• 旋转动物兔子猫和老鼠尾巴金属弹簧连接它们身体上

    The Rolling Animals are in the forms of a dog, rabbit, cat and mice, and their tails are connected to their bodies by metal springs.


  • 医生尝试使用探针进行探查,此时加菲尔德金属框架金属弹簧床上

    The doctors tried to use the probe while Garfield was lying on a bed with metal frame and metal springs!


  • 介绍了一种塑料模具,该衣夹无需金属弹簧生产该衣夹成本耐用,模具寿命长

    A kind of whole plastic clothes-pin mold is introduced, for this clothes-pin, it needs no metal spring, with low manufacture cost and long using ages, also, the mold has a long working life.


  • 是一种全塑料夹,舍弃了金属弹簧通过塑料原材料改性提高了件的耐折性能

    The peg was made of plastic and metal spring was abandoned. By altering mixture of plastic raw material, folding capability of plastic parts was improved.


  • 本机机体上下冲孔振动源、机座减震器三组部件构成,机体与机座连接由4档减震器金属弹簧对称定位

    The Machine consists of up-down stamped screen box, vibrator and shock absorber, 4-speed vibration-reducing metal spring connects body to base in symmetrical position.


  • 只要捏紧金属看着的眼睛因为这些东西没有弹簧

    Go ahead and just pinch the metal plates and watch your eyes because these things do have little springs.


  • 基本上来说包含金属丝的纤维连接弹簧上。

    Basically, you use fibers that contain two metals bonded together in a tiny spring.


  • 卷发棒的外型像是根警棒弹簧式的,一般电气石、金属钛等材料制作成的。

    The curling iron is shaped like a night stick, spring loaded and they're commonly made from tourmaline, metal or titanium.


  • 头连续敲打金属表面的方法大大地延长弹簧使用寿命

    Great improvement has been brought about in the service life of springs by hot peening.


  • 作品由瓶子珠子玻璃弹球以及弹簧连接形成钢筋金属弧线组成,它源自海洋折射太阳的深厚敬意。

    Made out of bottles, beads, marbles, spring-loaded interlocking arcs of rebar and wire, the installation emerges below in a swirling hommage to the ocean, refracted light and the sun.


  • 金属横膈膜阀门顶部作为密封一代阀门主要改进取消用于开启阀门的弹簧

    The metal diaphragms act as the seal at the top of the valve. The primary improvement in this generation of valves is the elimination of the spring used to open the valve.


  • 以上连杆弹簧皮球放置金属管内套管固定大梁两侧

    The above connecting bar springs rubber balls are all placed in metal tube casing pipes are fixed to supporting frame's two sides.


  • 膜片弹簧一张金属压力施加膜片弹簧上,会产生变形。

    The diaphragm spring is a single thin sheet of metal which yields when pressure is applied to it.


  • 蹦床一张通常帆布制的结实坚韧的床布,弹簧一起连接金属框架上,用于体操跳跃翻滚

    A strong, taut sheet, usually of canvas, attached with springs to a metal frame and used for gymnastic springing and tumbling.


  • 由于两种金属膨胀不同,当温度变化时,恒温弹簧将卷绕松开

    Because of differences in the expansion rates of the two metals, the thermostatic spring winds up or unwinds with changing temperature.


  • 平面弹簧金属模板扁平材料经过冲压,压制,或冲孔制造而成。

    A flat spring or metal form is made of flat material that has been stamped, pressed, or punched.


  • 公司主要经营螺钉螺母弹簧螺母,螺栓,垫圈金属膨胀螺丝异型冲压件,非件,五金工具

    My company mainly manages the bolt, the nut, the spring nut, the bolt, the gasket, the tooth stick, the expansion of metal screw, the heterogeneous pressing part, non-tender, hardware tool and so on.


  • 盘条金属弹簧负荷地线淬火回火规范

    Chromium - vanadium steel wire rod, wire and springs - high duty ground wire - hardened and tempered - specification.


  • 因为控制开关系统使用简单诸如弹簧金属滚珠部件,所以车辆成本减少

    Since the control switch system USES simple members such as springs and metal balls, the cost of the vehicle decreases.


  • 不锈钢、碳钢合金钢弹簧钢、铝合金铜板铝板金属板材管材

    Stainle teel, carbon steel, alloy steel, spring steel, Aluminum alloy, copper plate, Aluminum plate, gold, silver, Titanium, other metal plates and metal pipes.


  • 紧固件可以由生物适应性材料包括诸如形状记忆合金形成缝合金属线圈弹簧钩子

    The fasteners may be staples, metal loops, coils, springs or hooks formed of biocompatible materials, including shape memory alloys such as NiTi.


  • 一侧弹簧金属环状物(通常为铝),用于连接攀登系统部分

    Metal loop (usually aluminum) with a spring-loaded gate on one side used for connecting various parts of a climbing system.


  • 这种支架金属网制成,管状,和水笔中的弹簧差不多大小,可以在冠状动脉内支架一样展开

    The industry hopes to resurrect the market by rolling out next-generation versions of stents, metal-mesh tubes about the size of an ink pen spring that unfold inside coronary arteries like a scaffold.


  • 插座连接器中的一个特殊弹簧确保地线通过金属面板可靠接地

    A special spring in the receptacle connector connects the ground contact to the metal shell for reliable panel grounding.


  • 指定弹簧圈使用钢铁不锈钢黄铜其它金属来制造。

    You can specify Spring Retainers made of Steel, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Copper, Brass and other malleable metals.


  • 利用交流电桥和约弹簧组成实验装置测量金属线系数液体密度

    Coefficient of linear expansion of metal and density of liquid are measured by the experiment device which is composed of AC bridge and Joly spring balance.


  • 一侧弹簧金属环状物,用于连接攀登系统部分

    Metal loop with a spring-loaded gate on one side used for connecting various parts of a climbing system.


  • 金属—橡胶复合的轴箱弹簧主要应用于城市地铁、轻轨车、工程车等机车车辆上,具有良好的垂、横向纵向动态性能

    Conical and chevron spring with rubber-metal layer structure, was one kind of primary spring, which had better three direction dynamic property and widely used in locomotive motor.


  • 开关的结构特点是,以波导悬空金属双桥结构,并且膜桥的支撑呈折叠弹簧结构。

    The switch consists of two suspended metallic membranes supported by a serpentine flexible spring over a coplanar waveguide.


  • 开关的结构特点是,以波导悬空金属双桥结构,并且膜桥的支撑呈折叠弹簧结构。

    The switch consists of two suspended metallic membranes supported by a serpentine flexible spring over a coplanar waveguide.


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