• 区域各国采取以证据为基础严格分析办法决定哪些干预措施适合国家卫生需求,这也是一种同样重要保障措施

    An equally important safeguard is the rigorous, analytical, and evidence-based way that countries in this region decide which interventions are appropriate to national health needs.


  • 特别是应用作为一项重要保障措施

    Of particular interest is its application as an important security measure.


  • 探寻强制证人出庭作证规则及其相关保障措施提高证人出庭对于强化庭审功能有着重要意义。

    It's of great significance to analyze the rule and relevant guarantee measures, to improve the appearing in court rate of witness so as to strengthen court's trial function.


  • 结论CVVH中应用肝素抗凝技术同样高效稳定安全对于高危出血患者保障CVVH治疗持续进行重要措施

    Conclusion Anticoagulation without heparin is high efficient, stable and safe. It is an important measure to ensure CVVH continuously for patients with high risk of bleeding.


  • 继电保护自动装置电网安全稳定运行可靠供电重要保障措施

    Relay protection and auto mechanism are the important ensure measures for reliable supply and stably running power grid.


  • 电气接地保障电气系统正常运行设备安全重要措施

    Electrical earthing is an important measure to ensure the normal operation and equipment safety.


  • 合同能源管理是以市场机制为基础的节能新机制也是我国建设资源节约型社会重要保障措施

    Contracting energy sources management is a new energy-saving mechanism based on market mechanism, and it is also a very important action to construct a resource-saving society.


  • 管道输油生产过程中,设备维修保障设备安全运行重要措施

    During the operation of oil pipeline transportation, equipment maintenance is an important measure to ensure the safe operation of equipment.


  • 认为规定规范建设主体交易行为保障工程质量安全重要措施应当严格遵守执行

    Points out that the provision is an important measure to regulate the construction activities to ensure project quality and safety, it should be strictly observed and implemented.


  • 不安抗辩权制度便是其中一项保障经济交易合同安全履行重要法律措施

    The disturbed defense system of the right is one of a contract to protect the economic security of transactions performed an important legal measures.


  • WTO保障措施重要作用正日益受到各国的高度重视

    The important function of WTO's safeguard measure is thought highly of by more and more countries.


  • 至关重要是,我们正在这项工作构建强大系统性架构。这一系统性架构拥有项强大的保障措施

    But crucially we are creating a strong and systematic framework for this work, with strong safeguards, with five safeguards.


  • 住房保障配套制度解决城市低收入阶层住房问题保持社会稳定重要措施

    Housing security policy is playing an important role to resolve the housing issues of lower income families and keep stability of society.


  • 清创后应用有效抗生素预防伤口感染保障伤口愈合重要措施

    Using sufficient and effective antibiotics was an important method to prevent the infection of the wound and ensure the wound healing.


  • 城市规划行政城市规划决策措施得以正确实施重要保障

    Urban planning administration is an important guarantee for the implementation of urban planning decision-making.


  • 保障措施制度世界贸易组织法律规则至关重要一项例外制度。

    The safeguard measure system is an important exception system in the laws and regulations of the WTO.


  • 金属矿山实行安全管理确保安全生产重要措施合理的安全管理体系是矿山安全管理的根本保障

    The implementation of safety management in metallic mine is an important method to guarantee safety in production, while reasonable safety management system is basic for mine safety management.


  • 本文分析交通战备运输保障工作重要提出加强军交运输后备保障工作的措施

    The paper analyses the importance of transportation guarantee work of traffic combat readiness and proposes some measures on strengthening reserve guarantee work.


  • 对此,我国现有两个重要课题急需解决如何有效防止我国的出口产品遭受选择性保障措施限制

    Now, our country has two important issues need to be solved :one is how to avoid China's products being limited by selective safeguard measures effectively;


  • 结果说明,水土保持措施防治点源污染保护水源水质保障饮水安全重要手段

    The research results indicated: soil and water conservation measures are important means to control nonpoint source contamination, protect water source quality and ensure drinking water security.


  • 作为主要防洪工程措施之一水库对保证国民经济稳定增长保障人民生命财产安全和社会的安定发挥了重要作用

    As one of the main structural flood control measures, reservoir plays an important role in national economic development and social stability.


  • 水土保持措施防治点源污染保护水源水质保障饮水安全重要手段

    Soil and water conservation measures are an important means to control nonpoint source pollution, protect water source quality and ensure drinking water security.


  • 因此增强政策预见性完善社会保障制度措施对化解居民收支风险具有重要作用

    Therefore, enhancing the predictability of economic policy and building up a perfect social security system will play critical role in risk sharing of the households.


  • 公路车辆限速确保公路交通安全保障公路畅通以及提高公路通行效率重要措施

    To limit the speed of automobiles on the highway is an important measure to ensure the traffic safety, to guarantee the clearness of the road and to improve the traffic efficiency.


  • 车辆轮尺寸参数踏面缺陷检测保障车辆运行安全重要措施

    The measuring of geometrical profile and tread defects of wheel set is an important step for the safety of vehicle running.


  • 飞行人员健康疗养飞行人员疗养种类型,其不仅空军卫勤保障的一项重要内容是加强航空兵建设重要措施

    Aircrew's furlough at sanatorium is not only an important content of air force medical service, but also an important measure to promote air force development.


  • 只有各项措施实现才能提高设备使用经济效益,对于降低运行成本保障运行安全和延长设备使用寿命等都具有重要意义。

    Only these measures can improve the equipment used to realize the economic benefits, and it is very important to lowering operating costs, operational safety and extend the life of equipment.


  • 刑事强制措施制度是刑事诉讼制度重要组成部分,是刑事诉讼保障体系,是实现刑事诉讼目的的重要手段。

    As an important part of criminal lawsuit system, the criminal coercive measures system is to ensure the criminal lawsuit and realize the purpose of criminal lawsuit.


  • 公务员激励机制是公务员人才队伍管理重要措施手段,是激励广大公务员实现共同行政目标重要保障

    Civil servants stimulation mechanism will play an important role in civil servants personnel management and ensure civil servants to realize their common administrative goals.


  • 公务员激励机制是公务员人才队伍管理重要措施手段,是激励广大公务员实现共同行政目标重要保障

    Civil servants stimulation mechanism will play an important role in civil servants personnel management and ensure civil servants to realize their common administrative goals.


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