• 美国约翰霍普金大学两位学者出版了一新书列举了许多事实让振奋欧洲人

    A new book* by a pair of academics from America's Johns Hopkins University finds lots of facts to cheer Europeans up.


  • 约翰斯—霍普大学神经学家已经证实了这种“错觉轮廓由一个叫做V2视觉区里的神经元处理形成的。

    Neuroscientist Rudiger von der Heydt, of Johns Hopkins University, has shown that illusory contours are processed in neurons within visual brain area called V2.


  • 罗宁刚刚完成了剑桥格利亚鲁斯金大学一年级的课程,并希望能通过船上的工作资助自己第二学习

    Mr Cronin, who has just completed his first year at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, had hoped to fund his second year of studies by working on the water.


  • 大学资助极度偏重科学家的。

    University funding was tremendously biased toward scientists.


  • 大学课程可能会有资格获得学校自行决定是否发放的助学

    You may be eligible for a discretionary grant for your university course.


  • 音乐使左右脑都更加活跃,这可以最大限度地提高学习效果,改善我们的记忆力。”美国北方中央大学教授玛莎·戈德博士说。

    "Music makes both the left and right brain more active, and this can maximize learning and improve our memory," says Dr. Masha Godkin, a professor at Northcentral University.


  • 许多大学来说成绩高分仍然重要因为它们和助学挂钩。

    Good grades and high tests scores still matter—a lotto many colleges as they award financial aid.


  • 因为多数风险都有一些机构投资者(养老大学捐赠以及“家族理财室”)作为有限合伙人加入。

    Most venture funds have some institutional investors (pension funds, university endowments, family offices) as LP's.


  • 拉斯科博士斯坦福大学任教,这个名字也是本书的名字,强烈推荐这本书。

    Dr. Luskin teaches at Stanford and this is also the name of his book that I highly recommend to you.


  • 参与调查夫妻来自美国德国西班牙日本巴西。发起调查的来自美国印第安纳大学研究所研究人员

    The survey of couples from the US, Germany, Spain, Japan and Brazil was carried out by researchers from the Kinsey Institute at America's Indiana University.


  • 我们可能会把那些有些抑郁的妈妈她们宝宝有点问题的妈妈同正常的妈妈比较她们大脑变化耶鲁大学工作这样说。

    "We could maybe compare brain changes in mothers who were depressed or had problems bonding with their infants to normal mothers," said Kim, who was at Yale University when she did the work.


  • 我们提及到这些大学会提供助学看看需要申请什么然后今天开始行动吧!

    These universities as we mentioned offer financial aid, find out what you need to apply and get started today.


  • 我们卡罗莱纳大学巴里·波普询问,到底这项研究有什么重要意义

    We also put the question of how significant the study is to Barry Popkin at the University of North Carolina.


  • 周一哥伦比亚特区大学举行小马丁·路德·诞辰纪念仪式发表讲话

    On Monday, I spoke at the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday celebration at the University of the District of Columbia.


  • 目前节省措施是通过养老时间中除去大学或者服兵役的时间推迟许多意大利人退休时间。

    The immediate savings would come from postponing the retirement of many Italians by excluding from their pension calculations time spent at university or doing military service.


  • 乔治大学基因学专家伯斯•佩什说:“与人们的普遍认识正好相反。”

    "This is contrary to what I think the common perception is," Georgetown University genetics counselor Beth Peshkin said.


  • 新南威尔士大学朱利安·先生结合数据向我们解释了这一新结论他们十分震惊

    Mr Julian King from the University of new South Wales explained how, after combining the two sets of measurements, the new result 'struck' them.


  • 一个重要发现,”美国西雅图华盛顿大学乔治·阿德斯儿科教授、医生迪米特里·克里斯塔声称。

    "This is an important finding," according to Dr. Dimitri Christakis, the George Adkins Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Washington in Seattle.


  • 为了进一步推进研究尼古拉奥克兰大学阿特一道展开调查。

    To explore that idea further, Dr Bourrat joined forces with Quentin Atkinson of the University of Auckland.


  • 知道最有名的采用积极方式阅读伟大著作,芝加哥大学校长斯。

    The most famous active reader of great books I know was President Hutchins, of the University of Chicago.


  • 不幸是,根据科学》杂志上刚刚发表堪萨斯大学尔的研究报告,情况并非如此

    Unfortunately, a study just published in Science by Donna Ginther of the University of Kansas suggests that is not true.


  • 韩国国立大学兽医教授可仁说:“我们可以说研究成果向探索人类疾病治疗方法迈进了一步。”

    "We can appraise this is a step forward" toward finding cures for human diseases, said veterinary professor Kong Il-keun at South Korea's Gyeongsang National University.


  • 霍普·约翰斯大学研究人员宣布:通过老年痴呆症患者血液中的某种脂肪水平可以预测患者丧失认知能力的速度。

    Researchers from Johns Hopkins University reported they may be able to predict how quickly patients with Alzheimer's will lose cognitive function by looking at levels of certain fats in the blood.


  • 釜山釜庆大学胜勋教授领导研究小组,他们牛蛙皮肤中分离出了一种具有抗氧化特性的生化

    A team led by Professor Kim Se-kwon of Pukyong University in Busan says it isolated a peptide with antioxidant properties from bullfrog skin.


  • 问题来自伦敦大学威尔博士

    The problem belonged to Dr. Wilkins at the University of London.


  • 小姐毕业于伊利诺伊大学通过咖啡馆图书馆打工完成学业。

    Miss Kim worked her way through the University of Illinois, taking jobs in the cafeteria and the library.


  • 由于脆弱社会保证体系以及有限助学美国大学比起其他国家的大学生,可能课外从事兼职工作

    In America, with its weak social safety net and limited student aid, students are far more likely than their counterparts in, say, France to hold part-time jobs while still attending classes.


  • 由于脆弱社会保证体系以及有限助学美国大学比起其他国家的大学生,可能课外从事兼职工作

    In America, with its weak social safety net and limited student aid, students are far more likely than their counterparts in, say, France to hold part-time jobs while still attending classes.


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