• 壁炉的你们可以找到一个值四十个苏的银币,是七年前抢了瑞尔的。

    You will find at my house, among the ashes in the fireplace, the forty-sou piece which I stole, seven years ago, from little Gervais.


  • 苏尔大使:“记得上高中时候三个,我参加第一反对种族隔离的游行因为学校糟糕了。”

    "I remember when I went to high school, within the first three months, I was involved in my first march against apartheid because the school was so bad," says Rasool.


  • 海滨城市之间苏尔海湾,两城相距将近500

    The two coastal cities are nearly 500 kilometers apart across the Gulf of Sirte.


  • 那么就是学生苏斯迈尔一起完成的他最后音乐了,别沉浸于忧郁心情让我们聆听下路易斯·阿姆斯特朗的音乐,来领着我们下课吧,好吗。

    So that's the last music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and his pupil, Suessmayr, and — not to leave you in a somber moodlet's listen to Louis Armstrong as we go out. Okay?


  • 瀑布下山谷很多摄影点,站在其中一点极目西南俯瞰古兹·伯径流出,直抵苏必利尔湖

    A valley below the falls has many photo ops, a trail along its southwest side overlooks the Gooseberry River, and at the end of the valley, you reach Lake Superior.


  • 一些容易成为校园笑柄英国过去一个世纪下降75%,这些姓氏包括考克夏特、鲍尔、戴斯和苏佛尔鲍特姆。

    The number of people in Britain with surnames like Cockshott, Balls, Death and Shufflebottom-- likely the source of schoolroom laughter--has declined by up to 75 percent in the last century.


  • 阿莫·特斯学院认知科学家马修·苏尔坎德提出音乐旋律我们的大脑记忆有着独特位置

    Music and melody seem to have a unique place in memory, Amherst College cognitive scientist Matthew Schulkind suggests.


  • 来自澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学达伦·伯克丹尼尔·苏科·沃斯基做了一项实验,要求志愿者电脑合成3d模特各个面部姿态打分。

    Darren Burke and Danielle Sulikowski of the University of Newcastle in Australia asked volunteers to rate computer-generated, 3d models in various facial positions.


  • 也是苏尔、班尼瓦以及其它全国过渡委员会控制之外地区民众一定在期盼过渡委员会及其支持者将会遵守一个承诺

    It's a promise that the people of Sirte, Bani Walid and other areas beyond the NTC's control must hope the council and its supporters will keep.


  • 塑造大师内•开始相信绝地大师科尔·天行者,那个一起实施奥苏斯工程的,如此命名的工程发起人,被云-内舍尔慈祥地注视着。

    Master Shaper Nei Rin came to believe that the Jedi Master Kol Skywalker, with whom she worked alongside on the Ossus Project, as the initiative was named, was looked kindly upon by Yun-Ne 'shel.


  • 效忠利比亚罢黜领导人卡扎菲的战斗人员星期天继续保卫他们在班尼瓦苏尔特的据点,而他们的前反叛对手还努力取得进展

    Fighters loyal to Libya's ousted leader Moammar Gadhafi continued Sunday to defend their strongholds of Bani Walid and Sirte, as their former rebel opponents struggle to gain ground.


  • 在其它地区,在苏尔特以南支持卡扎菲战士继续控制沙漠城镇班尼瓦大部分地段,但是报导全国过渡委员会的战斗人员控制了班尼瓦机场

    Elsewhere, south of Sirte, pro-Gadhafi fighters continued to hold most of the desert town of Bani Walid, but NTC combatants were reported to have taken its airport.


  • 一个名叫苏迪尔纳拉延水中瑜伽学员说:“希查图尔维迪老师的职业律师的水中瑜伽做得很棒。”

    "Pandit Harish Chaturvediji is a lawyer by profession but he is very good at performing yoga in water," said Sudhir Narayan, a water yoga student.


  • 尔·达星期四飞抵南部苏库评估洪灾造成损失救灾努力。

    Mr. Zardari flew to the southern city of Sukkur on Thursday to assess the damage and the relief operation.


  • 激烈战斗席卷卡扎菲在班尼瓦据点。班尼瓦位于苏尔南方沙漠

    Bitter fighting also engulfed the Gadhafi stronghold of Bani Walid, in the desert south of Sirte.


  • 小时候苏西都纽约埃尔迈拉以东山上农场度过夏天其他季节则位于哈特福德度过。

    Childhood of Susy Clemens the summer seasons of Susy's childhood were spent at Quarry Farm on the hills east of Elmira, New York, the other seasons of the year at the home in Hartford.


  • 加布埃尔斯西芭到苔丝安琪,再裘德,哈代小说中的主要农民人物形象不断变化

    Ranging from Gabriel, Bathsheba, Tess and Angel to Jude and Sue, the images of the main farmer characters are largely different.


  • 款卡本纳-苏维主要来自于拉佩尔山谷的优良葡萄园这些葡萄园以出产柔软而带甜味红酒闻名

    The Cabernet Sauvignon is predominantly sourced from selected vineyards in the Rapel Valley, which is renowned for its ability to produce soft sweet red wines.


  • 巴苏未来计划包括兰比尔·卡普尔乔普拉和一个浪漫的基肖尔·马布·库马尔传记电影

    Basu's future projects include a romantic movie with Ranbir Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra and a biopic on Kishore Kumar.


  • 关闭了,可以找到酒店3高尔夫球场:“拉斯维加斯美洲500距离,“高尔夫阿德赫”2外,“高尔夫戴尔·苏尔15的距离。

    Close by, you can find 3 golf courses: "Las Americas" just 500 meters distance from the hotel, "golf Adeje" 2 km away and "golf del Sur" at 15 km distance.


  • 反对派势力控制艾季达比耶(Ajdabiya)镇,苏尔推进80

    Our opposition forces are in control of Ajdabiya and have pushed west to within 80 miles of Sirte.


  • 由于旅行数千寻找能与厮守一生人,他认识此事的反讽意味:克莱尔伦敦·贝尔格拉维亚区的写字楼工作苏活区相隔

    Given that he has travelled many thousands of miles in search of lasting love, the irony has not escaped him that Claire works in 9 Belgravia, just a few miles from Soho.


  • 由于旅行数千寻找能与厮守一生人,他认识此事的反讽意味:克莱尔伦敦·贝尔格拉维亚区的写字楼工作苏活区相隔

    Given that he has travelled many thousands of miles in search of lasting love, the irony has not escaped him that Claire works in 9 Belgravia, just a few miles from Soho.


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