• 对于比较血管成形术锻炼带来的效果优劣,目前只有非常的检验,并且没有证实血管成形术有任何长期优势

    There have been only two very small trials comparing angioplasty with exercise and both failed to show any long term advantage for angioplasty.


  • 面对不断变化激烈竞争市场软件产品质量成为软件开发公司或企业能够保持其长期优势和获得更多用户关键

    Face to the constant change and highly competitive market, the quality of software product comes to be the key of the software company.


  • 一个较为突出的顾虑JAX - WS 2.0并不支持Web服务配置Annotation任何后备选项这样可能限制框架灵活性长期优势

    A larger concern may be that JAX-WS 2.0 does not support any alternative to annotations for web services configuration, which may limit the flexibility and long-term advantages of the framework.


  • 然而长期看,巴西公司看作一次竞争优势,因为将把他们其他新兴市场国家区别开来。

    However, in the longer term, Brazilian companies may see this as a competitive advantage in terms of differentiating themselves from other emerging market players.


  • 商品领域更喜欢长期优势

    In the commodity realm, I prefer longer-lasting advantages.


  • KP第三优势整合方式阿斯特兰享受这类健康护理建立长期护理的鼓励刺激投资体制上。

    KP's third big advantage is that its integrated approach and incentive structure encourage investment in forms of long-term care such as the wellness classes that ms Ahlstrand enjoys.


  • NIDDK尽管人们相信TUIPTURP一样都能减轻炎症痛苦,并且副作用一些,但是优势以及长期效果至今尚未明了。

    The NIDDK says that although people believe that TUIP gives the same relief as TURP with less risk of side effects, its advantages and long-term side effects have not been clearly established.


  • 我们已经讨论使用BRMS主要优势但是如果长期从事IT方面的工作,那么您应该知道如何分辨宣传现实

    We have discussed some key benefits of using BRMS, but if you've been in it for long time, you know how to separate the hype from reality.


  • 分析应当清楚地表明短期中期长期成本优势

    This analysis should clearly show the short -, medium -, and long-term cost benefits.


  • 我们教育能源、科技、卫生保健等方面没有足够优势,然而所有这些美国竞争力长期繁荣力量很重要

    We have not adequately advanced priorities like education, energy, science and technology, and health careall of which are essential to U.S. competitiveness, long-term prosperity, and strength.


  • 我们教育能源科技卫生保健等方面没有足够优势,然而所有的这些美国竞争力长期繁荣力量很重要

    We have not adequately advanced priorities like education, energy, science and technology, and health care-all of which are essential to U. S. competitiveness, long-term prosperity, and strength.


  • 它们章程经常要求保持长期收支平衡,而这使它们危机中占据优势

    Often, their charteris simply to break even in the long run, which should give them an edgein times of crisis.


  • 这种一致性对于那些团队成员水平参差不齐或是项目需要长期维护组织来说是个巨大优势

    Such consistency is a major bonus for organisations with teams of differing skill sets or projects that will require long-term maintenance.


  • 这些技术已经在当地深入人心,从长期来看,我们失去了竞争优势

    They've drawn them, and long term, we lose competitive advantage.


  • 萧条以及美国长期失业率飙升视为美国经济独特优势严峻考验

    The Great Recession and its surge of long-term unemployment are a severe test of what was once seen as a distinctive US economic strength.


  • 数据回溯1998年显示指数从长期来说优势更为明显。

    Data going back to 1998 show that it has done better over the longer term, too.


  • 长期投资者仍然能够利用暂时恐慌错误定价成本时期建仓的优势

    Long-term investors can still take advantage of temporary panics and mispricings to build positions at low costs.


  • 还有一些长期投资者巴菲特寻找那些拥有很高品牌价值公司,以确保本领域内的主导优势

    Other long-term investors, such as Warren Buffett, look for companies that have built up the value of a brand name that ensures their continued dominance in a market.


  • 依照欧洲标准这些国家非常希望获得长期优势并且相信这种优势可以通过加入欧元成为欧洲一部分而获得。

    These countries are small and poor by European standards; they want very badly to gain the long-term advantages they believe will accrue from joining the euro and becoming part of a greater Europe.


  • 而且大部分充电电池相比,超级电容器更长的工作寿命长期来看优势

    And compared with most rechargeable batteries, supercapacitors tend to have a longer working life. In time that too would become a more obvious benefit.


  • 日本公司决策者相信长期解决之道在于转向清洁技术太阳能电池电动车电池等日本公司已经具备优势领域

    The long-term answer, Japanese bosses believe, is to move into clean technologies such as solar panels and electric-car batteries—new areas where Japanese firms are already strong.


  • 预计能毫不费力地达成和解,BP优势之一长期参与俄罗斯商业活动利润10%由此构成。

    He says he expects to come to a settlement quite easily, and that one of BP's strengths is its long history of involvement with Russia, which contributes about 10% of BP's profits.


  • 我们网络业务能为业务创立重大的简略长期金融税收优势

    Our Capital net lease transaction can create significant short and long term financial and tax advantages for your business.


  • 客户建立长期良好关系企业取得竞争优势的一种有效途径。

    By establishing good and long relationship with clients, enterprises will get superiority in market competition.


  • 客观上要求企业发现确定正确营销策略来寻求竞争优势长期效益

    It requires companies to objectively found, determine the correct marketing strategy, seeking competitive advantage and long-term benefits.


  • 风靡电子国内一家极具优势工业自动化企业长期高科技领域多项填补国内外空白专利

    FENGMI electronic industrial automation domestic enterprises a great advantage, long-term in the high-tech field, and there are a number of patents, to fill the domestic blank.


  • 不过不会失去优势确保长期进展更加顺畅。

    It won't, though, cause you to lose your advantage and it will ensure that progress is smoother in the long-term.


  • 国会简报中提出关于就业心理优势失业影响研究发现长期失业诱发心理健康问题

    Research presented during a congressional briefing on the psychological benefits of employment and the impact of joblessness revealed long-term unemployment can trigger mental health issues.


  • 国会简报中提出关于就业心理优势失业影响研究发现长期失业诱发心理健康问题

    Research presented during a congressional briefing on the psychological benefits of employment and the impact of joblessness revealed long-term unemployment can trigger mental health issues.


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