• 实验结果表明等离子体天线可以代替金属天线用于射频通讯

    The result shows the plasma antenna can be used in radio communication instead of metal antenna.


  • iPhone4手机采取全新设计天线设在环绕手机的金属中,而不是在手机内部

    The iPhone 4 has a new design, with the antenna built into a metal band that surrounds the phone, instead of inside the device.


  • 展示中,公司金属线圈嵌入一部iPhone另一部看似大型收音机天线设备

    In WiTricity’s demo, the company embedded metal coils in an iPhone and in a secondary device that resembled a large radio antenna.


  • 毫无争议iPhone4天线金属左下角一个弱点,就在上的黑线处。

    What is not in dispute: the iPhone 4 antenna has a weak spot in the lower-left corner of the frame, marked by the black line in the frame.


  • 设计师决定环绕机身金属天线可不是消费者

    It wasn't the consumers' fault that designers decided to make the antenna out of bare metal that surrounded the case.


  • 进而结合实际天线结构,运用计算了金属大小天线阻抗方向图的影响

    Then the impacts of metal case size on the input impedances and patterns of antennas are discussed with the moment method.


  • 计算结果证明狭义广义等效辐射截面系数计算立体金属目标天线温度对比度可行的。

    The results proved that it was feasible to count the ATC of metal solid objects by using its special and general ERSC.


  • 采用矩量分析了安装金属圆柱筒上的套筒天线

    A sleeve antenna mounted on metallic cylinder is analyzed by moment method.


  • 然后针对实际应用需求设计超高频RFID金属标签天线

    Based on the analysis, two kinds of anti-metal UHF RFID tag were designed for practical application.


  • 利用频率选择表面FSS代替普通金属构成选频反射面隐身天线

    By means of frequency selective surface (FSS) instead of metallic surface, a stealthy reflector antenna with small radar cross section (RCS) is constructed.


  • 介绍碳纤维复合材料天线采用转移法进行表面金属技术

    This paper describes the technology of the carbon fiber antenna metalizing by transfer.


  • 金属不同的一旦切断电压等离子便迅速地变性气体因而天线作用也就真正地“隐形”了。

    But unlike metal, once the voltage is switched off, the plasma rapidly returns to a neutral gas, and the antenna, in effect, disappears.


  • 本文利用电磁波金属表面反射系数,推导出反射面天线表面欧姆损耗效率计算公式。

    Ohmic loss efficiencies of different high reflectivity reflector antenna metal surface are calculated at frequencies 30~300GHz.


  • 天线结构简单,除了支撑材料外,整个天线金属构成,易于满足星载的环境要求

    The antenna mainly consists of metal material which makes it easily satisfy the space environment requirement.


  • 此处采用光壁圆锥喇叭内加载一个外形渐变金属柱体来改变天线输入阻抗,调节金属柱体的尺寸包括两端的口径长度可以要求的频段得到理想的输入阻抗。

    By modeling the parameters of metal cylinder such as the diameters of both ports and the length of the metal cylinder, the demand input impedance of the conic horn can be obtained.


  • 用于材料特种金属丝网制作网状天线关键基础材料之一

    The special wire gauze used for making mesh reflector is one of the key basic material.


  • 接收机需要天线地线,地线可以金属水管(不能煤气),天线可以50英尺线挂在两个物体上

    This receiver requires an antenna and ground. The ground connection can be made to a water pipe (NOT a gas pipe!). The antenna can be a 50 foot length of wire stretched outdoors between two objects.


  • 方案采用介质微带缝隙天线形式,简便起见,简化机体表面模型倾斜放置的超大金属平面

    Planar slot antenna is proposed firstly, simplifying the surface of the airplane to be a large mental plane which inclines against the ground plane.


  • 发明公开一种宽带向吸天线,包括:用于完成移动通信系统信 号室内覆盖,包括:金属底板;

    The invention discloses an ultra-wideband omnidirectional ceiling antenna which is used for finishing the indoor signal coverage of a mobile communication system.


  • 发明公开一种宽频全向吸顶天线,包括:用于完成移动通信系统信号室内覆盖,包括:金属底板;

    The invention discloses a wideband omnidirectional ceiling antenna which is used for finishing the indoor signal coverage of a mobile communication system.


  • 芯片天线制造金属陶瓷基板的,类似的基于芯片的SAW滤波器双工器定向耦合器

    The chip antenna is fabricated with metallization of a ceramic substrate, similar to chip-based SAW filters, diplexers, or directional couplers.


  • 本文介绍了新颖天线这种天线矩形金属波导金属壁上一定的口面辐射要求开出一条连续的长槽。

    The paper introduces a novel sloted antenna which is sloted on the width side of a metallic waveguide in accordance with requirements of aperture field.


  • 使用这种金属时,即使薄形状能够保证机械强度并且金属框架(14)还能够作为天线元件进行工作。

    When a metal of these kinds is used, strength can be ensured even if the metal frame is thin, and the metal frame (14) can operates as an antenna element.


  • 数值结果表明金属厚度漏波天线波求方向影响较小,但对漏波天线辐射效率和波束宽度有明显的影响。

    Numerical results show that the effect of metallization thickness is smaller on the direction of main beam and very noticeable on the beamwidth and aperture efficiency.


  • 计算结果表明等离子天线具有与金属天线类似辐射特性并且等离子体参数变化而改变。

    It has been demonstrated that the plasma antenna can operate similar to a copper antenna, and the radiation characteristics can be varied by varying the plasma parameters.


  • 根据实测单元天线方向图,利用几何绕射理论给出金属截锥柱侧天线三维辐射有效数值分析方法

    On the basis of the experimental element pattern and GTD, an efficient numerical method for analyzing 3-D radiation field of antennas on the truncated cone-cylinder is presented.


  • 根据实测单元天线方向图,利用几何绕射理论给出金属截锥柱侧天线三维辐射有效数值分析方法

    On the basis of the experimental element pattern and GTD, an efficient numerical method for analyzing 3-D radiation field of antennas on the truncated cone-cylinder is presented.


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