• 如果喜欢玉米煎饼横幅广告就会出现网页顶端

    If you say you love burritos, a banner ad for Taco Bell might appear at the top of your page.


  • 他们文,13赚了55000美元。

    They made $55,000 in 13 minutes with just one tweet.


  • 约五秒后,德里克站了起来,开始只用一腿跑起来。

    After about five seconds, Derek got up and started to run again, on one leg only.


  • 巡逻队走过下面弯曲巷道死胡同

    This patrol had just visited the curving gallery and the three blind alleys which lie beneath the Rue du Cadran.


  • 比如说如果喜欢玉米煎饼横幅广告就会出现网页顶端

    If you say you love burritos, for example, a banner AD for Taco Bell might appear at the top of your page.


  • 假定代理停止工作15设置进行一次计时计时器,代理是否会在重新启动创建15计时器消息

    But suppose the broker was down for 15 minutes and we set up a timer for once every minute, will the broker create 15 timer event messages when it restarts?


  • 无论如何任何事物存在型曲线包括在内,意味着的确存在着少量老板,少量的老板,你们中的大多数属于中间的部分。

    Nevertheless, there's a bell curve for all things involving people, which means there are few really bad bosses, few really good bosses, and most of you fall somewhere in the middle.


  • 如果系统只有客户代码运行,这不是个问题——但是系统处理成千上万单个客户端的请求时,麻烦很快了。

    Not a problem if the client code is the only thing happening on the systembut it quickly leads to trouble when the system is dealing with thousands of separate client requests a minute.


  • 去往需要30分到达喷泉广场的路上,通过了那一曾经乞讨零钱街道

    On her daily 30-minute walk to the skating fountain, she passes streets where she once begged for spare change.


  • 可以身长的距离,而这种机器人只能一秒游过一个身长

    A real fish can swim up to ten body lengths a second. The robot version clocks just one body length a second.


  • 95小时潜水活动中,摄影师小组一共了81腔棘鱼同游

    During 95 hours of diving, the photographer and his team spent a total of 81 minutes swimming alongside four coelacanths.


  • 警方根据那天晚上发短信追踪沃尔玛附近的地区10了一顶棒球,正是他实施抢劫时带的那顶帽子。

    One of his texts that night was traced to the area of a nearby Walmart, where at 10 o’clock he had bought the baseball cap he wore during the attempted robbery.


  • 第一命令运行10具体时间取决于分区有多

    The first command will run for about 10 minutes, depending on how full your root partition is.


  • 如果运行时间超过使用进度

    Use progress bars when operations take more than four seconds.


  • 某人罗列感谢理由.列出这样一个清单大概1050,表达你的感受,你为什么喜欢他,或者做了这么多事情,你对此深怀感激。

    Give someone a list of all they've done that you're grateful for. Take 5 minutes and make a list of 10 or 50 things you love about someone, or things they've done for you that you appreciate.


  • 一旦完工新机场新的高速公路高铁相连接旅客可以30内就可以快速到达市中心

    Once completed, the new airport will be connected to a new expressway and high-speed train line that will speed travellers to the centre of the city in 30 minutes.


  • 第一人员每周跑道每次持续40的时间;第二组人员从事一系列锻炼包括瑜伽阻力训练

    One group walked around a track three times a week, building up to 40 minutes at a stretch; the other did a variety of less aerobic exercises, including yoga and resistance training with bands.


  • 中国最近同意飞越领空飞机线路改为直航线,给前往欧洲的航班节约15的时间。

    China recently agreed to straighten a route for airlines crossing its airspace which has cut 15 minutes off a flight to Europe.


  • 突然间,一鳄鱼窜水面,整个搏斗大概持续了15

    And suddenly the croc jumped out. The whole event took maybe 15 seconds.


  • 蓝色的说明相同比较我们cpu除以15分活动用户数。

    The blue bars illustrate the same comparison, but we have divided the total CPU by the active 15-minute users counts.


  • 了五,又发了路易很明智名男伴陪同,走所在酒吧是否就是那个希望见面的人。

    A five-minute wait and a further tweet later, Louise - sensibly accompanied by a male colleague - walks up to the bar area where I'm waiting and asks if I'm the person trying to make contact.


  • 然后16以后看到另一微博,“谢谢各位棒!”

    Then 16 minutes later you'd just see another tweet from him going, 'Thanks everybody, that's brilliant.


  • 然后16以后看到另一微博,“谢谢各位,真!”

    Then 16 minutes later you'd just see another tweet from him going, ‘Thanks everybody, that's brilliant.


  • 垃圾箱中的消息设置过期测试过程15删除消息。

    The messages in the trash were set to expire and were deleted at the rate of two messages every 15 minutes throughout the test.


  • 坠机4飞机法国的控制中心自动发送了24故障信息

    In the last four minutes before the crash, the airplane sent a series of 24 automatic fault messages to a maintenance center in France.


  • 毛巾布代替锅盖复住口,放10

    Cover the pan with a clean dishtowel, replace the lid and allow to sit for 10 minutes.


  • 以后,为了穿过森林我们开上了起伏不平的泥泞小道,却发现一只泥坑里打过滚的犀牛跑到了中间,身后还跟着只同样满身犀,体型差不多有母犀的三分之二左右。

    Ten minutes later we were driving through forest along a raised dirt track when a rhino fresh from a wallow climbed onto the road, followed by an equally muddy juvenile two-thirds her size.


  • 以后,为了穿过森林我们开上了起伏不平的泥泞小道,却发现一只泥坑里打过滚的犀牛跑到了中间,身后还跟着只同样满身犀,体型差不多有母犀的三分之二左右。

    Ten minutes later we were driving through forest along a raised dirt track when a rhino fresh from a wallow climbed onto the road, followed by an equally muddy juvenile two-thirds her size.


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