• 图来自金融时代

    And this is taken out of the Financial Times publication.


  • 每次所有人需要牺牲时,那些加速危机人也应该牺牲意识奥巴马告诉金融时代

    "At a time when everybody is needing to sacrifice, there has to be a similar sense of sacrifice on the part of those that helped to precipitate this crisis," Obama told the Financial Times.


  • 金融时代“经济学家”两种无所不为的刊物发出可怕警报吗?还不惹人注目。

    Were dire warnings voiced by those omniscient organs, the "financial times" and the "economist?" Not so you 'd notice.


  • 金融时代“经济学家”两种无所不为的刊物发出可怕警报吗?还不惹人注目。

    Were dire warnings voiced by those omniscient organs, the "Financial Times" and the "Economist?" Not so you'd notice.


  • 尽管两起案件的数量范围以及具体细节有所不同庞氏骗局麦道夫骗局无疑标志着其各自金融时代

    Though the magnitude, scale and details are different, Mr. Ponzi’s scheme and the fraud that Mr. Madoff has been charged with each reflect their respective, super-heated financial eras.


  • 若是按照避险天堂标准,日本可能是个糟糕的选择然而身处危机四伏的金融时代中,这个原地踏步经济体却宣告现在别的选择。

    As safe havens go, Japan would seem to be a poor choice. In a sign of troubled financial times, however, this go-nowhere economy is trumping the alternatives.


  • 麦格劳·希尔公司没有评论请求给出回应首席执行官戴维·莱文8月份告诉金融时报》:“在高等教育领域印刷教材时代已经结束。”

    McGraw Hill didn't respond to a request for comment, but its CEO David Levin told the Financial Times in August that "in higher education, the era of the printed textbook is now over."


  • 麦格劳·希尔没有回应记者置评请求首席执行官戴维·莱文8月份告诉英国《金融时报》:“在高等教育领域纸质版教科书时代已经结束。”

    McGraw Hill didn't respond to a request for comment, but its CEO David Levin told the Financial Times in August that "in higher education, the era of the printed textbook is now over.


  • 金融黄金时代由于自身矛盾走向崩溃

    The golden age of finance collapsed under its own contradictions.


  • 经济学告诉我们这次金融危机史无前例的因为发生国家之间相互依赖性急剧增长时代

    As the economists tell us, the financial crisis is unprecedented because it occurs at a time of radically increased interdependence among nations.


  • 我们得知这次金融危机那么严重,传染性那么强,是因为发生具有史无前例相互关联性时代

    We have been told that the financial crisis is so severe and so contagious because it comes at a time of unprecedented interconnectedness.


  • 不过即使是中小国家集中违约也将彻底终结建立开放式国际经济希望拉开金融民族主义时代序幕

    But even the default of an agglomeration of smaller countries would end any hope of an open international economy and inaugurate an age of financial nationalism.


  • 对此的解释可能金融行业最近黄金时代营造了特权文化,这种特权文化影响如此之深以致至少段时间延续下来,即使繁荣惊人变成萧 条

    The explanation may be that finance’s most recent golden age created a culture of entitlement so deep that it survives, for a while at least, even when boom turns spectacularly to bust.


  • 金融自由化时代已经结束

    The era of financial liberalisation has ended.


  • 但是达沃斯发达国家没有了往昔全盛时代乐观情绪金融风暴使得发达国家垂头丧气,不知道前边在何方。

    Yet in Davos, the developed world had lost the optimism of that heady time. The financial crash has left it pessimistic, groping for a way forward.


  • 面对我们这个时代严重经济危机,我们需要建立全新金融体系应对策略中的第一要务。

    The establishment of a new financial architecture, thus, is the essential policy response to the greatest economic challenge of our time.


  • 为了利率决定金融稳定问题区别开来,伯南克重新打起格林斯潘时代如意算盘。

    In seeking to separate decisions about interest rates from issues of financial stability, Mr Bernanke is returning to the wishful thinking of the Greenspan era.


  • 征服对象包括了美国最大的抵押贷款公司-美国国家金融服务公司,对许多人来说,象征次级时代来临。

    His conquests included the Countrywide Financial Group, the giant mortgage lender which, for many, came to symbolize the excesses of the subprime era.


  • 并非巧合是,不断增长金融时代也是收入财富不平等现象不断增长的时代

    Not coincidentally, the era of an ever-growing financial industry was also an era of ever-growing inequality of income and wealth.


  • 近来我们看到伯南克领导下的美联储格林斯潘时代金融危机反应更为激烈。

    Recently we have witnessed the Bernanke-led Fed reacting even more dramatically to a financial crisis than did the Greenspan Fed.


  • 恰在年前那个时代信用卡风暴过度使用,过度举债以及金融机构扩张控制,促成危机

    Just two years ago the perfect storm of a decade of excess credit, excessive leverage and uncontrolled expansion by financial institutions precipitated the crisis.


  • 时代金融部门交易银行做法进化神秘火箭科学...火箭科学家们...有关。

    The evolution of the financial sector’s trading and banking practices into arcane rocket science in recent decades had a lot to do with…rocket scientists.


  • 毕竟保守分子布什时代债务繁荣称赞自由市场金融伟大胜利,直到这种繁荣变成灾难性破灭

    After all, conservatives hailed the debt boom of the Bush years as a triumph of free-market finance right up to the moment it turned into a disastrous bust.


  • 时代金融部门交易银行做法进化神秘火箭科学...火箭科学家们...有关。

    The evolution of the financial sector's trading and banking practices into arcane rocket science in recent decades had a lot to do with…rocket scientists.


  • 除了预示出金融依赖首都的后工业经济时代应该福祉不是灾祸

    Despite forebodings about its dependence on finance, the capital's post-industrial economy proved to be a boon rather than a bane.


  • 债务人的违约行为给金融体系无疑是带来了一场浩劫一切主要都得归因于里根时代放松管制,就是放松了风险收益的评估。

    These defaults in turn wreaked havoc with a financial system that — also mainly thanks to Reagan-era deregulation — took on too much risk with too little capital.


  • 当前金融危机溯源里根·撒切尔时代核心思想提倡拥有住房、放宽金融监管强烈信奉市场

    The current financial crisis can be traced to three of the central ideas of the Reagan - Thatcher era: the promotion of home ownership, financial deregulation and a fervent faith in the market.


  • 三十年前摩尔哈佛商学院毕业的时候,拒绝高薪工作而选择从事充满激情的行业——时代公司做一名金融分析师

    When Moore graduated from Harvard Business School 30 years ago, she turned down higher-paying jobs to pursue her passion-a financial analyst job at Time.


  • 三十年前摩尔哈佛商学院毕业的时候,拒绝高薪工作而选择从事充满激情的行业——时代公司做一名金融分析师

    When Moore graduated from Harvard Business School 30 years ago, she turned down higher-paying jobs to pursue her passion-a financial analyst job at Time.


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