• 这些研究飞行对于维珍银河一个里程碑

    These research flights mark an important milestone for Virgin Galactic.


  • 这些天文学家中有一些计划利用星际尘埃数据研究银河磁场起源变化没有得到充分了解事物。

    Some of them plan to use the interstellar-dust data to study the Milky Way's magnetic field, the origins and behavior of which are not well understood.


  • 因此研究球状星团可以我们揭示银河历史

    Studyingglobular clusters therefore tells us about the history of our galaxy.


  • 因此研究球状星团可以我们揭示银河历史

    Studying globular clusters therefore tells us about the history of our galaxy.


  • 所有我们银河远处观察研究都会银河的断开而变得难以解释”,指出所以怎样来解释它们我们需要谨慎小心。

    "All observations beyond our galaxy are obscured by the disc of the Milky Way," he points out, so we need to be careful how we interpret them.


  • 研究人员还说,“我们没有发现银河内部行星完全不适合居住的。”

    'We do not find the inner Galaxy is entirely inhospitable to life,' says the study.


  • 我们能够绘制之前更加详细太阳系天体图,还可以通过个前所未有灵敏度观测研究银河形成

    We will also be able to map the solar system in much greater detail than was previously possible and to study the formation of the Milky Way galaxy through observation at an unprecedented sensitivity.


  • 他们工作天文学家利用他们物理学数学方面能力研究宇宙起源包括银河太阳系以及其中的行星。

    What they do: Astronomers use their physics and math skills to study the universe and its origin, which includes galaxies, solar systems and the planets within.


  • 银河常见恒星矮星,它们一度被认为不太可能发现类地行星,研究这个观点抵触

    Red dwarf stars, which are by far the most common stars in our galaxy, were once considered unlikely places to find Earth-like planets, but new studies contradict that view.


  • 研究发现四个分离银河星云正在进行三重合并也是这种情况第一记载

    The researchers found that four separate galaxy clusters are involved in a triple merger, the first time such a phenomenon has been documented.


  • 这项研究提醒我们其他恒星系统并不我们这样,依靠银河的外置,各种各样的资源供应

    This study serves as a reminder that other star systems are not like ours; depending on where you are in the galaxy, there's a variation in the supply of resources.


  • 这些相同研究揭示更多关于银河结构解决银河是有两个或是四个漩涡问题

    Some of these same studies could also reveal more of the Milky Way's structure and settle the question of whether our galaxy contains two or four spiral arms.


  • 这项研究表明我们实验室所得到的实验结果,这仅银河自转我们局部时空扭曲所造成的结果

    This research suggests that the experimental results in our laboratories are a consequence of galactic rotation twisting our local space-time.


  • 通过不同时期拍摄图片对比科学家就可以推断那些恒定的遥远银河从而专注研究轨道运行彗星

    By comparing photos taken at different times, scientists can subtract out objects that appear stationary, like far-off galaxies, and focus on things that appear to be moving in orbits, like asteroids.


  • 研究结果表明银河黑洞这种微弱稳定行为很有可能现今特大质量黑洞具有典型意义

    The results of this study imply that the feeble, but erratic behavior of the black hole in the Milky Way could potentially be typical for present-day supermassive black holes.


  • 最近人们开始研究银河中的恒星育儿所,并将其视为寻找生命潜在金矿

    A stellar nursery in the Milky Way has recently been investigated as a potential gold mine for finding life.


  • 通过研究NGC 300结构组成天文学家们可以更好地了解其他特殊星系比如我们银河

    By studying the structure and content of NGC 300, astronomers can get a better idea of other characteristics of spiral galaxies like our own Milky Way.


  • 研究环绕银河星系中的暗物质放射的伽马射线。

    Both groups searched for the gamma-ray glow from dark matter in dwarf galaxies orbiting the Milky Way.


  • 研究人员分析星系核球——即银河中心区域——搜集微重力透镜研究数据

    The researchers examined data collected from microlensing surveys of what is called the Galactic Bulge, the central area of our own Milky Way.


  • 16多年以来天文学家一直密切观察位于银河核心28颗星球轨道研究隐秘的黑洞运行的影响。

    Over 16 years, the orbits of 28 stars in the Milky Way’s central region have been meticulously tracked by astronomers, allowing them to study the hidden black hole that influences their movements.


  • 而且研究人员发现,这些星系矮星数量比银河20倍。

    And they discovered that these galaxies were home to 20 times as many red dwarfs as there are in the Milky Way.


  • 天文学观察好地支持宇宙黑洞存在特别研究来自活跃银河核心超新星X光辐射。

    The existence of black holes in the universe is well supported by astronomical observation, particularly from studying supernovae and X-ray emissions from active galactic nuclei.


  • 他们轨道X射线望远镜Chandra研究银河星系生长方式

    They used an orbiting X-ray telescope called Chandra to study the way that clusters of galaxies grow.


  • 天文学家工作涉及观察分析以及研究各种各样的天文现象比如月亮行星恒星银河天体运动

    Astronomers % are involved in the observation, analysis and research of various astronomical phenomena, such as the movements of celestial bodies like moons, planets, stars and galaxies.


  • 比如一项叫做GalaxyZoo研究项目使用了一批免费志愿者100万张银河照片进行分类(比如螺旋形椭圆形无规律)。

    One such project, called GalaxyZoo, used this unpaid Labour to classify 1m images of galaxies into various types (spiral, elliptical and irregular).


  • 研究人员是在研究HIP 13044恒星的时候发现了这颗太阳系外行星。恒星HIP 13044又名sergio(塞尔吉奥),取“银河系外起源的恒星”之意。

    Researchers found the exoplanet while looking at the star HIP 13044 - or Sergio, for star of Extra-Galactic Origin.


  • 研究人员是在研究HIP 13044恒星的时候发现了这颗太阳系外行星。恒星HIP 13044又名sergio(塞尔吉奥),取“银河系外起源的恒星”之意。

    Researchers found the exoplanet while looking at the star HIP 13044 - or Sergio, for star of Extra-Galactic Origin.


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