• CSCS多见于慢性消耗性疾病急性重症疾病患者

    The CSCS frequently occurs in patients with consumptive or critical diseases.


  • 所以预防应激性溃疡发生控制消化道出血重症疾病预后不可忽视的意义。

    Consequently, To prevent the occurrence of SU and control upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage is meaningful for prognosis of critical disease.


  • 重点奥司他扎那米使用问题,预防重症疾病死亡降低住院必要性缩短住院时间。

    Emphasis was placed on the use of oseltamivir and zanamivir to prevent severe illness and deaths, reduce the need for hospitalization, and reduce the duration of hospital stays.


  • 关于Hib研究发现表明,2000年全球Hib导致大约810万起重症疾病的发生371.000名儿童死亡

    Findings from the Hib study indicate that in 2000, Hib caused approximately 8.1 million serious illnesses worldwide and caused 371,000 child deaths.


  • 关于Hib研究发现表明,2000年全球Hib导致大约810万起重症疾病的发生371.000名儿童死亡

    Findings from the Hib study indicate that in 2000, Hib caused approximately 8.1 million serious illnesses worldwide and caused 371, 000 child deaths.


  • 但是这些疾病需要早期检测治疗使它的严重后果最小化对患有重症疾病需要适宜的长期照料帮助

    But these diseases also need to be detected and treated early to minimize their consequences, and those who have an advanced disease will need decent long term care and support.


  • 慈善机构ClicSargent通过份名为《不仅仅是疾病报告提出,应对癌症患儿以及其他重症疾病患儿的医疗服务进行调整和改善。

    More Than My Illness, a report from the charity Clic Sargent, recommends an overhaul of services for children with cancer and other complex health needs.


  • 重症无力乙酰胆碱受体抗体介导细胞免疫依赖补体参与的自身免疫性疾病

    Myasthenia gravis(MG) is an autoimmune disease which choline receptor antibody mediates, cell immunity depends on and addiment participates.


  • 这些病人而言重症肺炎通常其他器官衰竭或者原有哮喘慢性阻塞性呼吸道疾病的急剧恶化相关

    In these patients, severe pneumonia is often associated with failure of other organs, or marked worsening of underlying asthma or chronic obstructive airway disease.


  • 虽然已知一些基础性疾病(妊娠)患者面临的风险更高但是许多重症病例发生以往健康年轻人身上。

    While people with certain underlying medical conditions, including pregnancy, are known to be at increased risk, many severe cases occur in previously healthy young people.


  • 韩国疾病控制预防中心表示所有患者均转送首尔一家医院的重症监护室内接受治疗

    The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said all patients have been transferred to a hospital in the country's capital city of Seoul, and are receiving treatment in intensive care.


  • 根据乌克兰卫生部报告,该国现已记录了25万流感样疾病病例,其中235名患者需要重症监护。

    According to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the country has now recorded more than 250 000 cases of influenza-like illness, with 235 patients requiring intensive care.


  • 流行疫情就是新的传染性疾病爆发会导致以上地理区内进行人与人之前的广泛传染

    A pandemic is an outbreak of a new infectious disease, which causes serious illness and spreads widely from person to person across more than one geographical region.


  • 黄热病一种极其危险疾病重症患者的死亡率最高可达50%。

    Yellow fever is a particularly dangerous disease which kills up to 50% of those with severe illness.


  • 组织建议,针对患有重症或者病情出现恶化患儿以及存在罹患更为严重疾病或者病情出现恶化风险患儿,应迅速给予抗病毒治疗

    WHO recommends prompt antiviral treatment for children with severe or deteriorating illness, and those at risk of more severe or complicated illness.


  • 野生动物有些重症传染病免疫力然而人类极易遭受这些疾病的侵袭。

    Wild animals are immune to some severe infectious diseases, whereas human beings are easily attacked by them.


  • 方法总结150例重症呼吸道疾病患者预防吸的护理经验发生误吸的护理方法

    Method Nursing experience in preventing misinhalation for 150 severe respiratory disease patients and nursing measures after misinhalation were summarized.


  • 结果原发疾病主要为结缔组织大疱性皮肤病重症药疹死亡原因主要严重感染器官功能衰竭

    Results The primary diseases were connective tissue diseases, bullous dermatoses, and severe drug eruption, and the predominant causes of death were severe infection and multiple organ failure.


  • 结论胆囊造瘘术在重症胆道疾病抢救生命一种有用治疗方法

    Conclusion Cholecystostomy is still an useful life saving procedure for treating the severe infected biliary disease.


  • 目的评价罗培南治疗重症血液系统疾病合并感染时临床疗效安全性

    Object To evaluate the clinical effectiveness and safety of meropenem in the treatment of severe blood system diseases complicated with infections.


  • 然而老年发生重症无力,一般被认为免疫介导疾病

    However, when myasthenia gravis occurs in older dogs it is thought of as an immune-mediated disease.


  • 急性重症胰腺炎(SAP)一种急性全身消耗性疾病病死率

    Severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) is a acute severe wasting disease of all over the body with high mortality.


  • 作者认为热毒清细胞保护作用应用重症感染性疾病提供新的理论依据

    We believe that the protective effect of "re Du Qing" on cells provides a new theoretic basis for its use in the treatment of severe septic diseases.


  • 结论加强重症监护病房医院感染高危疾病监控采取相应预防措施,从而控制减少感染的发生。

    CONCLUSIONS to emphasize on the strictly control of ICU, hospital infections and high risk disease, and to adopt certain preventive measures are the ways to control and decrease hospital infections.


  • 重症急性胰腺炎涉及多个脏器全身性疾病引起机体代谢改变影响病人营养状况

    Severe acute pancreatitis is a systemic disease and often involved with multiple organs, which often induce the metabolic changes of the body and influence the nutritional state of patients.


  • 目的了解不同基础疾病发生重症肺炎病原体构成抗菌药物敏感性差异

    OBJECTIVE to analyze the pathogens of severe pneumonia induced by different underlying diseases in (hospital) and to evaluate the difference of the pathogens to antimicrobial susceptibility test.


  • 重症无力一种神经肌肉疾病主要症状犬只全身虚弱

    Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular disease where the primary symptom is weakness in various body parts of the dog.


  • 结果使用IVIG的患者重症肌无力疾病严重程度评分14出现有意义改善,并持续改善至28天。

    RESULTS: In IVIG-treated patients, a clinically meaningful improvement in QMG Score for Disease Severity was observed at day 14 and persisted at day 28.


  • 结果使用IVIG的患者重症肌无力疾病严重程度评分14出现有意义改善,并持续改善至28天。

    RESULTS: In IVIG-treated patients, a clinically meaningful improvement in QMG Score for Disease Severity was observed at day 14 and persisted at day 28.


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