• 不论他们是如何努力地提高自己个性化服务银行银行之间差别不是很大而且提供服务的那几家银行都基本上没什么差别。

    No matter how hard they try to improve their "personalized" service, however, banks are pretty much the same all over, and my bank is really no different from the rest.


  • 银行种类规模银行失败之间没有明显联系

    No clear link exists between the size or type of firm and failure.


  • 如果应用系统公司银行之间传输财务数据后端系统,那么,您的用户可能一些公司内部部门银行

    If your application is a back-end system for transferring financial data between your company and a bank, then your user is probably some internal group in your company or the bank.


  • 委员会该局业务绩效世界银行集团其它机构之间合作等方面,为机构廉洁局、世界银行行长、以及世行的审计委员会提供建议。

    The board will advise int, the World Bank President, and the Bank's Audit Committee on the operations of the unit, its performance, and interactions with other parts of the World Bank Group.


  • 今年开始时英格兰银行商业银行之间紧张关系得到了极大地

    Tensions between the bank of England and the Banks on its patch had nonetheless eased by the start of this year.


  • 虽然大体上富裕国家银行贫穷国家银行彼此之间并不直接开展贷款借款交易,但数字上存在一种对称性,而这种对称性并不巧合

    Although by and large rich and poor countries' Banks are not lending to, or borrowing from, each other directly, there is a symmetry to the figures that is not entirely coincidental.


  • 日本最初数量宽松政策各中央银行目前采取非常规措施之间相似性高,日本银行早期实践结论相关性

    The closer the similarities between Japan's first bout of QE and the extraordinary measures now being taken by central Banks, the more relevant the results of the BoJ's earlier experiment.


  • 弱小银行强大的银行之间差距2010年将会大。

    The gap between weak and strong Banks will grow ever wider in 2010.


  • 去年银行借贷3个月期银行利率基本利率之间差距增大非常大的范围(参看图表)。

    The gap between the three-month interbank rate, at which Banks lend to one another, and the base rate had opened up to an extraordinary extent last year (see chart).


  • 美国联邦调查局周二发布年度银行犯罪报告显示,美国劫匪喜欢星期五上午911之间银行,且案发地多在美国南部西部各州

    Bank robberies in the US take place most often between 9 am and 11 am, on Fridays and in southern and western states, according to the Bank Crime Statistics (BCS) released by the FBI on Tuesday


  • 我们也许会成为[银行客户之间]通讯但是交易脱离目前账户卡片——将会获得银行系统支持

    We might be a communication layer between [Banks and their customers] but transactions are going to be drawing out of a current account or a card - it is going to be backed by the banking system.


  • 我们同意采取措施减少银行银行之间风险传导渠道

    We have agreed to measures to dampen risk channels between Banks and non-banks.


  • 支付网关银行金融系统互联网之间接口连接消费者商家银行桥梁

    Payment gateway is the interface between bank finance system and Internet, which is a bridge linking consumers, businessmen and Banks.


  • 企业银行作为信贷资金需求者与提供者,两者之间存在利益最大化倾向从而信贷过程产生了企业失信银行惜贷问题。

    As the demanders and the suppliers of credit funds, companies and Banks both have an inclination to maximize their profits, thereby, a series of discredit problems arised in the process of credit.


  • 银行增值服务系统设置POS交易终端银行交易主机之间的服务平台为终端用户提供传统货币支付之外其他交易服务

    The Value-added Service System for the Bank is a platform setting up between POS and the bank's host computer, providing some other exchanging services except for the traditional currency payment.


  • 商业银行之间竞争日趋激烈,重视发挥职位激励人才竞争中的作用,成为商业银行人才竞争的需要

    With the fierce competition among commercial Banks, it has become a requirement for those Banks to make good use of post incentives in talents competitions.


  • 西太银行拓展功能范围,使客户可以在银行账户之间进行转账接收账户警报,还能找到最近取款机西太银行支行

    Westpac's will also extend the functionality to offer customers transfers between their bank accounts, the ability to receive account alerts and also find the nearest ATM or Westpac branch.


  • 银行主要中介机构我国信贷市场不仅存在银行借款人之间信息对称而且银行和借款人之间存在着信息不对称性。

    Commercial Banks are the main intermediary institution in China's credit market. Information asymmetries between bank and borrower not only exist before the loan, but also after the loan.


  • 针对我国国有商业银行上下级银行之间信息不对称特点综合利用层次分析法灰色系统理论,建立了对基层商业银行经营效果评价综合体系

    Aiming at the information asymmetric character of the state-owned commercial Banks, grey system theory and AHP were combined to put forward a comprehensive evaluation system for the Banks.


  • 顾客满意度测评是市场营销与统计学完美结合。我国银行竞争日益白热化,不仅国内各大国有股份制商业银行之间相互竞争,外资银行逐步加入到竞争行列

    The competition of bank industry 'turns red-hot day by day, not only the domestic national and stock commercial bank, but also the foreign capital bank take part in this competition ranks.


  • 下面支票付款之间通常所用的时间:一张支票银行另一个银行再到准许支付将会闲置好几

    This is the average time between when a check is written and when it is paid. A check floats for several days as it is transported from bank to bank to be approved for payment.


  • 本文银行资本充足率主线,对银行盈利性、增长性充足性三者之间的内在联系进行了理论上实证系统性分析

    Based on the bank's capital adequacy ratio for the main line, this paper made theoretical and empirical analysis in the the internal linkages of profitability and growth and adequacy of Banks.


  • 本文银行资本充足率主线,对银行盈利性、增长性充足性三者之间的内在联系进行了理论上实证系统性分析

    Based on the bank's capital adequacy ratio for the main line, this paper made theoretical and empirical analysis in the the internal linkages of profitability and growth and adequacy of Banks.


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