular and appreciative participant) had two options.


  • 这不需要多大代价,但是需要更多的参与社区积极对话以及质疑我们某些长期存在传统意愿

    This need not be expensive, but it will require greater participation, an active dialog within the community, and a willingness to question some of our long-standing traditions.


  • 三个行动虽然不能完全抵消退步员工参与中的消极影响他们确实长期持续的减少影响。

    These three actions won't completely neutralize the negative impact that setbacks have on workers' engagement, but they will go a long way toward reducing it.


  • 长期弗莱明翰心脏研究参与一个随访研究直接支持抑郁以后痴呆危险因素之一的观点。

    A new study that followed participants in the long-running Framingham Heart study lands squarely on the side of depression as a risk factor for later dementia.


  • 消费研究杂志研究,研究对象要求参与虚拟股票买卖,这些股票价格要么长期上扬,要么长期下跌

    In one study reported in the Journal of Consumer Research, people were asked to buy and sell virtual stocks that had long histories of either increasing or decreasing earnings.


  • 消费研究杂志研究,研究对象要求参与虚拟股票买卖,这些股票价格要么长期上扬,要么长期下跌

    In one study reported in the Journal of Consumer Research, people were asked to buy and sell virtual stocks that had long histories of either increasing or decreasing earnings.


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