• 获得全部股权可以使公司非洲西部进行新的大型项目

    The all-stock acquisition will give the company access to large new gold projects in West Africa.


  • 项目履行职能以及一个方式顺利幸福生活作风

    When an ironmongery item performs its function well it contributes in a large way to a smooth and happy life style.


  • 现存的障碍如果加州共物权退休基风险,人们很可能从新商讨慷慨的公共养老金项目

    The snag is that if CalPERS takes less risk, generous public-pension schemes will almost certainly have to be renegotiated.


  • 环保团体很久之间就倡导这样补偿项目因为森林有效地吸收二氧化碳,而二氧化碳是造成全球升温主要的吸收热量气体

    Environmental groups have long advocated such a compensation program because forests are efficient absorbers of carbon dioxide, the primary heat-trapping gas linked to global warming.


  • 珍妮丝·是个很棒的汇报项目进度

    Janice King, who I was reporting to for the project, she was great.


  • 们把一些信息公告放在邻居的邮箱里,不久祝福盒就装满了来自社区的捐赠。阿佩说:“正是因为社区的大力支持,这个项目才得以存在下去。”

    They put some information notices into their neighbors' mailboxes, and the Blessing Box was quickly filled with the donations (捐赠) from the community. "It is the community's strong support that keeps the project alive," Akinpe said.


  • 负责这个项目军官·霍尔姆斯上校说,之所以录取我是因为作为军官,能够国家做出贡献要比新兵更多

    The officer in charge of the program, Colonel Eugene Holmes, told me he was taking me because I would be of greater service to the country as an officer than as a draftee.


  • NYU,拉斯博士经营一个妇产科医生设计教育项目,内容与产前情绪障碍有关他们由此可以判定出早期问题

    At NYU, Lusskin runs a program designed to educate ob-gyns about the symptoms of prenatal mood disorders so they can identify the problem early.


  • (瑞恩先生一次解决问题数量有限:预算方案未触及另外一个最大项目——社会保障制度国家养老方案)。

    (There are limits to the number of live rails Mr Ryan is willing to grasp at once: his budget leaves intact the biggest single item in the budget, Social Security, the state pension scheme).


  • 世界银行阿迪大学合作,社区地图绘制内容纳入教学课程,这样拿到一小助学学生获得领域经验同时还可以项目作出贡献

    The Bank worked with Ardhi University to embed community mapping into the curriculum, so students who already receive a small stipend contribute to the project while gaining experience in the field.


  • NBA透过NBA关怀项目举办很多延伸计划近日便有马丁·路德纪念日社交媒体计划也有参与其中

    The NBA has numerous outreach initiatives through their NBA Cares program, and recently hosted a Martin Luther King Day social media initiative, which I participated in.


  • 惠普公司的整体经营保证不包括特殊项目9%上升10%。

    HP's overall operating margin, excluding special items, rose to 10 percent from 9 percent.


  • 信托基国际参与最近给予的资助帮助项目扩大恩德培坎帕拉地区更多社区村庄

    A recent grant from the Wellcome Trust International Engagement Award will help the project to expand to more communities and villages within the Entebbe and Kampala areas.


  • 世界银行主管非洲地区事务的行长戈宾.南卡尼表示,刚果(赠款项目世界银行疟疾控制加强规划非洲实施的第一项目

    Vice President for the Africa region, Gobind Nankani, says the grant for the Congo is the first project under the Bank’s malaria control booster program in Africa.


  • 今年7月25开始项目中,只有15%成员能够获得补助,并且在最多的一次有770名新人拿到了这份补助

    For the cohort that started training on July 25th, the charity accepted only 15% of applicants, but nevertheless took on its largest group of graduates (770) in its nine-year history.


  • 但是社会安全(国家养老)方面倒是有些甜头的:由此项目节约出的任何都将用于巩固岌岌可危的财政,不是为赤字买单

    But there is a sweetener regarding Social Security (state pensions) : any savings made from that programme would go towards shoring up its parlous finances, rather than paying down the deficit.


  • 永梭:“这种资本流入往往流到了短期投资项目,一旦获取利润,这些资本就流走了。”

    "This capital inflow tends to go to short-term investments and go out as profits are made," says Jeong.


  • 这个项目英国遗址组织格林集团阿特绘图考古环境组织协作下进行

    The project is being undertaken by English Heritage with the assistance of Greenhatch Group together with Atkins Mapping and Archaeo-Environment.


  • 考虑继续读研同学可以最后一学年参与导师的实验室项目,将获得笔补助

    Students considering graduate studies may qualify for final year grants if working with a professor on a research project.


  • 易昂首席执行官鲍尔·格尔贝承认如果·诺斯项目没有竞赛中获胜的话公司不会建造

    Paul Golby, E.ON's chief executive, has admitted the firm would not build Kingsnorth if it did not win the competition.


  • 斯解释道:“为数不多直接通向大海项目之一,也是为数不多的具备专业设施管理技能、管理游泳池维修景观的公司之一。”

    It's one of the few schemes here to have direct access to the sea and it's one of the few to have professional facilities management to look after the pools, maintenance and landscaping.


  • 与其把所有放在一个项目里,而这个项目又不能兑现,不如同样分发不同项目中去——我们也不必怀疑哪怕一点点的的实质意义

    The solution to a program that didn’t work was to allocate donated dollars to a different program — never questioning the value and impact of donating those dollars in the first place.


  • 2007年公共事业赤字GDP的65%;本来就没有资来源的养老医保其他项目成本负担更加沉重,国家背后的债务已悄然跃至GDP的250%。

    The debt of the public sector was 65% of GDP in 2007; adding in unfunded future costs of pensions, health care and other schemes, the state’s implicit debt jumps to 250% of GDP.


  • 无论英国最终决定在什么项目一掷千——台风战斗机也好,航空母舰也好,装甲战车也好——BAE都会成为主要武器供应商

    Whatever Britain eventually decides to splurge on-be it more Typhoon jet fighters, aircraft carriers or armoured cars-bae is likely to be a key supplier.


  • 比如从肯尼迪国际机场海关扣下的来自非洲热带雨林地区的肉干上检测到病毒病毒:而言之利普博士实验团队正在同时进行139病毒研究项目

    There was dried African bush meat seized by customs inspectors at Kennedy Airport. Horse viruses, clam viruses: all told, members of Dr. Lipkin’s team were working on 139 different virus projects.


  • 26尼克是一名经历过阿富汗战争老兵也患有损伤,但不是这次科研项目的受试者。

    Nick Colgin, 26, an Army veteran with a brain injury from the war in Afghanistan, who was not involved in the study, said he would like very much to have one of the sensitive M.


  • 26尼克是一名经历过阿富汗战争老兵也患有损伤,但不是这次科研项目的受试者。

    Nick Colgin, 26, an Army veteran with a brain injury from the war in Afghanistan, who was not involved in the study, said he would like very much to have one of the sensitive M.


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