• 如果父母愿意重新协商可以通过你的行为证明你有成熟度相匹配责任感加快这个过程

    If your parents are reluctant to renegotiate, you can speed the process along by letting your behavior show that you have the responsibility that goes with maturity.


  • 首相巴罗第一次尝试电讯传媒重新协商税收条款

    The prime minister first tried to renegotiate the tax clauses with Telemedia.


  • 高中教育阶段之后有关费用双方日后重新协商

    After high school stage of education, the costs related to the two sides to renegotiate the future.


  • 有效期2月10日,超过此期限条件价格重新协商

    This offer remains open until 10th February, beyond which date the terms and prices should be negotiated anew.


  • 所以RBSLBG重新协商减少其参与计划保险成本资产金额。

    So RBS and LBG want to renegotiate to reduce the cost of the insurance and the volume of assets they place into the scheme.


  • 第一袭击信息披露后,韦里孙表示可能重新协商交易条款

    Verizon said that it might seek to renegotiate the terms of the transaction after the first hacking was disclosed.


  • 奥巴马认为贸易协定只是为了帮助富人而非普通美国人,因此敦促重新协商多项协议。

    Obama argues that trade agreements have been written to help the wealthy, not average Americans, and has urged that a number of them be renegotiated.


  • 陪审团支持花旗集团,Hands要么重新协商如何支付欠款,要么失去百代唱片公司的商标。

    The jury ruled in favour of Citi, leaving Mr Hands to renegotiate debt payments or lose the label.


  • 协议结束续签协议条款双方重新协商同意后补充另外三年条款。

    The term of this agreement shall be renegotiated and agreed by mutual discussion for additional renewal of this agreement for additional three(3) years after the first three(3) years expired.


  • 协议有效期内,经双方协商一致,就有关条款或未尽事宜重新协商,签订补充合同。

    Within the effective time of the agreement, the agreement can be supplemented and modified with the consensus of both parties through consultation.


  • 更改模拟测试成为协调程序团队提供程序团队以及其他协调程序提供团队之间重新协商

    The changed mocks and tests become a point of renegotiation between the coordinator team, the provider teams, and other coordinator teams.


  • 与此相反,40%保守党候选人希望在从根本上重新协商英国成员国地位干脆退出之间选择一个。

    By contrast 40% of Tory candidates favour either "fundamental" renegotiation of Britain's membership or withdrawal.


  • 服务端可能要求连接重新协商,这要发送一个不成功连接响应,并握手消息建议连。

    Servers may also request connection renegotiation by sending an unsuccessful connect response with advice to reconnect with a handshake message.


  • 原材料价格波动调整,汇率变动,产品市场价格变化超过一定限度双方产品价格重新协商

    Both parties will re-negotiate the price BCS of the raw material price fluctuating exchange rate alternating and market price exceeding certain range.


  • 如果适用法律判定协议一条多条规定不可执行的,双方同意基于诚信善意原则重新协商规定

    If one or more provisions of this Agreement are held to be unenforceable under applicable law, the parties agree to renegotiate such provision in good faith.


  • 英国首相卡梅伦已经表示如果保守党赢得五月选举寻求欧盟英国和欧盟的关系重新协商

    British Prime Minister David Cameron has said he would seek to renegotiate Britain's relationship with the E. U. if his Conservative Party wins elections in May.


  • 如果卖方对于索赔内容任何异议,卖方有权接到买方索赔文件2个星期之内提出重新协商要求

    If the saler has any objection about the terms of the claims, he has the right to require the buyer to consult and discuss again in two weeks after he receive the claims documents.


  • 昔日不曾妥协俄国公司欧洲买家们重新协商合同,这份长达3年的“危机时期”合约,应许了最高达15%的现金优惠。

    The normally intractable Russian company renegotiated contracts with European customers for a three-year "crisis period" to allow up to 15% of gas to be priced on cheaper spot terms.


  • 尽管没有得到升职但是,通过重新协商工作任务得到了调整,感到非常开心,对发生的事情有把握力了。

    She didn't get the promotion, but she did renegotiate her job duties, which made her feel happier and more in control of the situation.


  • 另外需要重新协商谷歌2006年达成给予谷歌新闻集团旗下社交网站MySpace独家文字广告刊登协议

    What is more, he needs to renegotiate the deal that gave Google the exclusive right to place contextual advertisements on MySpace, a social network owned by News Corp, back in 2006.


  • 值得指出的是,即使没有有效的SSL重新协商攻击者仍然可以使用THC - SSL - DOS成功攻入服务器

    It's worth pointing out that even without SSL renegotiation enabled, attackers can still use THC-SSL-DOS successfully against servers.


  • 而且许多类型债券不同,房地产看作对冲通胀的利器,因为可以承租者重新协商租赁协议,以此反映上涨的物价

    And unlike many types of bonds, property is seen as a useful hedge against inflation because rental agreements can be renegotiated with tenants to reflect rising prices.


  • 借款人说服银行降低借贷合同订立的条款-----他们会借助一些适当收据,确保出现危机情况时,发行者能回到谈判桌前,就第一次签订条款的问题重新协商

    For the first time, borrowers have also convinced banks to relax terms on covenants—the checks in place to make sure the issuer comes back to the table at the first sign of distress.


  • 因为这些理由郑仁哲说,这项协定重新进行协商

    For these reasons, Jung says he wants to renegotiate the agreement.


  • 因为这些理由郑仁哲说,这项协定重新进行协商

    For these reasons, Jung says he wants to renegotiate the agreement.


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