• 就是猜想你们拥有镜头旁观者这个安全距离上,我要将其占据虽然只是暂时的。

    Here is what I imagine you do have, which I will possess, however briefly, from the safe distance of an observer behind a lens.


  • 一张照片上,若有所思地凝视镜头看上去放松很开心——也许是因为妈妈剑桥公爵夫人就是镜头摄影师。

    In another she gazes thoughtfully at the camera and appears relaxed and happy - perhaps because her mother, the Duchess of Cambridge, was the one behind the lens.


  • 它们镜头因为它们是凸面容器盛满,它们可作为镜头使用,可以通过它们看到颠倒过来的地平线

    They're lenses because they're convex vessels, and when they're full of water they act as a lens and you see the horizon in them, upside down and backwards.


  • 顺序条件方面失误(比如下个镜头切过来,手里的香烟比之前了)。

    Chronological or conditional errors (e.g. a cigarette getting longer with the next scene).


  • 那也正是发生读者身上的事,读者头脑模拟人物试图通过自己镜头解读人物行动

    Butthat’s exactly what happens to a reader when you hand your book overtohim: he simulates your characters in his head, trying to interpretthatcharacter’s actions through his own lens.


  • 镜头对准令人赞叹山峰或者蜿蜒曲折河流,按下快门去看数码相机显示屏幕——淘气的树像牧羊人那样站在那里遮挡了你的镜头

    You aim at some astonishing peak or a swerve of the river, then examine the screen on the back of your digital camera. A rogue, blurring tree has dived across like a goalkeeper to block your shot.


  • 车子靠到路边宣冲进了镜头警察围观者拥挤成了一个混乱场面

    As the car pulled over, Xuan leapt into action, as police and onlookers crowded a rather chaotic scene.


  • 事实证明,这个椭圆形标记长河的上游段,放大镜头,他发现那些矩形隐藏的构造

    But it turned out the oval marked the former course of a long-gone river, and when he zoomed in, he found the rectangles were buried structures.


  • 英国项新的研究报告显示青少年看到电影中的吸烟镜头总是喜欢模仿演员的吸烟举动。

    Teenagers who watch films showing actors smoking are more likely to take it up, new UK research suggests.


  • 狗仔镜头粉丝呈现出的他们理想中的“锋芝恋”图片也是为何当人们知道他们可能分手传言大惊小怪的原因。

    Paparazzi snaps of the couple have offered fans an idealistic picture of a relationship, which is why there's so much fuss about the possible split.


  • 今年好不容易记者人山人海中一个位置决定先蹲坐下来,这样不会挡住摄像机镜头

    This year, after scrambling for position in a sea of reporters, I decide to squat on my haunches so I won't get in the way of our TV camera's view.


  • 没有场战争断然就了结通过在这儿旅行可以看到电视镜头曾经发生的事情已经成了过去,人们现在面临重建艰巨浩大的任务

    No war ends abruptly. By traveling here, you can see what happens after the TV cameras are gone, and people are faced with the huge task of rebuilding.


  • 迫击炮弹爆炸声响回荡萨拉热窝上方的山上摄影机镜头聚焦门发射时冲的上,镜头伸向炮弹击中的地方,一条弧形线越过城市上空掉落一片房屋之中。

    The camera focuses on a gun recoiling, then pans out to search for the impact point. A white line of smoke arcs above the city and ploughs into a group of houses.


  • 第一批传回壮美的图片展示广角镜头下的水星全景探测器在完成最近距离推进90分钟渐渐远离。

    The spectacular image shown here is one of the first to be returned and shows a WAC image of the departing planet taken about 90 minutes after the spacecraft's closest approach to Mercury.


  • 腹腔镜前端有一个体积极微小微距镜头镜头连接有特殊摄像机,可以外科医师电视显示器看到放大的病人内部器官

    A laparoscope (a tiny telescope connected to a video camera) is inserted through the cannula, giving the surgeon a magnified view of the patient's internal organs on a television monitor.


  • 只是孩子玩耍相机胶水把破碎的镜头粘好。

    I was replacing a camera with a glued on lens piece that had fallen off when one of my kids played with it.


  • 镜头快速切换我们看到相同阳台但是一次相邻建筑不一样了。

    After a quick cutaway, we return to see the same balcony, but this time with different neighboring buildings. So we guess it goes Gandalf the Grey, then the White, then the Master Architect?


  • 勉强同意早上5:30开始拍摄更多说服手段要求男朋友镜头中表演一些清晨杂技效果证明,这些都是值得的。

    After he grudgingly agreed to a 5.30am start, it took more persuasion to get my boyfriend to perform some early morning acrobatics - but the result was worth it.


  • 其中,主持人RichardDimbleby还解说了一组瑞士的农民妇女树上采摘面条细节镜头,新闻播出,立马国内炸开

    As the show's anchor, Richard Dimbleby, discussed details, footage of women pulling pasta off trees were beamed on-air, causing quit a stir throughout the country.


  • 穿帮(连贯性错误):玩儿瓶子里,Julie靠过去Ben里他俩偏向对方右侧的,镜头拉近两个人的头偏向左边

    Goof (continuity error) : While playing spin the bottle, Julie leans in to kiss Ben with their heads tilted to the right of each other, but in the close up their heads are tilted to the left.


  • 镜头(不论相机还是关闭的),相机便会获知镜头特征包括最大光圈对焦参数等

    When you mount a lens (whether the camera is on or off), the camera interrogates the lens for its characteristics, including maximum aperture, which one of the focusing parameters.


  • 今年一月份有位女士华盛顿南部沃尔玛的一位经理镜头微笑说在走访美国农产品生产流程从未如此信心”。

    This January found the first lady smiling for the cameras with Wal-Mart executives in Southeast Washington and declaring herself "more hopeful than ever" as she Tours the nation's produce sections.


  • 必须抉择一下了是将场景内的所有模型细节都加完设置镜头还是反其道而行之

    Here I had to decide to either model a whole scene with all details and then set the cameras, or to do it the other way round.


  • 光线经过镜头后形成清晰影象平面

    Focal plane: The plane where light entering a lens forms a sharp image.


  • ESC镜头立刻转向陆战队员面向方向。怪物结束得到额外25经验值。

    Press the ESC key to immediately pan the camera at the direction your Marine is facing. You will earn 25 additional Experience at the end of each Wave.


  • 甘道夫一只蛾子说话的那个镜头中,只蛾子刚出生不久拍摄这个场景,那只蛾子很快就死了

    The moth that Gandalf whispers to was born shortly before filming that day, and died soon after the scene was finished.


  • 针对目前市场上流行的像素拍照手机利用ZEMAX工程光学设计软件,对其摄像镜头进行设计优化,并对优化后的结果进行了分析

    For the high pixel mobile camera phone in present market, the pick-up lens was designed and optimized by using ZEMAX optical design software, and the optimized results were analyzed.


  • 对于演员认为改变不多因为我拍完一个镜头不看效果。

    For actors, I don't think it changes that much, because I never watch myself after I do a scene.


  • 关键提取阶段,将镜头分割为子镜头,引入图像概念提取关键帧。

    During key frame extraction, the concept of image entropy is used after shot being segmented into sub-shots.


  • 关键提取阶段,将镜头分割为子镜头,引入图像概念提取关键帧。

    During key frame extraction, the concept of image entropy is used after shot being segmented into sub-shots.


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