• 量子误码率量子密钥分配系统的重要参数之一。

    Quantum bit error rate is an important operating parameter in quantum key distribution.


  • 量子密钥分配中,量子比特一个重要系统参数

    Quantum bit rate is an important operating parameter in quantum key distribution.


  • 建立一种自由空间量子密钥分配光子捕获概率理论模型

    Theoretical model of single photon acquisition probability is established for free-space quantum key distribution.


  • 如何产生高效量子信号量子密钥分配系统安全运行的关键。

    The key to a sound QKD system is how to generate highly effective quantum signal.


  • 量子密钥分配特别适合光通信环境,而且可以实现无条件安全性

    Quantum cryptograph has extraordinary adaptability to the optical communication and unconditional security which classical cryptography has been striving for.


  • 通常的量子密钥分配协议需要一个辅助经典信道来生成量子密钥

    In previous quantum key distribution protocols a auxiliary classical channel is needed.


  • 理论计算证明了量子密钥分配协议这种攻击策略具有足够安全性

    It is shown that there is still an asymptotic perfect security of quantum key distribution under this attack strategy.


  • 量子密钥分配代表量子密码术量子信息技术应用经典通信成功典范

    As the representative of quantum cryptography, the quantum key distribution (QKD) is a successful model that the quantum information technique is applied in to the conventional communications.


  • 基于量子次一量子密钥分配,提出针对经典消息高效量子签名协议

    An efficient quantum signature protocol of classical messages which was based on quantum one-time pad and quantum key distribution was presented.


  • 讨论光子大气相互作用利用量子计算语言大气信道中的量子密钥分配进行了仿真

    We discussed the interaction between a photon and the atmosphere, and simulated the quantum key distribution protocol between atmospheric channels using the quantum computation language.


  • 该文根据量子密钥分配原理提出实现对称密码体制密钥绝对保密量子密钥分配协议

    According to quantum key code distribution's principle, this paper has put forward absolutely safe protocol of quantum key code distribution for realizing the key of symmetrical cryptosystem.


  • 分析红外通信波段量子密钥分配关键器件单光子探测器进行精密温度控制必要性

    Analysis indicates the importance of precise temperature control of single-photon detector used for quantum key distribution in infrared communication wavelengths.


  • 由于单光子探测器响应速率限制目前量子密钥分配系统,限制了它的实际应用。

    Due to the limit of response speed of the present single-photon detector, the code rate is still too low to come into practical use for the present quantum key distribution (QKD) system.


  • 本文通过引入量子测量信道概念,并参照经典通信模型,首次量子密钥分配建立了通信模型。

    In this paper, by analogy to the classic communication model, and by employing notion of the measurement channel, a communication model for quantum key distribution is constructed.


  • 实验表明这样的系统工作稳定可靠偏振编码一样相位编码也用于自由空间量子密钥分配

    The set up is stable and secure and it is proved that the phase can be used as coding in the free space QKD just like the polarization.


  • 本文充分掌握量子密钥研究现状的基础上,重点针对BB 84量子密钥分配协议展开了研究。

    In this paper, the author, under the full grasp of status of quantum cryptographic key research, does research concentrating on the BB84 quantum cryptographic key distribution protocol.


  • 利用实现快速光子探测提高量子密钥分配系统促进量子密钥分配系统的实际应用

    The single-photon prompt detection can come true for high repetition-rate pulses. The applying of this detector will largely raise the code rate of the QKD, and boost the commercial use.


  • 目前量子密码通信主要应用密钥分配方面,国际上已经开发出了一些量子密钥分配方面系统产品

    Currently, quantum cryptography communication is mainly used in quantum key distribution. There are a number of systems and products about quantum key distribution.


  • 给出了经典计算机表示量子制备测量方法编制相应的程序,实现了多种量子密钥分配协议仿真

    Methods to express the preparation and measurement of quantum states on current computer and the basic algorithms for simulating the quantum key distribution protocols were given.


  • 量子通信量子信息学一个非常重要分支目前主要涉及量子隐形传态量子密集编码量子密钥分配

    Quantum communication is a very important branch of quantum information. At present, it mainly contains quantum teleportation, quantum dense coding, quantum key distribution, and so on.


  • 量子密钥分配技术信息安全最热门研究课题起源于量子力学中的测不准原理未知量子态的不可克隆定理

    Quantum key distribution technique is a popular research subject in information security field, which is based on Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and no-clone theory.


  • 自由空间量子密钥分配中,光子采用具有泊松分布高度衰减激光脉冲量子密码术协议采用BB 84B92协议。

    Highly attenuated laser pulses with Poisson distribution are used as single-photon sources and the BB84 and B92 protocols are used for free-space quantum key distribution.


  • 分析经典量子密钥分配协议——BB 84协议入手,发现了通信效率存在问题,并由此出发提出一个新的改进方案

    From analysis of the classic quantum crypt-key allotment agreement called BB84, problems existing in correspondence efficiency are discovered. A new improvement project is put forward.


  • 量子密钥分配利用量子偏振信息编码,借此完成加密工作。光量子光的微粒形态,可利用光纤Alice发送至Bob那里。

    Quantum key distribution does this by encoding the information in the polarisation states of individual photons, the particles of light, which are sent from Alice to Bob over an optical fibre.


  • 量子密钥分配利用量子偏振信息编码,借此完成加密工作。光量子光的微粒形态,可利用光纤Alice发送至Bob那里。

    Quantum key distribution does this by encoding the information in the polarisation states of individual photons, the particles of light, which are sent from Alice to Bob over an optical fibre.


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