• 的确如是很多甚至不肯坦率地谈论他们重听事实

    Indeed, many people do not even openly discuss the fact that they are hard of hearing.


  • 很多人否认他们重听事实有些则是简单地感觉到他们正在丧失听力。

    Many deny the fact that they are hard of hearing, and some simply are unaware that they are missing things.


  • 这项研究也许聋人重听人带来唇读训练方法

    It is hoped this research might lead to novel methods of lip-reading training for the deaf and hard of hearing.


  • 他们面临一个年长重听不会面临的冲突我们至少必须知道是否这些孩子们提供他们所需要支持

    They face a conflict which older hard of hearing people do not have, one which must be at least be acknowledged if we are to provide these children with the support they need.


  • 我们SHHH经验证明,在重听自己的听力损失采取行动之前,一般都常常会多方面试探一个重听人联络

    Our experience at SHHH has demonstrated that it often takes multiple "hits" or contacts with a hard of hearing person before they take action about their hearing loss.


  • 重听录音并且识别语音声调表达的意思。

    Listen to the recordings and identify what your voice tone communicates.


  • 第二老师讲课当作复习,着还不算很理解重点难点,笔记

    The next day the teacher as a review, listen to not understand the difficult, and remember well should take notes.


  • SHHH致力于以及他们家庭成员提供信息帮助使重听过上丰富多彩有理想有抱负生活

    SHHH dedicates itself to providing hard of hearing people and their families with information and support enabling people to live productive and fulfilling lives.


  • 重听个人自尊受到伤害,阻止他们潜能在在生活中充分发挥。

    The individuals sense of self-esteem suffers, and he or she is prevented from living their life to full potential.


  • 获得重听关注。让重听知道某人正在说话非常重要

    Get the person's attention. It is very important that the hard of hearing person knows that somebody is talking to him or her.


  • 相信我们应该支持正面的有积极意义新闻报导各个年龄段的重听的故事,来说明通过技术对策可以帮助人们过上正常的、丰富多彩的生活

    I believe we should encourage positive news stories about people of all ages demonstrating that technology and other strategies can help people live normal, productive lives.


  • 面对面说,以确保容易看到。你的脸部表情嘴唇动作重听非常重要

    Talk face to face ensuring that your face is easy to see. Facial expressions and lip movements are very important for the hard of hearing person.


  • 那么回到那位年轻女性请求重听文化访谈节目中上镜这件事上来。

    So, to return to the young woman's request to appear in the film about a hard of hearing culture.


  • 重听孩子更是这样因为他们同样地面临选择他们听力身份

    It is more so for hard of hearing children since they are also confronted with the choice of their hearing identity as well.


  • 换言之重听并非仅仅是较少一些耳聋表现而是有着自己权利主张的残疾群体。

    Hard of hearing, in other words, is not some lesser manifestation of "deaf", but a disability entity in its own right.


  • 方面重听组织作用许多一般社会团体(不是全部的)。

    In this respect, organizations of hard of hearing people function much like many, but not all, support groups in general.


  • 虽然左耳重听极为严重,这套软体仍然大显神通。

    My hearing is severely reduced in my left ear, but the software worked despite this problem.


  • 三个重听很严重的朋友街角碰面。

    Three rather deaf friends met on a street corner.


  • 研究探讨耳机叠加分离法传送信号知觉特点

    The perception features of double auditory signal transmitted by headphone with overlap method and separate method are discussed in this paper.


  • 论文目的讨论重听的”个体社会身份(特性)”,而不是聋人,(不管是语前还是语后聋)。

    The purpose of my paper, however, is to discuss "The Personal and Social Identity" of hard of hearing people and not Deaf people, either prelingually or post-lingually deafened.


  • 追求国际联合会相同目标属于国际重听者联合会的附属机构,国际的,各国地区组织

    International, national and regional organisations that pursue the same aims as IFHOH and do not belong to an umbrella organisation affiliated to IFHOH.


  • 听说能力相辅相成关系密切英语听力教学技能综合培养具有极其重要的作用。

    Lisening and speaking ability are related closely. There is a great importance for teachers to develop students' comprehensive listening and speaking ability in listening course.


  • 不仅仅经济问题如果经济唯一影响因素那么发达国家使用助听器重听人数应当更多。

    It is not just a matter of economics. If this were the only factor, then most hard of hearing people in the developed countries would be using amplification.


  • 噪声环境工作超过10男人中,损失的比例3.8于工作于非噪声环境中的男人。

    In the group of men with more than 10 years of work experience in noisy workplaces, severe hearing problems are 3.8 times more prevalent than among men who never work in noisy surroundings.


  • 认为我们应该模式这个模式借着社团内部互相影响从而覆盖扩大传统利益

    I think we need another model for hard of hearing people, one that overlaps and extends the traditional benefits of support group interactions.


  • 有些重听常常多年后才承认问题他们自己耳朵上不是出在别人嘴上

    Often, it may be years before some hard of hearing people acknowledge that the problem resides in their ears and not in the mouths of other people.


  • 有些重听常常多年后才承认问题他们自己耳朵上不是出在别人嘴上

    Often, it may be years before some hard of hearing people acknowledge that the problem resides in their ears and not in the mouths of other people.


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