• 里法特·侯赛因印度拒绝巴基斯坦援助

    He also says India itself has declined Pakistani assistance in the past.


  • 约克莫克的一所音乐学校8年级的莎拉·帕·斯沃尼表示:“我们不住在冰房子穿科尔joik(一种萨米人的唱歌方式,据说欧洲古老的音乐形式)。

    We don’t live in igloos, wear kolts or sing joiks (the old Sami singing style, which is said to be the oldest musical form in Europe).


  • 一阵和风把带到空中他们只有解放自己进入永恒才能领悟到无限幸福冲入云宵。

    A breeze came and lifted Ole and Trufa in the air and they soared with the bliss known only by those who have freed themselves and have joined with eternity.


  • 他们可以以下目的地进行一次虚拟徒步观光旅行伦敦加的夫贝尔爱丁堡以及南安普敦阿伯丁斯托尔

    They will be able to take a virtual walking tour of destinations such as London, Cardiff, Belfast and Edinburgh, and from Southampton to Aberdeen, Bristol to Norwich.


  • 另外这一可以帮助搞清安德标本骨头碎片残存DNA片段

    What is more, the method can make sense of the short fragments of DNA that are all that remain in the crumbling bones of a Neanderthal specimen.


  • 地下墓穴考古负责人奇奥·比斯肯蒂描述了星期二发现·克拉墓穴壁画

    Catacomb archaeological superintendent Fabrizio Bisconti describes frescoes found in the Santa Tecla catacombs on Tuesday.


  • 调查是什么原因导致这场灾难的过程中,调查人员将焦点放在名利比亚,即阿卜杜拉·巴塞··格·拉希阿明·哈里法·费希迈的身上。

    During the inquiry into what caused the disaster, investigators focused on two Libyan agents, Abdel Basset ali al-Megrahi and Lamin Khalifah Fhimah.


  • 艘轮船首次航行百年周年纪念——2012年4月10日——给了巴尼分享漂浮宫殿贝尔骄傲炫耀一个世界人民的眼中重新定义自己的都城。

    The centennial of her maiden voyage-april 10 2012-gives Barney the chance to share Belfast's pride in the "floating palace" and show off a capital that is redefining itself in the eyes of the world.


  • 艘轮船首次航行百年周年纪念——2012年4月10日——给了巴尼分享漂浮宫殿贝尔骄傲炫耀一个世界人民的眼中重新定义自己的都城。

    The centennial of her maiden voyage-april 10, 2012-gives Barney the chance to share Belfast's pride in the "floating palace" and show off a capital that is redefining itself in the eyes of the world.


  • 利米纳,离贝尔30

    Ballymena. Thirty miles from Belfast.


  • 大家都知道喜欢DNA,做梦都想着哪一天的DNA搁在高脚杯像品葡萄酒一样喝掉,不过千万不要心脏的主意

    We know you love Cesc's DNA, and long to slurp it up from ornate goblets, but please do not mention it, his head or his heart.


  • 曼人里法

    Then Eliphaz the Themanite answered, and said.


  • 可是甚至话都没能说完立就视线消逝了。地上其它落叶混杂一起,孤伶伶地留在了树上

    But before she could even finish, Ole vanished from sight. He blended in with the other leaves on the ground, and Trufa was left all alone on the tree.


  • 可是甚至话都没能说完立就视野消失了。地上其它落叶混合一起,孤伶伶地留在了树上

    But before she could even finish, Ole vanished from sight. He blended in with the other leaves on the ground, and Trufa was left all alone on the tree.


  • 范佩西回归显然阿森纳进攻增加了一些东西荷兰球星布雷加斯萨谬尔纳斯以及西奥·沃尔之间默契已经做到了很多

    The return of Van Persie has certainly added something to Arsenal's attacking play and much has been made of the understanding between the Dutch star, Fabregas, Samir Nasri and Theo Walcott.


  • 减肥食谱数不清:葡萄柚减肥食谱、普节食减肥金斯饮食

    There is an endless number of diets-the grapefruit diet, the Pritikin diet, and the Atkins diet.


  • 曼联队友奥。费迪南德这个贝尔男孩继续进步成为北爱队长

    Reds team-mate Rio Ferdinand has tipped the Belfast boy to go on and captain Northern Ireland;


  • 研究所与内国际学院VIA)——相邻岗位印度马哈拉施省(stateof Maharashtra)的一个小镇伊格德布Igatpuri),孟买136

    The VRI is adjacent to the Vipassana International Academy (VIA), known as Dhamma Giri located in Igatpuri, a small town about 136 km from Mumbai in the state of Maharashtra, India.


  • 2000年夏天大卫两个星期所有努力毁于一旦,而阿拉法特重新安上妖魔的帽子。

    Yet it took only two weeks at Camp David in the summer of 2000 to wreck all the progress that had been made and for Arafat to regain the pariah status he once held.


  • 说完这些几个一直害怕的事发生了?一阵风从细枝上拉扯了奥立。

    And just as Ole spoke these words, that which Trufa had feared all these months happened-a wind came up and tore Ole loose from the twig.


  • 我们罗西基沃尔克布雷加斯纳斯阿尔沙文范佩西,他们都是创造力球员

    But we have enough players offensively, we are not in the search in this department. We have Rosicky, Walcott, Fabregas, Nasri, Arshavin, van Persie, all creative players.


  • 我们罗西基沃尔克布雷加斯纳斯阿尔沙文范佩西,他们都是创造力球员

    But we have enough players offensively, we are not in the search in this department. We have Rosicky, Walcott, Fabregas, Nasri, Arshavin, van Persie, all creative players.


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