• 东亚银行美国总部没有立即发表评论

    The U.S. head of Bank of East Asia was not immediately available to comment.


  • 东亚银行美国总部没有立即发表评论

    The U. S. head of Bank of East Asia was not immediately available to comment.


  • 但是,多伦多道明银行美国分行工作出众员工可以得到更多奖励。

    Star workers in the American branches of TD (for Toronto-Dominion) can expect a lot more.


  • 总部位于波士顿第三托管银行美国道富公司,11月30表示裁员1400人,5%的工作岗位,以此降低成本,从而减少零利率利润侵蚀

    Boston-based State Street Corp. , the third-largest custody bank, on Nov. 30 said it will cut 1,400 jobs, or about 5 percent of its workforce, to reduce costs as interest rates near zero erode profit.


  • 美国银行本地分行正在处理这些账目

    The local branch of Bank of America is handling the accounts.


  • 美国10降低了主要银行利率

    The United States reduced its main bank rate ten days ago.


  • 这些银行长期以来一直美国运通公司的记账卡各种商店竞争。

    The banks have long competed with American Express's charge cards and various shop cards.


  • 考虑到银行一起资产有约一千四百六十亿美元,这样合并美国银行上将最大的。

    Such a merger would be the largest in U.S. banking history, giving the two banks combined assets of some $146 billion.


  • 美国银行一家竞争银行合并了

    Bank of America merged with a rival bank.


  • 2009年,130家美国银行倒闭

    More than 130 US banks failed in 2009.


  • 卢达克里斯美国银行首席执行官·刘易斯以及VICE第一主编埃利斯·琼斯都是大学校友

    Ludacris and the former CEO of Bank of America Ken Lewis are alumni of my college, as well as VICE's first female editor-in-chief, Ellis Jones.


  • 利亚姆·麦基8月辞去美国银行行长一职时,解释直截了当,让人意想不到。

    When Liam McGee departed as president of Bank of America in August, his explanation was surprisingly straight up.


  • 去年秋天世界银行发布圈地运动报告指出1990年以来,拉丁美洲大豆产量增速已经美国两倍了。

    Last fall's controversial "land grab" reported by the World Bank noted that, since 1990, Latin American soybean yields grew at twice the speed of America's.


  • 不完美上帝:乔治·华盛顿奴隶美国诞生》一书作者温塞克拥有奴隶“就像拥有巨额银行账户”。

    Owning slaves was " like having a large bank account, " says Wiencek, author of An Imperfect God: George washington, His Slaves, and the Creation of America.


  • 就在美国银行美国政府美国纳税人帮助下复苏之际,奥巴马总统银行高管举行了会议告诉他们时候银行给予回报

    As US banks recovered with the help of the American government and the American taxpayer, President Obama held meetings with top bank executives, telling them it's time to return the favor.


  • 随着美国银行美国政府美国纳税人帮助下复苏奥巴马总统银行高管举行了会议告诉他们时候回报

    As US banks recovered with the help of the American government and the American taxpayers, President Obama held meetings with top bank executives, telling them it's time to return the favor.


  • 美国国家环境总署世界银行开始拨款并着手调查干旱地区地下水资源开发合适开采技术

    The United Nations Environment Programme and the World Bank have funded attempts to survey the groundwater resources of arid lands and to develop appropriate extraction techniques.


  • 美国可以电话完成银行业务,通过在电话输入账号的方式。

    You can bank by phone in the U.S., punching in account numbers on the phone.


  • 这次接管帮助国际信贷银行首次进入美国市场

    The acquisition helped BCCI make its initial entrance into the U.S. market.


  • 美国合众银行首席执行官理查德·戴维斯看待这个问题角度有所不同

    US Bancorp chief Richard Davis sees the situation differently.


  • 正如银行嘀嘀咕咕同事的:“奔驰上下来,走入美国联邦储备委员会。”

    As one banker says to a whining colleague, "You're getting out of a Mercedes to go into the Federal Reserve."


  • 1967年,世界上第一个食品银行美国成立。

    The world's first food bank was founded in the US in 1967.


  • 银行丰厚薪酬招致很多批评美国来说,奖励成就者的公共部门体系可能一个大的问题

    Bankers' fat pay packets have attracted much criticism, but a public sector system that does not reward high achievers may be a much bigger problem for America.


  • 就是为什么墨西哥银行美国联邦储备委员会正在实施一项进一步削减成本计划

    That is why the Bank of Mexico and America's Federal Reserve are running a programme to cut the cost further.


  • 资产额算,摩根大通银行超过美国银行成为美国最大银行收入减少时仍是美国最大银行

    JPMorgan Chase surpassed bank of America to become the largest American bank, as measured by assets, but it did so even as its own revenues declined.


  • 其他国家依照英格兰银行,建立了自己中央银行,但是美国没有设立自己的中央银行;,美国建立了十二个银行的系统,并且这些银行区域性的。

    Other countries had set up central banks following on the Bank of England but the U.S. didn't set up a central bank; it set up a system of twelve banks and they were regional.


  • 美国银行需求最大

    Bank of America has the biggest shortfall.


  • 很多外资银行来到美国

    We've had a lot of big foreign commercial Banks come into the U.S..


  • 其中最主要美国最大零售银行美国银行,目前面临需筹资三百四十亿 美元的任务

    Chief among them is America's largest retail bank, Bank of America, which is now tasked with raising nearly $34 billion.


  • 美国银行股价上涨1.4%,报道美国银行在和抵押贷款投资者进行谈判

    Bank of America Corp. gained 1.4 percent after a report that it started settlement talks with mortgage investors.


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