• 这些公司经济重大影响力

    These firms are regarded as the engine room of the economy.


  • 共同控制受共同重大影响力人士被视为有关人士。

    Parties are also considered to be related if they are subject to common control or common significant influence.


  • 中国网络媒体已经成为传统媒体一样重大影响力的新兴媒体。

    In China, Web media have become very important, just as traditional media.


  • 他们已经工资学习技术员工雇佣几个领域有了重大影响力

    They are thought to have a huge effect on several areas including payroll, learning technology, and employee engagement.


  • 集团只能合营企业行使重大影响力合营企业会列为联营公司。

    If the Group is only be able to exercise significant influence over the joint venture, such joint venture is accounted for as an associate.


  • 虽然苏联解体以后俄罗斯整体实力下降,但它依然世界上重大影响力国家。

    Although the whole strength is descend after the disaggregation of Soviet Union, Russia is still an important force in the world.


  • 公司公益项目选择上,选择项目应该受到社会广泛关注重大影响力热点问题

    Project selection in public, we should choose the project should be a subject of concern to society as a whole, have a significant influence on the hot issues;


  • 随着水星进入星盘权力辖区段好的时期与对你的心或者你的银根状况重大影响力交谈

    As Mercury moves into your chart's power sector, this is a great time for talking with anyone who has a big impact on your heart or your bank balance.


  • 美国经济比重依然很大不足以使华盛顿亚洲重大影响力因为美国商业行为自身的繁荣力量至关重要。

    S. economic weight remains massive, but it does not provide Washington with much clout in Asia, because America's commercial dealings there are central to its own prosperity and power.


  • 最具影响力气候变化报告的作者斯特议员强调了肉类生产温室气体排放重大影响

    The man behind one of the most influential reports on climate change, Lord Stern, has highlighted the impact meat production has on greenhouse gas emissions.


  • 影响力远远超过公共卫生部门一些领域,越来越多的专家分析人员发现,当今国际体系存在一些重大失误

    More and more, experts and analysts in sectors with far more clout than public health are coming to terms with some failures in the international systems that govern the way this world works.


  • 这部重大影响著作中,墨菲博士博大精深、源远流长的励志名言可靠的以科学为本的分析相结合,我们说明了潜意识影响力

    In this seminal work, Dr Murphy combines time-honored spiritual wisdom with solid science-based analyses to explain the influence of subconscious mind.


  • 女孩家庭有着巨大的影响力这种影响力家庭遭遇诸如夫妻离异这样的重大变故后,会尤为明显地体现出来。

    They said the influence of girls was particularly important after distressing family events such as marital break-ups.


  • 向《本周杂志解释说:“只有除了人名那个人一无所知的情况下,名字才会产生重大影响力。”

    He explained to the Week: 'Names only have a significant influence when that is the only thing you know about the person.


  • 不管怎样,“追求”此书作为世界重大能源需求困境综合指南一部大师级著作影响力不可小觑。

    That aside, "the Quest" is a masterly piece of work and, as a comprehensive guide to the world's great energy needs and dilemmas, it will be hard to beat.


  • 指出国际交流项目意义重大通过去年尝试摸索已经形成一定规模影响力

    He pointed out that the significance of international exchange programs, through last year's attempt and exploration, has formed a certain scale and influence.


  • 随之发生就是相当的一段时间内具有相当影响力某些重大问题的认识将会得到改善

    What then happens is that within a fairly short period of time, the way a group of very influential people think about something important is changed for the better.


  • 2006年以来,美国美孚国际石油集团一直加拿大新兴生物燃料行业有着重大影响力

    Since 2006, American mobiloil group has been making a significant impact in Canada's emerging biofuels industry.


  • 因而快速准确地报道重大突发性灾难事件,既是新闻媒介报道竞争力基本标志之一也是提高主流媒体影响力重要方面

    Then that how to report the incident fast and accurate is one of the basic signs of competitiveness, and it is the important respect of improving the major media's influence power too.


  • 通过最近调查一些研究者发现这些影响力的人并不像普遍认为的那样都社会流行重大作用。事实上,他们并不需要。

    In their recent work, however, some researchers have come up with the finding that influentials have far less impact on social epidemics than is generally supposed.


  • 伊拉克拥有丰富石油资源,石油工业发展潜力巨大世界石油市场有着重大影响力

    With the abundant petroleum resources, Iraq boasts a great potential in development of petroleum industry. It thereby exerts an important significance on the global petroleum market.


  • 螺纹瓶盖迄今尚未法国形成重大影响美国影响力也极为有限。即便螺纹瓶盖19世纪末纽约发明的,塑料瓶塞在美国的使用更加广泛

    The screwcap has yet to make a serious impact in France and hardly any in the us, where plastic corks are much more popular, even though the screwcap was invented in New York in the late 19th century.


  • 但是,五年计划一个高度健全精细规划工具指导经济决策具有重大影响力

    Still, it is a well-established, highly detailed planning tool with tremendous impact in guiding economic decision-making.


  • 2008年四月份发生重大事件中,网络舆论产生了强大的影响力值得我们进行总结和思考。

    The big events in April 2008 was greatly influenced by Internet public opinions, which deserve careful academic attention.


  • 2008年四月份发生重大事件中,网络舆论产生了强大的影响力值得我们进行总结和思考。

    The big events in April 2008 was greatly influenced by Internet public opinions, which deserve careful academic attention.


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