• 鉴于美元贬值期望黄金购买可能增加

    Given expected dollar weakness, it could create buying of gold.


  • 货币分析师们鉴于美元已经跌破了近期交易区间仍然具有下行空间

    Currency analysts say the dollar's slide has room to run now that it has broken free of recent trading ranges.


  • 鉴于美元欧元其他货币都纷纷各自内在价值暴跌,目前根本没有其他选择可以让投资者保障他们财富

    There’s simply no other place for people to try to safeguard their wealth as the dollar, euro, and other currencies plummet toward their intrinsic values.


  • 贝恩预测鉴于美元欧元持续贬值2010 0年销售额过度回升,销售额增长将在明年放缓。

    Bain expects growth to cool next year, partly due to the dollar continuing to weaken against the euro and because of the strength of sales in 2010.


  • 虽然中央银行负责管理货币波动一些分析人士认为伯南克可能会取得更加强硬鉴于美元近期疲软程度

    While the central bank is not responsible for managing currency fluctuations, some analysts think Bernanke may strike a more hawkish tone given the severity of the greenback's recent weakness.


  • 鉴于美元汇率下跌外国买家英国人美国Macy ' ' s连锁店疯狂购物一样美国企业掀起收购潮吗?

    Given the greenback's decline, can we expect foreign buyers to descend on corporate America like British shoppers blitzing Macy's?


  • 鉴于目前账面超过1.3万亿美元学生贷款明显许多大学生根本不明智。

    Given that there is at present more than $1.3 trillion in student loans on the books, it's pretty clear that many college students are far from sensible.


  • 鉴于蓄电池价格高达数千美元,而续航里程仅有大约100英里,目前不清楚消费者会有多大兴趣

    With batteries costing thousands of dollars and limited to about a 100-mile range, consumer appetite is unclear.


  • 出价多少——鉴于2007年收购法国达能饼干累计高达200亿美元债务看法还有分歧

    But opinion is divided over how much more it can afford given its debt pile of $20 billion, a hangover from its purchase in 2007 of the biscuit business of Danone, a French food firm.


  • 欧洲美国抱有相同担忧鉴于中国经济的快速增长,2005年年以来人民币美元21%左右的升值幅度不够的。

    Europe shares Washington's concern that the roughly 21% rise in the yuan against the U.S. dollar since mid-2005 is insufficient given China's rapid growth.


  • 鉴于最近美元价值回升世界其他地区经济增长放缓,没有多少迹象表明美国出口保持强劲

    Less clear is how strong America's export performance can remain, given the recent rebound in the dollar and slower growth in the rest of the world.


  • 大宗商品生产大国货币美元走强,鉴于中国乐观看法,澳元美元升值9.5%。中国是澳大利亚自然资源最大买家

    Currencies of big commodity-producing nations soared against the dollar, with Australia's currency rising 9.5% partly on optimism about China, a big buyer of its natural resources.


  • 鉴于这些迹象做出关于美元汇率的决策时,美联储英明更多注意力放在核心通货膨胀而不是全面通货膨胀。

    In light of the evidence, the Fed is right to pay more attention to core inflation than to overall inflation when making decisions about interest rates.


  • 鉴于本刊报摊零售价不过6.99美元(还不到两个汉堡的价钱),笔者认为我们指数对欲从事货币投机者来说绝对物超所

    Since The Economist costs just $6.99 (a little less than two burgers) on the news-stand, the index provides decent value for money for would-be currency speculators, the authors conclude.


  • 鉴于治疗癌症费用增加——全美每年耗费多余一千亿美元以上预防早期诊断看上去势在必行。

    Given the rising costs of dealing with cancer alone—in America this is more than $100 billion a yearprevention and early detection look set to take off.


  • 鉴于供应链延误本田航空公司将价值390万美元本田喷气式飞机的交付日期推迟了一

    Honda Aircraft Company is pushing back the delivery of its $3.9 million HondaJet by a year, citing delays in the supply chain, the company announced last week.


  • 去年证交会发布一项提议,鉴于合格投资者门槛较低,因此他们提议,准入门槛提高250万美元

    Last year, the SEC put out a proposal that -it's getting too easy to be an accredited investor -so they put out a proposal that we raise the wealth level to $2.5 million.


  • 然而鉴于美国筹集伊拉克阿富汗战争的经费中国上万亿美元国债,人民币的升值将会美国纳税者付出更多中国。

    However an increase in the Yuan value will cost the US tax payer a major increase in the $Trillions owed to China for financing the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan.


  • 鉴于这样观点金价理应市场规避风险”之时表现最为良好,可是,股市九月受到冲击时,金价也突然应声下跌盎司1,900美元高点降至1,604美元短暂低点

    On these arguments, gold should do best on the "risk off" days. But as equity markets took fright in September, gold suddenly plunged from a high of $1,900 an ounce to a brief low of $1,604.


  • 鉴于科比学校一系列鼓舞人心互动性教育性表现。伴随着41万1千美元捐助

    The naming of the gym goes along with a $411,000 donation from Bryant for "a series of inspirational, interactive and educational displays at the new school."


  • 鉴于科比学校一系列鼓舞人心互动性教育性表现。伴随着41万1千美元捐助

    The naming of the gym goes along with a $411,000 donation from Bryant for "a series of inspirational, interactive and educational displays at the new school."


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