• 超负荷一般实际重量估计不准所致,被重量越大,重物产生倾倒力矩越大。

    Overload is generally due to the actual weight of suspended goods are not allowed to be estimated, the greater the weight of the hanging object, the greater the weight of the dumping moment.


  • 甚至可以估计出,它重量,所以相当于秤

    In fact, I might even be able to estimate the weight playing the role of a bathroom scale.


  • 根据夏威夷大学科学家估计2013年初日本海啸产生的残骸碎片到达西海岸之前到达夏威夷海岸重量超过2000万

    Up to 20 million tons of tsunami debris floating from Japan could arrive on Hawaii's shores by early 2013, before reaching the West Coast, according to estimates by University of Hawaii scientists.


  • 安吉尔博士估计这个巨大遮阳天棚重量大约在20,000,000公吨

    Dr Angel estimates that the total mass of the sunshade required would be around 20m tonnes.


  • 继续大象作为单位赫穆斯·菲尔德估计片标准雷雨云——一片积雨云——任何特定时间内相当于与1,500万头大象相同重量漂浮天空中。

    Sticking with the elephant unit, Heymsfield estimated that a typical thunderstorm cloud — a cumulonimbushas 15 million elephants worth of water floating in the air at any given time.


  • 由于新的限与重量结构无关,因此可以方便估计任何线性分组码的不可错误概率

    Because new lower bounds are not relative to the weight structure of the codes, it is easy to estimate undetected error probability of various linear block codes.


  • 需要知道每瓶药品大约重量,一个估计值。我来说重要计算出大概运费。

    Do you mind tell me the approx weight of each bottle of drugs, it's very important to me and I want to get the freight according it.


  • 医生可以综合计算孩子腹部股骨估计你孩子的重量同时可以提前发现问题

    Your doctor can combine measurements of the baby's head, abdomen, and femur to estimate baby's weight and catch any problems before they become serious.


  • 假如空运货物不能邮包重量收费的话,快递公司估计早就赔到姥姥家了。

    If air courier charges were not based on the weight of the parcel, express delivery companies would be losing their shirts.


  • 估计英国蜘蛛年里所消灭昆虫重量超过这个国家人口的重量

    It has been estimated that the weight of all the insects destroyed by spiders in Britain in one year would be greater than the total weight of all the human beings in the country.


  • 他们了解到,使用激光熔化塑料打印机消耗估计50至100电能注射成型使相同重量目的

    They learned that 3D printers that use heat or a laser to melt plastic consumed an estimated 50 to 100 times more electrical energy than injection molding to make an object of the same weight.


  • 估计英国蜘蛛年里所消灭昆虫重量超过这个国家人口的重量

    It has been estimated that the weight of all the insects destroyed by spiders in Britain in one year would be greater than the total weight of all the human beings in the country.


  • 图纸显示估计供应商提供实际重量

    Weights shown on the drawing are estimated , supplier shall confirm actual weight.


  • 但是估计英国蜘蛛吃掉昆虫重量英国全国所有人重量之和更重。

    It has been estimated that the weight of all the insects destroyed by spiders in Britain in one year would be greater than the total weight of all the hunman beings in the country.


  • Burenheide博士使用药物计算重量可以说重量估计重量规模体重理想体重体重调整

    The weight to use for medication calculations could be stated weight, estimated weight, scale weight, ideal weight or adjusted body weight, Dr. Burenheide said.


  • Burenheide博士使用药物计算重量可以说重量估计重量规模体重理想体重体重调整

    The weight to use for medication calculations could be stated weight, estimated weight, scale weight, ideal weight or adjusted body weight, Dr. Burenheide said.


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