• 结果表明金属材料试验试样制备力学性能试验的结果有着非常密切相关性

    The results showed that specimen preparation has close relationship with the results of mechanical testing for metallic materials.


  • 我们具有屈服平台金属材料试验发现屈服阶段的泊桑总是存在剧减剧增

    It is found in experiments on metals with yielding terrace that there always exists sudden down and up in Poisson's ratio during the yielding stage.


  • 高频疲劳试验属于金属材料试验机,是一种主要用于测定金属及其合金材料室温状态下拉伸压缩或拉压交变负荷的疲劳性能试验的机器。

    High-frequency fatigue tester, which belongs to metal material tester, is used to measure the fatigue performance of drawing, compressing of metal material and its alloy in room temperature condition.


  • 45#硬度试验为例,研究了金属材料硬度试验测量不确定度评定

    The evaluation of measuring uncertainty in metallic material Brinell hardness test is studied by testing the hardness of the 45 quenched and tempered steel.


  • 通过试验结果应力场分析讨论了不同应力状态参数下,金属材料韧性断裂形式变化规律。

    Through the analysis of test results and stress fields, the change of metal materials' ductile fracture mode with different stress condition parameters are discussed.


  • 介绍金属材料顶锻试验方法设备

    Introduce the new method and equipment about metallic materials forging test.


  • 通过现场试验,以硬度检测复检确认了金属材料分选可靠性进行靶场退壳试验

    Through field test, the reliability of metal material separation is affirmed by sclerometer testing repetition measurement. Moreover, ejection experiments are made in shooting range.


  • 选用具有典型细观结构特征的球墨铸铁材料进行试验探讨这种金属材料各种三轴应力状态下的细观损伤破坏

    Nodular cast iron specimens with typical mesostructure are tested to study the meso damage evolution and failure mechanism at different triaxial stress states.


  • 基于加速寿命试验原理,提出了种简捷、实用金属材料抗热冲击性能快速对比试验方法

    A quick comparative test approach for the property in withstanding thermal impact of metal material is put forward.


  • 介绍了金属材料试样制备力学性能试验结果相关性

    The relativity for preparation of specimens and results of mechanical testing for metallic materials was introduced in a systematic way.


  • 介绍湿H2S环境金属材料腐蚀试验标准方法手段并重点强调了在H2S试验过程中常遇到的一些问题的处理方法

    The standards and techniques for the corrosion test of metal materials in wet H2S environment are described. The problems normally encountered in the tests and solutions are highlighted.


  • 提出采用热扭转试验模拟金属材料变形塑性变形程度晶粒大小相互关系方法

    The method of relationship between plastic deformation degree and grain size was put forward, when the thermos-deformation of metal was simulated by the thermos-torsion test.


  • 摆锤式冲击试验金属材料负荷下抵抗冲击性能进行检测仪器

    Pendulum impact testing machine is on the metal material to resist the impact of dynamic load performance testing equipment.


  • 金属材料弯曲试验锅炉压力容器制造行业进行材料检验的一项主要检查项目

    Metal material bending test is an important item when raw materials come to factory in boiler and pressure vessel manufacturing trade.


  • 金属材料管材(截面)。弯曲试验

    Metallic materials. Tube (in full section). Bend test.


  • 便携式拉压试验系统试验台上满足各种金属材料试件测试试验要求

    This kind of test system can meet the requirement of nonmetal material test in the laboratory.


  • 气体压力试验试验温度必须高于金属材料脆性转变温度。

    During the air pressure test, the test temperature shall be higher than the brittle transition temperature of the metal material.


  • 分析电子应变测量误差形成主要原因以及金属材料拉伸试验强度测试影响,介绍了引伸计使用中的一些经验和注意事项。

    The main cause of error of strain measurement using electronic extensometer and its effects on the strength measurement in tensile tests of metallic materials was analyzed.


  • 产品主要用于各种金属金属材料进行拉伸压缩弯曲剪切试验

    This product USES for primarily every kind of metals, nonmetal material proceeds to pull to stretch, compress, flection and shear to slice etc. experiment.


  • 研究结果表明准则一些试验结果吻合好,它不仅可以广泛地用于分析岩土材料复合型断裂问题,而且也可以用于金属材料的断裂分析。

    The consistence of the criterion with the test results indicates the criterion is suitable for analyzing mixed mode cracking not only of rock and soil but of metal as well.


  • 论述了用于金属材料表面热处理等离子发生器工作原理结构特点参数设计试验证明这种发生器材料的表面局部硬化非常有效。

    The working principle, structure and parameters design of plasma arc generator for heat treatment are described. Experiment has shown that it has good effect on partial surface hardening.


  • 这一观点金属材料(LY 12 CZ)的螺接试验所验证

    The view has been verified by the bolt joint tests for metallic materials (LY12CZ).


  • 采用金属材料微元屈服极限随机分布模型计算每次循环产生微观塑性应变,并与用单调拉伸试验确定材料真实断裂延性联系起来。

    Randomly distributed models of micro-plastic strains were used to calculate the micro-plastic deformation produced at each cycle of the steel under high cycle fatigue test.


  • WD - 10 A型万能材料试验XJ - 4型金属材料冲击试验测试义齿基托挠曲强度和冲击强度。

    To use WD-10A all-powerful material test machine and XJ-4 nonmetal material impact instrument to measure flexure strength and impact strength of denture base.


  • 仪器化种新兴试验方法不仅可以测量金属材料硬度可以测定金属材料的其他参数

    Instrumented indentation test is a new kind of testing method. It can determine not only the hardness but also the materials parameters of metallic materials.


  • 首先讨论了泡沫金属材料特点力学性能七种不同泡沫材料分别进行了准静态和动态压缩试验

    First the characteristics and mechanical properties of mental foams were discussed. Quasi-static and dynamic compressive tests were carried out on seven different aluminum foam materials.


  • 方法将7种常用金属材料燃烧试验燃烧检测仪器GC - MS进行定性分析

    Methods: 7 common-used nonmetal materials were burned in the combustion test box; and qualitative analysis was done by detective apparatus and GC-MS.


  • 方法将7种常用金属材料燃烧试验燃烧检测仪器GC - MS进行定性分析

    Methods: 7 common-used nonmetal materials were burned in the combustion test box; and qualitative analysis was done by detective apparatus and GC-MS.


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