• 知道需要重新证明自己

    I know I have to prove myself.


  • 科洛·图雷禁赛半年之后还得重新证明自己

    Kolo toure is trying to re-establish himself after his six-month ban.


  • 如果他们提供证据可信请求他们重新证明

    If they do not offer credible evidence, call them on that.


  • 他们希望离开冠军联赛十二欧洲重新证明他们自己的能力。

    They want to prove their quality in Europe twelve years after their last appearance in the Champions League.


  • 现在觉得自己必须重新证明自己,向大家展示自己有资格为曼联踢球。

    Now I feel like I have to prove myself all over again, and show everybody I'm capable of being a United player.


  • 必须这些糟糕年头重新证明自己但是现在感觉良好,要在下个赛季尽好自己的本分

    I've got something to prove after the couple of years I've had, but I feel good and I'm really looking forward to playing my part next season.


  • 本周末阿森纳做客布莱克本特拉福德仅有20英里左右距离,温格希望球队能够重新证明自己实力

    Arsenal go back on the road this weekend to face Blackburn - just 20 miles or so up the road from Old Trafford - and Wenger wants his team to rediscover their reputation.


  • 尽管如此,人们腰围重新关注意味着行业集团面临着压力需要证明产品不但美味,而且健康

    Nonetheless, the renewed focus on waistlines means that industry groups are under pressure to demonstrate their products are healthy as well as tasty.


  • 人们腰围重新关注意味着行业组织面临着压力证明产品健康又美味

    The renewed focus on waistlines means that industry groups are under pressure to demonstrate their products are healthy as well as tasty.


  • 如果父母愿意重新协商,可以通过你的行为证明你有成熟度相匹配责任感加快这个过程

    If your parents are reluctant to renegotiate, you can speed the process along by letting your behavior show that you have the responsibility that goes with maturity.


  • 芭拉·哈格蒂新书重新设想生活》中写道:“事实上,除了几十年前进行些小规模试点研究外几乎没有确凿证据证明中年危机存在。”

    "In fact, there is almost no hard evidence for midlife crisis other than a few small pilot studies conducted decades ago," Barbara Hagerty writes in her new book, Life Reimagined.


  • 这场变革一些世界上最大科技公司不得不重新设计他们的手机而且证明只要有条件,用户他们的手机打电话信息多得多的事情。

    It has sent some of the largest technology companies in the world back to the drawing board and proved that, given the opportunity, people will do far more with a phone than make calls and send texts.


  • 我们创造重新发明大量新旧烟道式呆板遗留系统方面几十年拼搏足以证明这项任务非常不易

    This is not an easy task, as demonstrated by our decades of struggling to create and reinvent numerous old and new, stove-piped rigid legacy systems.


  • 在最初这个映像不必生产服务器最新完整映像:这时只是证明能够一个云中重新创建原来云中的服务器。

    Initially, this image need not be the latest complete image of a production server: you are just trying to prove that you can re-create a server from one cloud in another cloud's location.


  • 对于伊梅尔特,想要重新公众信心最好方法便是证明GE能够迅速走出困境。

    The best way for him to rebuild confidence in his leadership will be to demonstrate that GE can bounce back quickly from its woes.


  • 最佳实践人们应该能够重新使用已被证明的结论来使问题重现,提供解决方案其他人重新利用。

    Best practices: people should be able to reuse proven solutions to recurring problems, and also provide solutions for others to reuse.


  • 建模最佳实践人们应该能够重新使用已被证明的结论来使问题重现,提供解决方案其他人重新利用。

    Models best practices: People should be able to reuse proven solutions to recurring problems and provide solutions for others to reuse.


  • 发表力学理论时,重新使用基本的代数方法进行证明

    When he published his theories of mechanics, he recalculated them using the older, clunkier methods of al-Khwarizmi and his successors.


  • 然后以下脚本重新打开数据库证明所有完好地存储

    And then this script will re-open the database and demonstrate that all of the values were stored intact.


  • 重新确认这些存在很重要,所以我们支持这些图片证明他们存在事实。这些人,他们最基本的权力,特别是他们的生存权,被忽视了。

    It is necessary to reaffirm that these peoples exist, so we support the use of images that prove these facts.


  • 事实证明重新安置1400万居民、1000多个被洪水侵没城镇村庄费用昂贵极具争议性。

    But it has proved expensive and controversial due to the rehousing of 1.4 million people and the flooding of more than 1,000 towns and villages.


  • 月刊编辑刊登了一系列林肯AnnRutledge之间情书(据称重新发现的),而最终被证明它不过是精心设计骗局

    The Atlantic's editors published a series based on supposedly rediscovered love letters between Lincoln and Ann Rutledge, only to realize over time that they had fallen victim to an elaborate hoax.


  • 重新灌录过去伟大钢琴家的唱片,更加证明浪漫派的演奏听起来宛如一个世纪以前不是年老体弱的尼莱吉哈奇表现出来的那样。

    Newly remastered recordings of great pianists of the past have increasingly demonstrated what Romantic playing sounded like a century ago, and it is not what the fragile and aged Nyiregyhazi mustered.


  • 废水浇灌田里这些经过土壤过滤重新流回当地水系这已经被证明非常合理的污水净化方法

    Spreading wastewater over fields, and allowing it to leach back through the soil into local waterways, turns out to be a reasonable way to purify it.


  • 顺序排好菌株基因研究人员实验室重新构建了把它与猪相接触证明菌株会蔓延的,但只有轻微毒性

    Having sequenced the new strain's genes, the researchers recreated it in a laboratory and exposed it to pigs. The strain proved contagious but only mildly virulent.


  • 但是归根结底,也许索尼重新注意力集中客户身上会被证明关键的。

    But in the end, it is likely to be Sony's renewed attention to the customer that proves most crucial.


  • 但是归根结底,也许索尼重新注意力集中客户身上会被证明关键的。

    But in the end, it is likely to be Sony's renewed attention to the customer that proves most crucial.


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