• 1862年二月,美国北军将领攸里西斯·格兰特多纳·尔森战役取胜

    In February 1862, Union general Ulysses Grant led his troops to victory at the Battle of Fort Donelson.


  • 现在,摆在面前埃及冥王奥里西斯小型描漆木质雕像,只有,它被摆放展厅第一个房间的玻璃橱窗

    The statue in front of me is a small painted wooden figure of the god Osiris, just over half a metre high, in a glass case in one of the first rooms of this engrossing exhibition.


  • 克莱姆森大学心理学辛西娅·普认为,派勒斯的故事证明一点勇气并非来自无畏而是来自道德义务

    According to Cynthia Pury, a psychologist at Clemson University, Pedeleose's story proves the point that courage is not motivated by fearlessness, but by moral obligation.


  • 1800年代末意大利雅斯特,名叫西格蒙德·弗洛伊德医科学生受命研究雄性鳗鱼睾丸。他假设鳗鱼睾丸体腔内结成的白质

    In the late 1800s in Trieste, Italy, a medical student named Sigmund Freud was assigned to investigate the testes of the male eel, postulated to be loops of white matter festooning the body cavity.


  • 年前开始互联网上酌字酌句解释迄今为止英语文学晦涩难懂,令人费解作品之一- - -詹姆斯·乔伊斯的《尤利西斯》。

    A year ago he set out to explain one of the most daunting books in the English language-james Joyce's "Ulysses" -line by line on the Internet.


  • 第二夏天弗朗西斯一个婴儿顿,但是没到年底去世了。

    In the summer of the next year, Frances gives birth to a child, Hareton, but she dies before the year is out.


  • 声称文斯希拉名下的一套公寓谋杀的,尸体后来转移到了马西公园

    He claimed that Vince had been murdered in an apartment Hillary owned, and that his body had been moved to Fort Marcy Park.


  • 以后艾伦凯西荒野中看到了希斯·,希斯·克她们呼啸山庄林顿

    Three years later, Ellen and Cathy are on the moors when they meet Heathcliff who takes them to Wuthering Heights to see Linton and Hareton.


  • 曼城官方并不愿意此次的收购多加评论大家都愿意相信克利西的转会一定成功,在他们带回合同回去之前

    City officials are not willing to comment on the approach at this time, but it is believed Clichy's transfer will be wrapped up before they press home the Nasri deal.


  • 扮演了位理想爱人,马可·达西——和奥斯汀那部名著电影角色同名格兰特一个花花公子丹尼尔·克利弗,也是他本人形象的写照

    As Mark Darcy, Firth played an illusive dreamboat named after his own television triumph as Austen's hero; Grant's portrayal of the caddish Daniel Cleaver was an amused nod at his own popular persona.


  • 德国海德尔堡马普学会天文研究所的天文学家西奥·西斯特纳斯,这项研究精致”。

    The new study "is a nice piece of work," says Mauricio Cisternas, an astronomer at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany.


  • 西斯高地被巨大的沟壑包围,这种辐射状地貌蔓延数百称为槽沟

    Tharsis is surrounded by Titanic gouges in the landscape radiating outwards for hundreds of miles, known as fossae.


  • 人们允许复制首乐曲因为应该西斯教堂演奏

    You're not supposed to copy this piece because it's supposed to be only performed in the Sistine Chapel.


  • 斯蒂娜·玛莎·斯图尔特艾丽西娅·凯斯自从几年她们PETA点名后,就再也没穿过皮草

    Christina Ricci, Martha Stewart and Alicia Keys have said they've given up wearing fur since being singled out by PETA in previous years.


  • 多数正常人”则对弗朗西斯过失更为友善看法打算糖果送给格洛东西自己时,无法抗拒自己享用诱惑

    Most normal people would take a kinder view of Frances's failings: she intended to give the candy to Gloria but when it was actually in her hands, the temptation to eat it herself became overwhelming.


  • 我们正在召集所有的人帮忙西比奥公路停运”威廉姆斯想大约有100英长。

    "We're calling everyone in to help shut down the freeway from Scipio to Beaver." That's an almost 100-mile stretch, thought McWilliams.


  • 阿尔塔米拉洞穴岩石多彩大厅顶板装饰可与旧石器时代的西斯教堂相比拟。

    Rocky Polychrome Hall in Altamira Cave has been compared to a Paleolithic Sistine Chapel because of its decorated ceiling.


  • 石油生产公司建立,汉特曼西斯克人这样帐篷

    The Khanty and Mansi had lived in such tents before oil producing companies were established here.


  • 在汉普特斯西斯公园,容易忘记距离繁华伦敦市中心有

    It's easy to forget you're just four miles from the hustle and bustle of central London on Hampstead Heath.


  • 编者按·克西斯。贝卢瓦德克萨斯州奥斯丁法国人。

    Editor's note: Alexis DE Belloy is a Frenchman who lives and works in Austin, Texas.


  • 希斯·允许林顿吃药,然后死掉了不久之后试图笑凯西成为朋友因为之前被哈冷淡过,她依然很冷漠。

    Heathcliff does not allow Linton any medical help and he dies. Later on, Hareton tries to start a friendship with Cathy but, because of his previous neglect, remains aloof.


  • 星期五,美国职业棒球大联盟克克来夫地美国领头职业棒球队的主场揭幕战开始时,底特律老虎球迷●克弗朗西斯头上戴着一个老虎玩具

    Detroit Tigers fan Rick Francis wears a tiger toy on his head before the start of their MLB home opener against the Cleveland Indians in Detroit, Mich., on Friday.


  • 艾伦呼啸山庄探望新德门口遇到了顿,让吃惊的是在西斯·的教导新德变得满嘴脏话粗俗不已。

    Ellen walks to Wuthering Heights to see Hindley but she meets Hareton at the gate who has become coarse and foul-mouthed under Heathcliff's tutorage.


  • 总部位于华盛顿特区美国宇航局召开的新闻发布会上斯坦福大学物理学家弗郎西斯·埃弗特说:“爱因斯坦的理论终于得以存在!”

    "Einstein survives!" said Francis Everitt, a physicist at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, who reported the results at a press conference at NASA headquarters in Washington, d.c!


  • 因为喝醉了酒,新德回到家把楼梯上扔了下来,孩子西斯·了下来。

    In a drunken state, Hindley returns and drops Hareton from the landing; the child is saved by Heathcliff.


  • ·德尔密斯耶·瑞西两人担任戴蒙德曾监管投资银行部门联席总裁。

    Jerry del Missier and Rich Ricci will become co-CEOs of the investment banking unit that Diamond oversaw.


  • ·德尔密斯耶·瑞西两人担任戴蒙德曾监管投资银行部门联席总裁。

    Jerry del Missier and Rich Ricci will become co-CEOs of the investment banking unit that Diamond oversaw.


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