• 新的欧洲研究中心设在教授所有欧洲语言的大学合适。

    It is fitting that the new centre for European studies should be in a university that teaches every European language.


  • 有一个研究中心经理现在领导CDO所有中心,但当时他们送给了沙发

    One of the center managers, now I lead all the centers in the CDO, they gave me couch.


  • 美国马拉松一个海豚研究中心的海豚池子游泳时候等待喂食已经适应了这儿的环境

    Marathon, US: a dolphin at the dolphin Research Centre waits to be fed fish while swimming in a pen, as he acclimates to his new surroundings after being found.


  • 悉尼大学美国研究中心杰夫·加雷特认为,今年美国大选人们记忆中过去历届美国大选重要。

    Geoffrey Garrett, the head of the U.S. Studies Centre at the University of Sydney, thinks this presidential election matters more than most others in recent memory.


  • 社会事务研究中心主任凯特·福克斯说:“手机短信好比潜意识地带这个特殊的区域正常的社会法则不起作用了。”

    "It ACTS as a kind of subliminal zone, an exclusive forum where the normal social rules are suspended," said Kate Fox, director of the social Issues Research Centre.


  • 作者简介:丹妮尔·佩尔·耶鲁大学儿童研究中心社会神经系统学研究用电生理学方法研究孤独症

    About the Author: Danielle Perszyk is a social neuroscience researcher at the Yale Child Study Center, where she studies autism using electrophysiological methods.


  • 空气接近裂缝的时候速度会越来越快,杰弗·兰迪斯,他是美国宇航局克利夫兰·研究中心物理学家。

    But air picks up speed as it approaches a fissure, said Geoffrey Landis, a physicist at NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland.


  • 克.纳尔逊供职于一家名为战略国际问题研究中心智囊团,他说:“战术决定应当对战略目的有损害

    Rick Nelson of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a think-tank, says “tactical decisions must not undermine strategic objectives.


  • 过去一年环境署许多模拟气候趋势研究中心预测结果集合在一起

    Over the past year, Unep has pulled together projections from a number of research centres that model climate trends.


  • 但是位于海德堡德国癌症研究中心安德亚·阿尔提耶同事经过研究得出的结论。

    But that is the conclusion of a study conducted by Andrea Altieri and his colleagues at the German Cancer Research Centre, in Heidelberg.


  • 地质学家分析以后请教几千以外的开发地区研究数据运用科技研究中心世界各地现场联系在一起。

    Geologists analyzing that data can then consult with drill sites thousands of miles away, using technology that links the research center to platforms around the world.


  • 亚特兰大市大学基斯国家灵长动物研究中心弗兰斯·瓦尔强有力地证明在进化史上,笑声密切相关。

    It gives strong evidence that ape and human laughter are related through evolution, said Frans DE Waal of the Yerkes National Primate Research Center at Emory University in Atlanta.


  • 芬兰森林研究中心.斯达克证明了威尔斯观点,完全在土壤水平

    Sari Stark of the Finnish Forest Research Institute proves Wells' contention, right down to the soil level.


  • 位于新德国家植物基因研究中心科学家们可食用苋菜中取出一种基因移植几种商业种植的土豆变种

    Scientists at the New Delhi-based National Institute of Plant Genome Research took a gene from the edible amaranth plant and introduced the gene to seven commercial varieties of potatoes.


  • 皮尤研究中心调查结果显示,将近三分之二知道金其人美国人表示他们不会投票

    Nearly two out of three who told Pew they had heard of Mr Gingrich said there was no chance they would vote for him.


  • 关于种族阶级普通中等入学考试成绩研究明天送往沃大学英国教育研究中心会议

    The study - Ethnicity and class: GCSE performance - will be presented to the British Educational Research Association conference at Warwick University tomorrow.


  • 妇女媒体研究中心研究研究人员史黛西.

    In a piece on the study for the Women's Media Center, the researchers for that study, Stacy L.


  • 供职巴黎政策研究中心的记者蒂埃·达斯阿德(Thierry Dussard )说:“就银行一样,《世界报死不了,即使公司完全破产了,《世界报》还是法国最好报纸。”

    Like a bank, it’s too big to fail, ” said Thierry Dussard, a journalistwho teaches at the Institut d’Études Politiques in Paris. “Despite allits failings, it remains the best French newspaper.”


  • ·希克曼卡尔本代尔伊利诺伊大学杜威研究中心主管

    Larry Hickman is the director of the Center for Dewey studies at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.


  • 研究中心医院设在达卡市,每年收容不明“流感”住院的病人,使得有些必须医院走道或外头的帐篷接受诊疗。

    The center's hospital in Dhaka admitted so many patients with unspecified "intestinal" flu annually that some had to be cared for in hallways and in tents outside.


  • 涵盖BP石油墨西哥海湾石油泄漏,坐落于国际鸟类救援研究中心伯拉斯,路易斯安那州,2010年6月6日笼子

    A laughing gull, covered in oil from BP's Gulf of Mexico oil spill, sits in a cage at the International Bird Rescue Research Center in Buras, Louisiana, June 6, 2010.


  • 根据美国皮尤研究中心数据,在所年份,72%互联网用户自已曾网上搜索过健康信息

    According to data from the Pew Research Center, 72 percent of Internet users say they turn to the Web for health information in a given year.


  • 2017年110日,中国中部湖北省神农架大龙潭金丝猴研究中心,金丝猴们树林玩耍

    Golden monkeys play in the woods at Dalongtan Golden monkey Research Center in Shennongjia, Central China's Hubei province, Jan 10, 2017.


  • 研究中心的医院设在达卡市,每年收容不明“流感”住院的病人,使得有些必须医院走道或外头的帐篷接受诊疗。

    Dhaka admitted so many patients with unspecified "intestinal" flu annually that some had to be cared for in hallways and in tents outside.


  • 国际鸟类救援研究中心工作人员正在检查旧金山抢救出小鸟,一货轮因事故湾内泄露了上千加仑原油

    A worker at the International bird rescue Research Center examines a bird rescued from SAN Francisco Bay after a cargo ship disgorged thousands of gallons of oil into the water.


  • 国际鸟类救援研究中心工作人员正在检查旧金山抢救出小鸟,一货轮因事故湾内泄露了上千加仑原油

    A worker at the International bird rescue Research Center examines a bird rescued from SAN Francisco Bay after a cargo ship disgorged thousands of gallons of oil into the water.


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