• 作为一个社会我们可能需要重新考虑花费教育时间金钱多人从中受益。

    As a society, we might want to rethink the time and money spent on education, so that these resources can benefit a greater percentage of the population.


  • 对于越来越孩子来说为了追求一张大学文凭额外花费学习上的时间金钱使他们的情况变得踏入校园糟。

    For an increasing number of kids, the extra time and money spent pursuing a college diploma will leave them worse off than they were before they set foot on campus.


  • 这里有有些愿意花费大笔的金钱他们印尼本地人。

    These are the people who are ready to spend good money on alcohol and wines - the local Indonesians.


  • 这种情况下花费一个任务金钱或者时间数量可能不会反映实际被执行工作

    In such cases, the amount of money or time spent on a task may not reflect the actual work performed.


  • 因此企业可能选择保持原状不是在进行“更具战略性的”计划冒险毁掉它们的运作项目花费时间金钱

    Therefore companies may choose to stay where they are rather than risk damaging their operations and spending time and money on a project when "more strategic" initiatives are underway.


  • 然而学区努力他们预算得以通过从而不至于必须解雇教师削减规划时候平板电脑花费金钱或许看起来奢侈了。

    At a time when school districts are trying to get their budgets approved so they do not have to lay off teachers or cut programs, spending money on tablet computers may seem like an extravagance.


  • 必要遗留数据库可能不可用,或者可能无法足够细层次捕获除非花费金钱付出努力来改变遗留输入环境

    Required legacy data may not be available or perhaps cannot be captured at a sufficient level of detail, unless money and effort are spent changing the legacy input environment.


  • 最好营销并不需要公关广告花费任何金钱

    The best marketing doesn't require any money to be spent on PR or advertising.


  • 他们第三次婚礼花费大量时间金钱来准备服装化妆,以求自己打扮得像是刚从坟墓里爬出来一样。

    They chose to waste a lot of time and money on makeup and costumes to make themselves look exactly like they'd just stepped out of a graveyard on their third wedding.


  • 当然是否实际取决于,花费金钱以及,经济是否可行

    Of course, whether it is practical depends always on dollars and cents and to what extent it is economically feasible.


  • 用户需要支付 DeviceAnywhere 使用时长 ——按时计费形式 ——不是用户不能获得金钱价值固定花费

    Users pay only for the time they use on DeviceAnywhere -- in a pay-as-you-go format -- rather than a fixed cost from which they may not get their money's worth.


  • 为什么人们旅行花费这么多的时间金钱呢?

    Why is it that people spend so much time and money on traveling?


  • Wilson指出浪费可以金钱衡量:从全球来考虑糟糕分配方案可能会让人们内存条花费几十亿美元

    As Wilson also notes, wastage can be measured monetarily: Considered globally, poor allocation schemes cost people perhaps even billions of dollars in memory chips.


  • 永远不到,为了治愈生病花费多少时间金钱精力手术药物开销时常远远高于匹马本身的货币价值

    You could never guess just how much time, money and effort horse owners would spend on surgery and medicine to heal a sick horse, it was very often far more than the monetary value of the animal.


  • 认为我们可以花费大量金钱礼物因此我们可以提供的礼物。

    I don't think we should spend a lot of money on gifts, so we may offer small gifts.


  • 所以我建议家长更多时间家庭教育而不是花费时间金钱选择最好学校

    I suggest parents should devote more time to family education instead of too much time and money in choosing the best schools.


  • 我们新闻看到人们过度花费金钱他们飞去欧洲国家名牌浪费大量金钱追求物质东西

    We see from news that people over spend their money, they fly to European country to buy the branches, wasting a lot of money to chase for the material stuff.


  • 每年烟草花费大量金钱

    A large amount of money is spent on tabacco.


  • 对于发达国家尽管看起来他们花费金钱这些奢侈事情,他们应当警告那些建筑雕塑不会持续成百千年。

    For developed countries, although it seems that they can spend money on these extravagant things, they should be warned that these buildings and sculptures will not last hundreds of years.


  • 业务时间就是金钱花费不必要会议,并没有达到什么都可以高昂

    In business, time is money and spending it in needless meetings that don't achieve anything can be very costly.


  • 那些花费时间金钱添置衣物男士们应该好好保养自己衣服这样衣服的寿命会更长,不至于只能穿

    Guys who have invested time and money in their wardrobes should take care of their clothing so that it lasts for more than just a season.


  • 话说,拥有平均收入家庭将要在学费花费更多金钱否则他们负债

    In other words, a family with an average income will spend their long-term hard-earned savings, or they will be indebted.


  • 也许想知道为什么礼物花费这么金钱, 为什么您必须保持房子很温馨,为什么您很疲倦的时候还邀请朋友来一杯。

    You may be wondering why you spent so much on presents, why you had to have your house just right, why you had friends over for drinks when you were already weary and worn out.


  • 他们开始自己挣钱,他们会意识金钱来之不易。结果,他们将不再花费金钱在不必要的事情

    When they start to earn money themselves, they begin to realize that money does not come easily.


  • 随着情人临近想知道是否真的必要花费大量金钱这个有点虚构出来节日

    With Valentine's day approaching, I wonder if it's really necessary to spend a lot of money on a holiday that feels a bit made up.


  • 他们电脑游戏花费大量时间金钱

    They are spending a lot of time and money on games.


  • 但人们可以容易就愚弄,花费大量金钱资源事实任何工作的研究

    One can be fooled very easily and spend a lot of money and resources on things that don't actually do anything.


  • 但人们可以容易就愚弄,花费大量金钱资源事实任何工作的研究

    One can be fooled very easily and spend a lot of money and resources on things that don't actually do anything.


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