• 然后这些经过干燥机,干燥机温度非常

    After that it goes through the dryers, which are at a very high temperature.


  • 动物饲养管理中,动物饲养环境温度湿度控制是和产出量环环相扣

    When feeding animals, the control of temperature and humidity in the environment links its quantity of production.


  • 英国研究人员禽流感可能人类没有威胁因为我们鼻子里温度病毒没法繁殖

    Bird flu may not have become the threat to humans that some predicted because our noses are too cold for the virus to thrive, UK researchers say.


  • 一方面,低温压缩空气热交换温度得到回升使排气管道外壁不致温度而出现结露现象

    On the other hand, cryogenic compressed air in the heat exchanger temperature rise, so that the exhaust pipe is not caused by low temperature and dewing phenomenon.


  • 这个理论就是地球火星大气层足够温室气体帮助提升温度从而弥补早期的太阳提供较低热量

    The idea was that trapped greenhouse gases in the atmospheres of Earth and Mars might have caused temperatures to raise enough to compensate for the low heat the young Sun provided.


  • 农舍电脑正在检查温度土壤有机物质的含量

    The computer in the farmhouse is checking the temperature, the water and the level of organic material in the soil.


  • 常见的做法落叶放在一个漏斗之上的筛子通常一定温度进行

    This is most commonly done by placing leaf litter on a screen over a large funnel, often under some heat.


  • 温度例子它们两个都不是线性的。

    In the case of temperature, they're both, neither one is linear.


  • 太阳系测量温度最低的地方月球上。

    The lowest temperature ever measured in the solar system was on the Moon.


  • 标本储藏巨大金属档案柜,并放置可控温度房间中,远离潮湿阳光

    The specimens are stored in temperature-controlled rooms, in giant metal filing cabinets, away from moisture and sunlight.


  • 生活凉爽气候物种相比热带物种所承受温度范围其实很小

    Compared to those in cooler climates, tropical species can cope with only a narrow temperature range.


  • 其他宠物必须作为行李托运或是放在货舱内——货舱黑,温度变化很大,而且有时还会有危险

    Others must travel as checked bags or in the cargo hold -- a dark and sometimes dangerous place where temperatures can vary wildly.


  • 一般来说只要停电超过几个小时并且冰箱温度仍然保持40以下,冰箱食品都是安全的。

    Generally, food in the refrigerator is safe as long as the power is out no more than a few hours and the temperature in the refrigerator remains at 40 degrees farenheit or below.


  • 维·图斯他们一直老鼠,从霉变水管泄漏,火烧水淹抢救过去海洋温度测量数据

    Levitus says old ocean temperature measurements have been snatched from the jaws of mice, and saved from mildew, leaky pipes, fires and flood.


  • 一过程是个巨大冰箱使得第二筒仓氩气砂砾温度骤减至零下160摄氏度

    This process acts like a giant refrigerator, causing the gas (and rock) temperature inside the second chamber to drop to -160C.


  • 即使循环利用垃圾分类垃圾可以燃烧温度精确地与其匹配,从而最低程度降低二恶英,使垃圾焚烧厂的燃烧过程更加清洁

    Even when not recycled, sorted trash is easier for incinerators to burn cleanly, because the temperature in the furnace can be adjusted more precisely to minimize the formation of dioxin.


  • 耳理论中为了让地狱温度压力保持相同,灵魂物质体积比例需要保持稳定

    Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the ratio of the mass of the souls and volume needs to stay constant.


  • 夏季温度超过100度时这个美丽地方用来免受炽烈亚利桑那太阳暴晒理想场所

    When the hot temperatures can climb well above a hundred degrees in the summer, this beautiful landmark is the perfect spot to find some relief from the blazing Arizona sun.


  • 依照GISS数据过去30全球平均温度十年上升0.2摄氏度

    According to GISS data, during the past three decades, there has been an upward trend in world average temperatures of about 0.2 degrees Celsius per decade.


  • 忽略温度依赖关系,它从积分提出来

    Ignore the temperature dependence and take it outside of the integral.


  • 这块无云天空地表温度上升、失去水分,从而造成地面上的物质越变越热愈加干燥降雨机会却丝毫增加

    Under cloudless skies the surface heats and gives up its moisture, making things at ground level hotter and drier while not increasing the chances of rain.


  • 实际上晴朗宁静日子山谷中的温度低。

    But on clear, calm days, it can actually be colder in the valleys.


  • 过去25海洋温度已经上升1更多南部外来物种进入北海水域

    Sea temperatures have risen by 1c in the past 25 years and more exotic southern species have entered North Sea waters.


  • 也许长远看来气候变化得到控制但是可以预见将来温度的水银柱还持续升高人类尽力共存。

    Maybe in the long run it will be brought under control. For the foreseeable future, though, the mercury will continue to rise, and the human race must live with the problem as best it can.


  • 另一个作用保持水箱温度,防止热量全部散发大气

    It will also help maintain heat in the tank versus it all venting out to the atmosphere.


  • 温度三个红色气泡角落水盆龙头放出的水像眼泪一样滴滴答答手机充一下电,电源插口先是吱吱作响,随后即刻了电。

    The thermometer had three red bubbles, the tap in the corner sink dribbled tearfully, and, when I tried to recharge my phone, the socket just sizzled and promptly cut out.


  • 温度水银柱降到了底端

    The mercury seems painted to the bottom of the thermometer.


  • NASA于本周二首次公布全球此项研究受气候变化影响过去25地球最大湖泊温度已经上升。

    The Earth's largest lakes have warmed up over the past 25 years in response to climate change, NASA said Tuesday, announcing the first such global study of its kind.


  • NASA于本周二首次公布全球此项研究受气候变化影响过去25地球最大湖泊温度已经上升。

    The Earth's largest lakes have warmed up over the past 25 years in response to climate change, NASA said Tuesday, announcing the first such global study of its kind.


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