• 来自前后朋友们都有相同手臂长度距离

    You have the same arm length from the friends in front and back of you.


  • 接下来他们必须决定一种自然长度,他们选择赤道北极距离的一千万分之一,他们将它称作一米。

    Next they had to decide on a "natural" length. They chose one ten-millionth of the distance from the Equator to the North Pole.


  • 地理坐标可以用来表示任何地方位置但是适合定义具有可度量长度直线计算距离

    While geographic coordinates can be used to represent point locations anywhere, they are not suitable for defining lines of appreciable length or computing distances.


  • 集合中的第一位于等于区段长度的第一距离内。

    The first point in a set lies at a distance equal to the segment length.


  • 出现字符串指向一字符串的指针(形式——距离长度)代替

    The second occurrence of a string is replaced by a pointer (in the form of a pair — distance and length) to the previous string.


  • 一步长度两个右脚左脚脚印之间距离。 也就是说,每“一步”相当于左右迈出一次

    They called one pace the distance covered between two right footprints, or two left footprints—that is two steps, one with each foot.


  • 根据比赛距离进行切分因为比赛应用程序包含不同长度不同参赛者多项比赛

    I'm also going to shard based on race distance, because my racing application holds myriad RACES of different lengths, along with myriad runners.


  • 柏拉图叙述了“黄金比例”,认为完美脸部宽度长度三分之二鼻子不能之间距离

    Plato wrote of the "golden proportions," which dubbed the width of an ideal face an exact two thirds its length, a nose no longer than the distance between the eyes.


  • 这些线段长度就是距离

    So these distances are the lengths of these line segments.


  • 后续每个位于区段长度加上原点个点距离那一段距离内。

    Each successive point lies at a distance of the segment length plus the distance of the previous point from the origin.


  • 另外一点就是我们对键的长度兴趣,也就是两个原子核之间距离

    And we can also talk about the bond length, so we might be interested in what the bond length is, what the distance between these two nuclei are.


  • 没有着眼于鞋子高度,他考虑的是脚后跟长度结构踝关节背面跟腱附着距离

    It didn't look at shoe heel height, it looked at anatomical heel length, the distance from the back of your ankle joint to the insertion of the Achilles tendon.


  • 斯纳应该和交谈的对象保持长度距离

    You should also try to keep an arm's length away from anyone you're talking to, says Misner.


  • 其中,距离限定32KB长度限定为 258字节

    Distances are limited to 32 KB and lengths are limited to 258 bytes.


  • 准确计算手指长度必须手指最低折痕中点尖端尾部之间距离

    To calculate finger length accurately you must measure the distance from the midpoint of the lowest crease at the base of the finger on the palm side to the very end of the fleshy tip.


  • 大坝形成长达360英里(579公里)的水库延伸重庆距离为美国加利福尼亚州长度一半

    The reservoir created by the backflow of the dam will extend 360 miles up river to Chongqing (" Chong-ching "), a distance equal to nearly half the length of California.


  • 例如可以确定两个图形之间距离执行空间集合操作合并交叉图形,获取一个linestring长度

    For example, you can determine distances between two geometries, perform spatial set operations like unioning or intersecting geometries, and retrieving the length of a linestring.


  • 因此我们考虑长度的时候,应该是我们的键长,合理因为体系间距达到这一距离时,能量到达最小值。

    So, when we think about a bond length, this is going to be the length of our bond here, that makes sense because it's going to want to be at that distance that minimizes the energy.


  • 说的距离分子长度

    What he means by very short is molecular-length scales.


  • 100 000英里电线长度除以镜子转动的次数来计算,360144度之比2.5,那么每秒时间内电流传输距离就是250 000英里。

    Just as many times 100, 000 miles, as 144 degrees are contained in 360 degrees (the entire circle), viz., two and a half times. Hence, the current travels 250, 000 miles in a second.


  • 长度相当于地球距离

    That's almost the equivalent of driving around the earth three times.


  • 决定每个分隔室除尘布袋面积今后就要决定有利的除尘滤长度直径摆放距离

    In the decision of each compartment of the dust bag area in the future, we decided to dust bag length, and the diameter of the most favorable display distance.


  • 冲量耦合系数点火聚光系统表面距离喷管长度等参数并不十分敏感

    And the impulse coupling coefficient is not sensitive to nozzle length and the distance between ignition zone and inner surface of nozzle.


  • 镗刀上装尽可能伸出较小距离需要注意切削伸出长度符合加工余量有利于

    Boring as far as possible out smaller distances in boring bar clamping, but need to pay attention to the cutting edge length should meet the machining allowance, and is conducive to the chip.


  • 度量距离函数基于概率事件结构达到一致最长因果集束长度

    The distance function of the metric is based on the length of the longest bundle chain in probabilistic event structures.


  • 转向横拉杆长度主销距离不相等,就可保证前轮以期望的角度旋转

    It is obtained by making the track rod a different length to the distance between the king pins (or wheel swivel axis centers).


  • 转向横拉杆长度主销距离不相等,就可保证前轮以期望的角度旋转。

    It is obtained by making the track rod a different length to the distance between the king pins.


  • 这样现在你们中的每一个都但是不要忘记前面朋友位于一条手臂长度这个长度臂膀你的手指尖的相等距离

    So now each one of you is one layer but don't forget that you have a friend in front of you which is arms length your arm to tip of your fingers is again equal distance.


  • (指针光束长度):在停止光束投射距离

    Pointer Length: the distance the beam will project before stopping.


  • (指针光束长度):在停止光束投射距离

    Pointer Length: the distance the beam will project before stopping.


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