• 宫殿面围着红色斑岩墙壁房间天花板上几盏灯笼

    There is a chamber in the palace that has eight walls of red porphyry, and a brass-scaled ceiling hung with lamps.


  • 帷子的柱子根,座四个,柱子上的钩子杆子的,柱顶银子的。

    With four posts and four bronze bases. Their hooks and bands were silver, and their tops were overlaid with silver.


  • 于是祭司以利亚撒所献香炉拿来,人就出来用以

    So Eleazar the priest collected the bronze censers brought by those who had been burned up, and he had them hammered out to overlay the altar.


  • 帷子柱子根,带座四个,柱子上钩子杆子的,柱顶是用银子的。

    And their pillars were four, and their sockets of brass four; their hooks of silver, and the overlaying of their chapiters and their fillets of silver.


  • 母材铜包一体生产型企业

    Copper Clad Steel base metal and copper Baolv in the production of integrated enterprise.


  • 接头设置上述芯线电源供电线的连接处,用以覆所述的合线电源的供电线的电气连接塑料

    A joint. It is set at the connection of the cover head of core with power supply wire to cover the plastic casing of electric connection of copper strand and power supply wire.


  • 实验结果表明离子掩蔽法制备银双金属粉末具备了优良的氧化性能主要影响因素覆量摩尔

    Experimental results show that after adding the ionic masking agent, effectively improve the copper powder antioxidant properties, and the main influence factors is the coated and mole ratio.


  • 印刷电路用基材。第2部分规范15规范:规定易燃性聚酰亚胺薄膜

    Base materials for printed circuits. part 2: specifications. specification no 15: flexible copper - clad polyimide film, of defined flammability.


  • 结果表明通过控制工艺参数可以获得质量,且具有导电性低松装密度的片状产品。

    The results indicate that good coating quality tin coated flake Cu powder with well electric conductivity and loose specific gravity can be obtained by controlling technological parameters.


  • 采用蛋白表面活性剂,经反应过程中新生金属微粒制作出微胶囊

    Microcapsule copper is made by using surfactant of egg glairs to enwrap fresh copper particle produced in reaction.


  • 哈根用穿起来琥珀以及雪橇堆得高高的皮毛回了、一一个水壶

    Haggon traded a dozen strings of amber and a sled piled high with pelts for six skins of wine, a block of salt, and a copper kettle.


  • 液固相反向凝固生产线研究对象,利用有限差分分析了钢线芯体上的浸覆过程

    The paper presents an study of copper clad steel wire produced by liquid and solid bonding method. Using the finite difference equation, the dipping process is analyzed.


  • SBEMB线玻璃丝薄膜扁线,大型电机关键材料之一,质量电机质量有致命影响。

    SBEMB, which is double glass and film covered rectangular copper wire, is a very important material in large electric motor. Its quality is vital to electric motor.


  • 漂亮的卧室,里面有涂白色珐琅,缎带边的白色椅子以及之配套的五斗橱

    There were two lovely bedrooms, set with brass and white enamel beds, white, ribbon-trimmed chairs and chiffoniers to match.


  • 线研究对象,介绍了反向凝固复合工艺特点系统地研究了各工艺参数比的影响对实验结果作了理论分。

    Based on the production of copper clad steel wire, the characteristic of inversion casting is introduced, and the rule of parameter influencing cladding specific value systematically value studied.


  • 化学法制利用固相烧结法将镍粉成功地制成了块状烧结体。

    Nickel plat copper powders were prepared by electrolytic plating and bulk sinters of nickel-coated copper powders were prepared by sintering.


  • 阐述了生产开发铝线熔铸轧制表面处理过程中的质量控制及其措施

    The quality control and measures of producing pure copper strip for copper-clad aluminium conductor was represented, when the strips were in casting, rolling and surface treating.


  • 制备出的复合粉体丙烯酸树脂作为粘结剂,按照涂料制备的方法,制备了一种能屏蔽电磁波的复合涂料。

    Ni-based composite shielding coating has been prepared, the nickel coated Copper powder are used as composite fillers, and acrylic resin as binder.


  • 我厂主要产品线材

    I plant Baolv main products are copper wire, and so on.


  • 设计了铝线处理方案、镀工艺,分析了作用机理

    Front treatment and copper plated program of copper plated aluminium wire were designed, and its mechanism was analysed.


  • SEM照片显示形貌好,片状化程度较好。

    SEM photos reveal that the nickel coated copper powder has satisfactory morphology and flaky degree.


  • 钢芯线预热温度温度升高使下降时间缩短

    The increase of the preheating and liquid copper temperature of copper clad steel wires makes the cladding ratio down and the remelting time short.


  • 淬火退火处理材料亮度大大下降

    The brightness of the material treated by quenching and no-Cu-coating annealing was great reduced.


  • 多亏修边皮革货物变得可爱活泼

    Thanks to the golden brass trimming and small leather accompany goods, the bag becomes lovely and lively.


  • 介绍了铜包铝线的特点、主要机械屏蔽性能,并分析采用铝线替代线用于控制电缆编织屏蔽可行性

    The feasibility of substituting copper-clad aluminium wire for round copper wire as screen braid wire was studied.


  • 该线聚酯亚胺树脂制而成为180的铝漆线

    This is a kind of enameled Cu-AL round wire, thermal class 180, coated by polyester resin.


  • 第一所述金属芯的表面,并且通过离子第一浴中电镀合金产生

    The first layer encases the eternal surfaces of the metallic core and is produced by electroplating copper or copper alloy from a first bath containing copper ions.


  • 第一所述金属芯的表面,并且通过离子第一浴中电镀合金产生

    The first layer encases the eternal surfaces of the metallic core and is produced by electroplating copper or copper alloy from a first bath containing copper ions.


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