• 这种算法使用理论描述机器人运动

    This algorithm uses screw theory to describe the motion of the robot.


  • 针对这种情况,提出基于理论复杂曲面定位算法

    Furthermore, the present positioning scheme on the basis of screw theory only ADAPTS to simple surfaces.


  • 利用信息理论建立了典型地区滑坡侵蚀评价模型

    The model of quantitatively evaluating slide erosion is founded according to the information quantity theory.


  • 利用信息理论对典型区域滑坡侵蚀进行评价研究等。

    Finally, the regional slide erosion is quantitatively evaluated by method of information quantity theory.


  • 提出了一种基于理论以及可重构机器模块化设计方法

    Described a modular design procedure of reconfigurable machine, based on screw theory and graph theory.


  • 运用一种基于理论有限元方法计算分析了金属体积成形过程。

    The bulk metal forming processes are calculated and analyzed by using a multi - step finite element method (FEM) based on deformation theory of plasticity.


  • 运用一种基于量理论的多步有限元方法计算分析了金属体积成形过程

    The Research on Adaptive Reproducing Kernel Particle Method in the Metal Forming Process;


  • 结果表明,理论代替理论分析、计算拉延成形过程变形等。

    It is concluded that the total strain theory can be used as a substitute for the incremental strain theory to analyse the force and deformation in sheet metal deep-drawing process.


  • 介绍累积理论分析了提取复杂耦合信号非线性特性理论基础

    This paper introduces the higher order cumulant (HOC) and analyzes the theoretical basis on which the cumulant extracts the features of complex coupling signals and non-linearity.


  • 采用理论级数形式应力一应变曲线,导出了弹塑性强化材料旋转

    Based on the stress - strain curve uith Power series, the asymptotic nalytical solution of rotating disks uith strain-hardening is obtained from the total strain theory.


  • 利用理论指数方法求解6 -PRRS并联机构主动关节被动关节位置逆解。

    Based on screw theory and exponential product method, the inverse kinematics of the passive and active joints of the 6-prrs parallel robot was resolved.


  • 词汇附带习得投入理论认知层次加工理论对有效的词汇学习提出心理认知的具体要求。

    This paper makes an elaboration about the necessity of indirect learning of L2 vocabulary based on the theory of depths of processing proposed by Craik and Lockhart.


  • 根据光学扩展理论分析了LED选型方法总结了基于LED光纤传输照明系统设计原则要点

    LED type choosing method is analyzed according to etendue theory. Fiber transmission based on LED illumination system design principle and design key points are summarized.


  • 利用理论建立机床基本功能模块运动学表达式,基础上完成机床机械系统运动功能模块建模

    We use the screw theory to establish the basic functions of machine kinematics model. And on this basis, completing the motion module modeling of machine mechanical system.


  • 然后利用理论推导水轮机修复机器人自由度手臂动力学方程,对此专用机器人动力学进行分析

    Then use screw theory build up dynamics equation of manipulator which belong to hydraulic turbine repair robot with six degree of freedom, and carry on theory analysis to the robot.


  • 结合理论递推算子可以直接得到易于计算机编程实现的广义雅可比矩阵整个计算过程简单效率高

    Then it can avoid the analysis of the coupling between base and manipulator, so the Jacobian matrix can be achieved simple and efficiency.


  • 通过几个实例对此原因进行了比较深入剖析,基础上,提出一种基于理论消极运动判定方法,该方法无需计算运动螺旋的具体数值。

    This reason was analyzed through several examples. An identification method of inactive joints based on screw theory was given. It is unnecessary to calculate Jacobian matrixes in this method.


  • 一点很重要因为理论表明目标鱼种生物原始水平的50%左右时,渔场才能达到可收获最大可持续

    That matters because theory suggests that the maximum sustainable yield that can be cropped from a fishery comes when the biomass of a target species is about 50% of its original levels.


  • 前者食品及药物管理局称,“理论可以二恶英产生减到最低”,后者不会产生任何二恶英。

    The former can "theoretically generate dioxins at extremely low levels," as the FDA notes, while the latter doesn't produce any.


  • 对于结构为{+7}的元素,根据标准理论提出理论值,文学家们已经检测到了三分之一五分之一的存在

    As for {+ 7} Li, astronomers have measured only one-third to one-half of what the standard theory suggests should be there.


  • 公平的说,M理论的确大统一理论方面作出了重要的进步,就是它没有早期引力灾难性的无穷

    To be fair, however, m theory does take one important step toward unification by removing the infinities that plagued earlier theories of quantum gravity.


  • 接种疫苗看来合理支持的,而且认为随着这些理论建立骗局伪科学上的真相揭露接种疫苗随之而上升

    "There seems to be reasonable support for vaccination and I think this will increase with the revelation that a lot of this stuff was based on fraud or bad science," said Dr.


  • 理论掌握亚原子粒子强大的加速器作用下可以达到接近光速速度这一表现行为。相对论的公式预见核弹中质()()转换的现象。

    It governs the behaviour of subatomic particles zipping around powerful accelerators at close to the speed of light and its equations foresaw the conversion of mass into energy in nuclear bombs.


  • 7图 8 中的队列理论模型方式说明了主动计时器可如何提高应用服务器服务速率吞吐)。

    The queuing theory models in Figures 7 and 8 illustrate quantitatively how aggressive timers increase the service rate (or throughput) of the application server.


  • 显然当你分析网站访问,你就得到著名的“理论”的一个实例

    The number of visitors websites receive is clearly very much a case of the famouslong tail”.


  • 理论,几个国家可以集团方式共同持有外汇储备,这样就比各国单独持有外汇储备所需要的储备货币要少

    In theory, groups of countries could pool reserves, so that a smaller amount would suffice than if countries each maintain their own buffers.


  • 上面两个表格显示了“理论网站访问方面一个实例

    What the above charts show is very much an example of "the long tail" in terms website visitors.


  • 我们知道分布式计算理论知识通过多个计算机上分布任务不是一个中央计算机发起所有进程,我们就能提高整体吞吐

    We all know the theory of distributed computing: by dividing tasks among several computers rather than having all processes originating from one central computer, we can increase overall throughput.


  • 凸显理论相对论冲突地方之一引力常数g这个描述引力强度

    One area where the conflict between quantum theory and relativity comes to the fore is in the gravitational constant, g, the quantity that describes the strength of gravity.


  • 凸显理论相对论冲突地方之一引力常数g这个描述引力强度

    One area where the conflict between quantum theory and relativity comes to the fore is in the gravitational constant, g, the quantity that describes the strength of gravity.


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